
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Sleeping

"As a result, you left that guy to do odd jobs in Bharati?"

On the Merry, Zoro looked in surprise at Sanji who was carrying kitchen utensils into the kitchen.

"Yeah, that guy is not bad, but he was rescued by Crick, so he has always obeyed Crick's orders!"

Sanji answered Zoro's question as he packed up.

At least until no one starts, the two will not fight.

"By the way, Nami is still in the room and refuses to come out, is it really okay?"

Usopp on the side looked at the door of the room belonging to Nami was tightly closed, and asked worriedly.

Usopp hadn't seen Nami come out since he had locked himself in the house before.

"It's not all about Luffy's adventure, which made Miss Nami so worried!"

At the mention of Nami, Sanji gritted his teeth at Luffy.

"No, I have to go and prepare snacks for Miss Nami. Maybe after eating my dessert, Miss Nami will feel better!"

Thinking of this, Sanji hurriedly ran towards the kitchen.

Zoro and Usopp looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"By the way, didn't that guy Luffy comfort Nami? Why hasn't he coaxed Nami yet?"

It had been more than half a day since returning to the Merry, and Luffy went to find Nami as soon as he got back to the ship.

After being pulled into the room by Nami, the two never came out.

I don't even know what's going on right now.

"The captain and the navigator are not here, is this ship going or not going?"

Usopp glanced silently at Nami's room, then prepared to go back to the warehouse to continue tinkering with his invention.

Zoro didn't speak. After Usopp left, he closed his eyes and rested against the mast.

The wound cut by Hawkeye before can only recover after a good rest.

At this time, in Nami's room, Luffy couldn't help but be slightly ecstatic when he saw Nami sleeping.

Except for the red and swollen eye sockets, Nami's complexion has recovered quite well.

The rosy cheeks lost the worried look they had before, and they were now revealing a certain sense of reassurance.

Looking at Nami like this, Luffy had a warm feeling, but thought of what Nami said before falling asleep, and smiled again.

"Now that you are no longer alone, please consider my feelings before making a risky decision in the future!"

I didn't expect to ask for Nami at this time.

Although the possessiveness of being a man naturally won't let go of Nami, he just didn't expect it to be in this situation.

Maybe I was really too impulsive today.

While he was fairly certain he would succeed, Nami had no idea.

She only knew that she was taking a risk, betting her life on a possibility.

And Luffy is indeed like this. When Hawkeye cut the last knife, Luffy's randomness at the beginning was gone.

Abandoning the idea of ​​​​dodge also meant that Luffy was indeed betting his life at that time.

But there shouldn't be a time when you need to work so hard in the future.

After Master has Haki flow, his strength will have a period of rapid improvement in the next time.

And when his strength stabilizes again, even the Four Emperors, he should be able to touch it.

If Master Conqueror's can wrap up or even awaken Rubber Fruit before this, then in this sea, perhaps no one can let themselves take risks.

But it's still a bit early to think about it now. The original book had a two-year practice period, and Luffy was considering whether he should let Nami and others practice for two years each like the original book.

After all, he can only fight, and he can't provide any help to the knowledge and technology that Nami and others need.

Just as Luffy was thinking about the future, there was a knock on the door.

At the same time, Sanji's slightly deformed voice also came in.

"Miss Nami, I have prepared a sweet dessert for you, come out and eat it, you will feel better after eating!"

Listening to Sanji's shout, Luffy glanced at Nami who was sleeping peacefully, thinking that Sanji's dessert might be wasted.

Luffy glanced at Nami again, tucked her exposed snow-white jade arm back into the quilt, and walked out quietly.

After Luffy came out, he closed the door directly

"Nami is asleep now, bring it to her when she wakes up!"

"Are you quite capable? You actually coaxed Miss Nami?"

Sanji glanced suspiciously at the neatly dressed Luffy.

Maybe Nami's words and deeds had an effect when he was in the restaurant before, but Sanji didn't struggle.

Just glanced at the dessert in his hand, and then directly sent the dessert plate to Zoro, who was resting against the mast.

"Here, Green Algae Tou, seeing that you are a wounded person, I'll give you this sweet! After Miss Nami gets up, I'll make another for her."

Zoro, who had closed his eyes and rested, opened his eyes and looked at the dessert handed in front of him, but accepted it unceremoniously.

"So Luffy, shall we go now?"

After seeing Luffy finally come out, Zoro asked Luffy while eating dessert.

"Let's set off tomorrow. Your injury needs to be repaired, and Nami needs a good rest."

After a pause, Luffy continued:

"And the next stop is the last stop before entering the Grand Line, and I'm going to explain Haki to Sanji and Usopp before entering the Grand Line."

"Haki? Is that how you made the pirates and chefs faint before?"

Hearing Luffy talking about Haki, the first thing Sanji thought of when he was named was that Luffy just glared at it before, and the chef of the restaurant and the pirates of the Creek Pirates all fainted.

As for what Hawkeye said after the fight with Hawkeye, Sanji didn't notice because he was shocked at the strength of the two at the time.

"That is indeed a kind of Haki, and I will tell you all about it at dinner time."

"So Zoro, after fighting Hawkeye and watching my fight with Hawkeye, do you have a clearer understanding of Haki? And the slashes that Hawkeye made?"

"The Grand Line is different from the four seas. Although there are not many strong people like Hawkeye, there are quite a few strong people at the second level. I hope you can master Haki and Zhan Iron Realm as soon as possible before entering the Grand Line!"

Luffy looked at Zoro seriously, fighting was the fastest way to improve his strength.

I believe that Zoro will definitely gain something from this duel with Hawkeye.

"I've reached the threshold of Iron Slashing and Armament Haki. Maybe I can become Master in a few days, but Observation Haki still has no clue."

After eating the few desserts left in one bite, Zoro replied with burning eyes, the empty left hand stretched out, and an inexplicable aura was flickering.

This matchup really benefited Zoro a lot. *