
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 447

Chapter 447 A Different Sea Restaurant

"It's a lot more flying with Lion Fruit, but it's not so comfortable to sail at sea."

After leaving Logue town, Thousand Sunny flew in the sky not long before returning to the sea.

Although flying in the air is much faster than sailing on the sea, the two returned to their hometown of East Blue after all, so there is no need to fly in the sky all the time.

Before leaving from Logue town, I just flew out of the sky to avoid trouble.

"After all, it is really convenient to fly in the air, you don't have to worry about obstacles or anything, the only weather issue you need to worry about is not a problem for you.

"Hey, we've arrived at the restaurant on the sea, do you want to go and have a look?"

Hearing Luffy's compliment, Nami smiled, and then saw a strange ship floating on the sea in the distance, and asked Luffy.

"Go, you've come anyway, so let's have a look.

Immediately, Nami controlled Thousand Sunny to adjust its direction and drove towards the strange and conspicuous ship.

"Hey, is there Marine here? 35

Approaching Barraty, Nami saw a warship parked on the other side of Barraty.

However, I have seen Marine's warships during the Summit War, and the warship in front of me doesn't seem to be worth mentioning in terms of size or firepower.

"Merry, Thousand Sunny will be handed over to you."

Luffy said to the empty Thousand Sunny, and got off the boat 010 with Nami.

As they got closer, Luffy and Nami noticed that the ship seemed to be being refitted and not yet finished.

The appearance has changed a lot from before, and, especially the entrance, is actually the appearance of Sanji's bounty.

"Is this Sanji?"

Looking at the familiar entrance, Nami couldn't help asking curiously.

I don't know how Sanji would have reacted if Sanji knew that the people in the restaurant on the sea had remodeled Baratti to look like the bounty he hated the most.

It is estimated that I would like to tear down this entrance? After all, this is the appearance of others.

""Welcome, please… guest… guest…"

Familiar hunk. Still looking like a philistine, he rubbed his hands to lead Luffy and Nami into the restaurant.

However, when he saw the appearance of the person who came, he stammered when he said it, and at the end he couldn't even speak.


While the big chef Paddy was still in a daze, the guests in the restaurant also noticed Luffy and Nami who came in.

"Am I dreaming?"

Some guests wiped their eyes in disbelief.

"Why are they here? Shouldn't they be heading to the New World at this time?"

Like the folks in Logue town, the guests here never expected to see Luffy and Nami here.

"Straw Hat Boy, Flying Witch!

After a short period of disbelief, there was a commotion in the restaurant.

Although East Blue has a big pirate, for some of them, it's something to celebrate.

But when it came time to face them, they didn't have the courage to face Luffy and the others.

After all, pirates don't care if you come from the same place or not, and they won't treat you like you are from East Blue.


At this time, Paddy, who was frozen in place, reacted, and then he let out a somewhat uncertain cry.

"it's me."

Luffy looked at these people with some amusement. It had only been a few months, and he had become a legend in the eyes of others.

When you appear in front of these people, it will also cause these people to exclaim and disbelieve.

At this time, Marine, who was sitting in the most conspicuous place in the restaurant, suddenly quietly stood up from his seat, as if he wanted to leave secretly.

"Tekken Hobody?"

Luffy looked with interest at Marine, who was sweating coldly after he appeared, and when he called out his name, he froze there.

Cold sweat kept coming from Hobodi's head, but at this moment he didn't dare to move.

The news of the Summit War has not been quiet, or it is now (beeg) the news is the most powerful time to ferment.

As one of the protagonists, the straw hat boy Luffy, it is no exaggeration to say that everyone knows everyone.

"This guy Hobodi actually has today?"

Although the surrounding guests were a little afraid of Luffy and Nami's appearance, they were more interested in Hobodi's performance at this time.

Although these people are not pirates, but Nei is less ridiculed by this guy. Now that he is so afraid of a person, he naturally feels relieved.

"After all, the man opposite is already called the emperor of the sea!"

It's just an ordinary Marine captain, and he doesn't even have a soldier by his side. This kind of performance can only be said to be normal.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm not here to trouble you, and similarly, you don't want to trouble me, how?"

It's easy to deal with people like Hobodi, but it's unnecessary to kill people here, and this guy didn't provoke him, so there's no need to leave him to kill him casually.

"Straw hat boy, I didn't expect you to come back so soon!"

At this time, Zhep, who had already noticed the movement in the restaurant, came out of the kitchen.

He glanced at Luffy and Nami at the door, there was no embarrassment, it didn't look like he was forced to retreat from the Grand Line.

Also, I didn't see anyone else, including Sanji, the Straw Hat Pirates. Could it be that something happened?

A little doubt flashed in Zapp's eyes, and generally few pirates would turn back.

Either keep moving forward, or die on the way forward, even if you stop, you will stay on the way of sailing instead of returning to the place of departure.

Of course, a loser like Crick said otherwise, but looking at Luffy and Nami, it's not like a failure.

"Just to give the crew a little time, so I'll just come back to East Blue and have a look.

Luffy didn't wait for Hoboldy to answer either, and looked directly at Zapp.

Hobodi was relieved to see Luffy look away, but he still didn't dare move.

As for the trouble with Luffy, don't be kidding, he didn't have the courage to face the Straw Hat Crew after seeing him fighting the eagle-eyed man.

Although it was only a glance at that time, I fainted. But that kind of spirit made him remember it fresh.

Now, the other party has become a big pirate standing at the top, and Hobodi dare not have any ideas.

Hobodi just stood there, neither leaving nor sitting down, and now, he only hoped that the two of Luffy could leave quickly.

Or the other party asks him to get out, otherwise, he can only be a joke here.