
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 445

Chapter 445 Test

"Well, Senior Luffy, can I join you?"

By the port of Logue town, Bartolomeo asked Luffy shyly.

Bartolomeo didn't expect to meet Luffy and Nami at this time either.

Originally, according to his plan, he was going to go out to sea after a while to follow the footsteps of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But now, Toll and Nami suddenly appeared in Logue town, and let themselves meet.

Now, talking to them face to face, Bartolomeo wants to seize this opportunity.

Although he has a small power in this Logue town, it is still a small fight after all.

Especially after eating the barrier fruit, it let him know that this sea is far more exciting than he imagined.

And the man in front of him made him understand how big the sea was.

Although this is the first time the two have met, Bartolomeo has regarded him as an idol in his life since he accidentally read about this man in the newspaper.

In particular, the other party is also from East Blue, which makes Bartolomeo feel proud.

Now, the opportunity to be able to fight side by side with the idol is in front of you, and Bartolomeo doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Want to join us?"

Luffy touched his chin. To be honest, Bartolomeo's barrier fruit is still very useful. It's not a bad thing to have such a person join the Straw Hat Pirates.

Bartolomeo looked at Luffy expectantly, but Luffy didn't refuse immediately.

"It's not impossible."

Bartolomeo's eyes lit up. Could it be that he was able to join the idol's pirate group so soon and take an adventure with the idol?

This kind of thing is really exciting.

"Well, I'll give you a chance."

Luffy didn't want Bartolomeo to join now.

Although Bartolomeo is indeed his fanboy, and judging from the original work, he really admires himself very much.

But he sailed along the way, did things, and Luffy et al.

So, Luffy wanted to see if Bartolomeo was like that?

If he can restrain that kind of indiscriminate killing of innocents, then Luffy will let him join him.

If not, then they can only take risks on their own, and at most become a member of the Straw Hat Big Fleet just like the original.

"Really? That's great!"

Before Luffy could say what he wanted him to do, Bartolomeo jumped up first with joy.

"Don't be too happy, if you can't do what I want you to do, I won't let you join the Straw Hat Pirates. 99

Looking at Bartolomeo like this, Luffy felt that the other party should be able to restrain that kind of behavior.

"Senior Luffy, no matter what it is, I will definitely finish it.

Bartolomeo is confident he can do what Luffy tells him to do.

With the ability of Barrier Fruit, Bartolomeo is confident to complete it as long as he doesn't go directly to the Four Emperors Pirates.

And thinking about it, Luffy wouldn't let himself go to hell with the existence of the Four Emperors.

"The Straw Hat Pirates will sail again after two years, and the first stop on the voyage will be the entrance to the New World, The fish men island.

Luffy has no plans to go to The fish men island in the past two years. Although he will be the first to go to New World in the future, it will be flying from the sky.

The fish men island, which is 10,000 meters under the sea, is not in Luffy's plan for the past two years.

With the Whitebeard deal, Luffy is also ready to close in two years.

But now, now that Bartolomeo is here, Luffy might be able to leave it to him.

Put the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates on The fish men island.

Luffy wasn't worried that Whitebeard would shoot Bartolomeo because he had a word with Whitebeard.

And this, firstly, you can test Bartolomeo's strength, and secondly, you can also see whether he will become the No.

"Hey? Will the Straw Hat Pirates set sail again after two years?"

And when he heard that the Straw Hat Pirates were going to be silent for two years, Bartolomeo couldn't help exclaiming.

No wonder I didn't see the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates. Now it seems that they should leave when they have something to do, and then reunite after two years?

"I'll give you two years to plant the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates on The fish men island."

"Ah? Plant the flag of the Straw Hat Pirates on The fish men island?"

It's no secret that Whitebeard handed over The fish men island to Luffy. The deal was broadcast live during Summit War.

So Bartolomeo also knew about it.

It's just that he didn't expect that Luffy would actually return this matter to himself.

For a time, Bartolomeo couldn't help feeling a little excited.

This should be Luffy's test for himself, right? I want to see if I have enough strength to join the Straw Hat Pirates.

Moreover, it is not a trivial matter to plant the flag of a pirate group on an island, let alone a place like The fish men island.

Even Bartolomeo in East Blue has heard the legend of The fish men island.

It is said to be the entrance to the New World. All pirates who want to enter the New World must pass through The fish men island.

Of course, if you have a way to fly over it, you don't have to pass through the bottom of the sea.

"It's actually this thing, this is really…"

007 Bartolomeo was very excited, and Luffy entrusted this matter to himself, which meant that he was the messenger of the Straw Hat Pirates.

And once you complete this, does it mean that you are a member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

"But don't be too happy. Although the first half of the Grand Line is not a dangerous place, it is still a big challenge for a rookie like you. 39

Although the first half is called a paradise, but that is only compared to New World, if compared to the world, Grand Line is not so fun.

"Don't worry, Senior Luffy, I'm not a rookie who doesn't know anything. Besides, the Devil Fruit I ate is a barrier fruit with absolute defense capabilities. Ordinary people can't hurt me at all." "

Bartolomeo is still very confident in the ability of the Barrier Fruit.

"In addition, there is one more thing, the Straw Hat Pirates will not hurt civilians casually, so I don't want to hear news of your reckless actions on the way to sailing."

If Luffy hadn't said that, Bartolomeo might still be like the original.

So, Luffy added this sentence at the end, if Bartolomeo did something like that under Luffy's warning, then Luffy would not let him join the Straw Hat Pirates again.