
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 414

Chapter 414

"You're young, but your tone is not too young. No matter how powerful Laozi is, it's more than enough to deal with you."

When Blackbeard was fighting Impel down, Byrnndi-World escaped alone and did not accept Blackbeard's call.

In other words, he Byrnndi-World, looked down on that Blackbeard at all.

However, in return for letting himself go, Byrnndi-World did not take any shots at Blackbeard.

And Byrnndi-World, who didn't know what happened outside, contacted these two subordinates as soon as they escaped from Impel down.

I just didn't expect that the place where the two were hiding would be in this Calm Belt.

But it doesn't matter now, although there are only two people left in the subordinates, but as long as he successfully escapes from Impel Down, the subordinates will have as many as they want.

"Seven-forty-zero" Moreover, the previous betrayal also made him not want to pull more people on board.

After so many years, these two people can still respond to their own signs as soon as possible, which made Byrnndi-World bring the two of them and prepare to go to sea again together.

And at this time, they discovered Luffy and his party and Thousand Sunny.

Byrnndi-World, who just needed a suitable ship, naturally set his sights on Luffy and the others.

It was also because he went straight to these two subordinates as soon as he came out, so Byrnndi-World did not know what happened recently.

As for his two subordinates, because of their incognito, they also lived in seclusion and did not pay much attention to the latest news.

Therefore, when I saw Luffy and others, and the pirate flag on the ship, I didn't know who Luffy was, and only thought it was a group of little pirates.

After all, this is not the New World. From Byrnndi-World's point of view, there are powerful people in the first half of the Grand Line.

Therefore, he did not take Luffy et al.

However, he himself is quite curious, after so many years, there are still people who know him.

"Hey, boy, for the sake of knowing Laozi's name, Laozi spares your life, Laozi wants this ship.

In his opinion, the group of people in front of him are just a group of ants that can be easily handled.

The reason why he wanted to let them go was just a matter of pleasure.

"It's just an outdated old guy, how dare you say it, the last old guy who made a big deal in front of me seems to be a bastard named Golden Lion, guess what happened to him in the end?

Luffy's eyes narrowed slightly. Luffy had no intention of being used to these old guys who were self-confident in their strength and didn't take others seriously.


Hearing Luffy's words, Byrnndi- World was obviously taken aback.

Of course he knew who the Golden Lion was, but the kid in front of him actually said that he had killed the Golden Lion, which made Byrnndi-World take a second look at Luffy.

However, soon he laughed again, do young people nowadays like to talk so much?

"Haha, boy, are you kidding me? It's up to you to kill the Golden Lion? Even if the Golden Lion breaks two legs, it's not something you can handle."

Byrnndi-World naturally knew about the Golden Lion breaking out of his legs and escaping from the great underwater prison.

This incident made the prisoners on the sixth floor of Impel down eager to try it, and he naturally moved his thoughts to Byrnndi- World.

Being able to trade a pair of legs for freedom is totally worth it.

But there is only one Golden Lion, and there is only one Lion Fruit.

If you want to escape Impel down in the same way, you can't do it without the ability of Lion Fruit.

Even if he chopped off his hands and feet that were handcuffed by seastone, he couldn't escape from the underwater prison.

What's more, after the Golden Lion escaped from the Great Underwater Prison, some renovations were carried out, and the routes that were originally available for Golden Lion to escape have also been repaired.

Therefore, it is impossible to escape in the same way.

However, unexpectedly, someone broke into Impel Down and made a lot of noise.

To the surprise of the prisoners, the Magellan guy was seriously injured.

And the man who broke into the big prison, although not very good in Byrnndi-World's view, but his methods made him admire.

Let the prisoners on the sixth floor kill each other, and the last survivor can leave with him.

And he Byrnndi-World naturally lived to the end, but he did not intend to follow Blackbeard. After escaping from Impel down, he left directly.

I just didn't expect that the two groups of people I met one after another were so interesting…

A group of people took them out of Impel down, and the guy in front of him not only heard about him, but even didn't even take him seriously.

It seems that the sea has become more interesting!

"There are always people who rest on their laurels and like to look at others with their own narrow eyes, but it doesn't matter, you are going to die here anyway.

Luffy shook his head. These people, each with a little strength, were arrogant. They couldn't see the form at all, and they didn't know how their Observation Haki practiced.

Can't even sense the difference between the enemy and me?

"Boy, are you saying you want to kill me?

Byrnndi-World looked at Luffy dangerously, this kid, after knowing who he is, he still dares to talk like this, does he really have that confidence?

"What? Any questions?"

Luffy who said these words, has appeared in front of Byrnndi-World.

Looking at Luffy so close at hand, Byrnndi-World's pupils shrank sharply, unable to see how Luffy was moving.

But it was too late to think about it now, he had already seen Luffy's right fist slamming towards him with the rich Armament Haki wrapped around him.

Momo's fruit ability was activated, Byrnndi-World's feet were connected, and his body disappeared in place in an instant.

"It's so fast, can't keep up with that man's speed at all, World Destroyer? With such a big name, it really isn't an easy role."

0.4 Zoro et al were amazed at the speed at which Byrnndi-World showed.

I didn't expect this man who appeared suddenly to have such a fast speed.

"You can't run away."

Although Byrnndi-World's speed is indeed very fast after the increase of Momo's fruit, even Luffy can't see his moving tricks with naked eyes.

However, things like Observation Haki don't make sense to you.

Even Kizaru's Sparkling fruit can't escape the perception of Observation Haki, not to mention the speed of this Byrnndi-World.

It may be difficult for others to use Observation Haki continuously in battle, but not Luffy.

Maybe it's talent, maybe it's something else, but at least Luffy has never failed to use Observation Haki until now.