
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 401

Chapter 401 Blackbeard Is Defeated

"Bang" "Bang"

A few bullets flew out first, and in an instant they arrived in front of Luffy's fist.

However, before the bullet hit, it turned to dust under the influence of Haki.

Then, the huge fist landed directly on the heads of Blackbeard and the others. Just like the previous fight between Luffy and Garp, Luffy's fist did not touch Blackbeard and the others.

Instead, it hovered over the fists or long knives that the Blackbeards used to resist.

"Damn, my Dark Fruit needs to be touched to absorb his Devil Fruit ability. In this case, Dark Fruit's ability will not work at all."

The pitch-black fist entwined with black and red lightning seemed to be bombarding an invisible wall, only one punch away from Blackbeard and the others.

However, it was this punch that completely invalidated Blackbeard Dark Fruit's ability to seal Devil Fruit.

Even though Luffy had shown Conqueror's Haki's entanglement attack before, Blackbeard still resisted it.

It seems that Whitebeard's assessment of him in the original book is correct.

It didn't take a while, Luffy's huge fists wrapped around Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki broke the resistance of Blackbeard and the others.


The attack fell on Blackbeard and the others at the next moment.

In just a moment, blood spilled out of Blackbeard and the others, and the ice layer under their feet shattered and dented under this enormous force.

The weakest sniper of the group, Fan Oka, couldn't hold on at first, and fell down after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Luffy could feel that the other's breath had completely disappeared.

Then, Catherine Diemei, who had broken an arm before, became the next person to lose her life.

Even if the Eudemons Fruit gave her a strong vitality, but under the absolute strength gap, and under the circumstance of a broken arm, the Eudemons Devil Fruit could not save her life.

Two people died one after another, and the pressure fell on the only four remaining people.

Even though he had been resisting constantly, Luffy's attacks seemed to be inexhaustible, and he continued to oppress Blackbeard and the others.

However, this situation did not last long. Even if the four Blackbeards gritted their teeth and tried their best to resist, they were completely unable to resist with two less people in a row.

The ice layer under their feet has sunk a lot, and most of Blackbeard's bodies have been immersed in the ice layer.

The icy cold air continued to invade the lower body, and finally, the few people could no longer resist, Luffy's fists took advantage of the situation, and directly knocked the remaining four people into the ice.

"It doesn't seem that the power is much stronger than when the Garp punched just now, but that's because the final fist got smaller.

Watching the four Blackbeards being knocked into the ice by Luffy, Sengoku thought to himself about the power of Luffy's punch.

Not to mention the rest, if Luffy had just smashed down with a fist of that size, the power would definitely be greater than the current situation, even much greater.

With that punch, maybe the entire Marineford would sink directly.

Sengoku doesn't think that the awakened Rubber Fruit can only grow bigger without increasing its power.

It is estimated that the power is proportional to the size, and perhaps the speed will decrease as it continues to grow, but such a big fist, even if you want to dodge, there is no chance to dodge.

But now that Blackbeard and others have been defeated, it is time to consider whether the war will end here.

Sengoku looked around the surroundings, whether it was Marine or Pirate, most of them had already fallen.

Although most of them were stunned by Conqueror's Haki, if they continued, they would inevitably be affected and really die.

"The source of this war has been resolved, so, Sengoku, what are you going to do next?"

Looking at Luffy's figure on the ice, Doflamingo murmured to himself with dark eyes.

In this situation, it is no longer realistic to want to solve the straw hat guy.

Whether it is his own strength, or the Thunder Fruit ability and Lion Fruit ability hidden in the dark, Straw Hat is in an undefeated position.

As for the Whitebeard Pirates, maybe one or two can be dealt with, but as long as the Straw Hats are still around, things won't be so easy to solve.

It all seems to have entered an unsolvable cycle.

However, if this was the case, for Marine, the war would be a complete failure.

Not only failed to execute Ace, but also failed to deal with Whitebeard, Marine soldiers suffered heavy losses, and Marineford was almost half-destroyed.

Although a Blackbeard was dealt with, it could not make up for Marine's loss at all.

And, it's not just Marine, he's probably going to be out of luck after Doflamingo.

The strength of the straw hat exceeded his expectations. Even if he secretly tried to kill him, he could not kill him. Instead, he awakened Devil Fruit in this war.

If the straw hat came to trouble him, Doflamingo was sure that he would never eat Kabuto and go.

So now there is only one way before Doflamingo, and that is to seek refuge with Kaido.

Although he really didn't want to face Kaido, it was tolerable compared to his own life.

Although he Doflamingo is equally arrogant, he is not as brainless as that Blackbeard.

He had obviously offended everyone present, yet he dared to appear directly, and he didn't know what this person's mind was thinking.

Although he was surprised that he could cause such a war, this kind of surprise also disappeared when he was defeated.

Luffy looked at Blackbeard, who had passed out with his eyes rolled in the ice pit, and was considering whether to take another punch and kill him directly.

But in this way, not only will Dark Fruit, the Logia Devil Fruit, be wasted, but also I don't know if the corpse can study his anomaly (Zhao Haohao).

However, let's see what Sengoku has to say now, even if Blackbeard wakes up again, Luffy won't take it seriously.

Just be careful not to let him find an opportunity to escape.

".~How, Marshal Sengoku, is this war going to continue?"

Luffy turned his gaze to Sengoku, his white hair burning like flames fluttering in the wind.

With Luffy's current physical strength, to maintain this state, if there is no battle, the consumption is not large, so Luffy is not in a hurry to remove this state.

"How about this war, so far? Everyone."

A loud voice sounded at this moment, and at the same time, several figures appeared at the entrance of Crescent Moon Bay.

It was Red Hair Pirates Captain Red Hair Shanks and his cadre who had just arrived in Marineford.

"Red Hair Pirates, why are you here?" Wyatt.