
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 396

Chapter 396 Caught Slash

"What an exaggeration, whether it's Whitebeard or Marine Admiral!"

Under the sea not far from Marineford, a submarine-like vessel appeared there.

Through the observation device on the submarine, Trafalgar-Luo looked at the two huge tsunamis that were condensed into solid ice statues and said with emotion.

It's a completely different feeling than what I've seen through the screen on the Sabaody Archipelago.

This kind of shock after seeing it with my own eyes is definitely not comparable to seeing it on the screen.

However, how are they going to see what's going on in Crescent Moon Bay?

There are still many warships stationed on the periphery of Crescent Moon Bay.

Even if your own ship is relatively special and can dive under the sea, it may not be able to pass through the defense line of the warship without knowing it.

Moreover, it can be seen from here that the seawater in the entire Crescent Moon Bay has been frozen.

Your own submarine can't drill through this frozen ice.

I don't know what's going on now, I hope the guy in the straw hat hasn't been killed!


And when Trafalgar-Luo was observing Crescent Moon Bay, a huge sound came from within Crescent Moon Bay.

Luffy retracted his arm again, and the loud sound just now was made by Luffy's larger arm and smashing it on the ice.

At this time, Blackbeard's darkness had stopped spreading, and at the end of that darkness, a huge fist pit appeared there.

"The awakened Rubber Fruit seems to have no limits in terms of deformation."

Sengoku has been watching Luffy's situation, and it stands to reason that even if rubber has the ability to deform, there is always a limit to deformation.

But just now, Luffy's fist became bigger than several giants.

Although there is still a little gap compared to Majin Oz, but Sengoku can feel that it is not Luffy's limit.

After all, if it really became that big, the entire Crescent Moon Bay would collapse.

"Hey, hey, you're too stupid, you're not afraid of hitting others with such a big fist"~?"

There was cold sweat on Blackbeard's forehead, such a big fist with Armament Haki wrapped on it, if it was really hit, Blackbeard wasn't sure if Dark Fruit could absorb the damage.

Even if it could be absorbed, the returning pain was definitely not something Blackbeard wanted to endure.

"Then you can only blame the person who was hit for being careless. After all, I am targeting you to attack!"

Luffy answered indifferently, but he was thinking about the punch he just punched in his heart.

The fist that has become so huge, still covered with Armament Haki, this kind of thing, it is impossible to do before awakening.

Not to mention that his Rubber Fruit ability before his awakening couldn't make him so big.

Even if it could, Luffy's Armament Haki wouldn't be able to cover such a large area.

However, although his Armament Haki has not changed, but now he can completely cover the fist that has grown so large, is this also the change brought about by the awakening?

Do you want to fight as you like?

Not limited by common sense, nor limited by Rubber Fruit itself.

However, what is it that you always have the urge to laugh in your heart?

Is it a side effect of awakening? Or something else.

Luffy didn't want to hold back his laughter while fighting.

It seems that he has just awakened, and there are still many things that he does not understand. After this war is over, we have to experiment with the changes after awakening.

Now, let's take a look at the improvement in combat power!

Countless years have passed in my heart, but the reality is only the effort of Luffy to finish a sentence.

And after saying that, Luffy shot again.

Luffy jumped and rushed towards Blackbeard and the others as if running in the air.

At this time, after being attacked by Luffy several times in a row, Shiryu of Rain finally couldn't help but fight back.

The long knife in his hand swung sharply, and a sharp slash shot at Luffy with extreme speed.

I learned from Blackbeard that the Devil Fruit that Luffy eats is a Rubber Fruit, so since it is rubber, you should be afraid of sharp things, right?

Shiryu stared intently at his slash, trying to see how Luffy was going to fend off his attack.

Generally speaking, in this case, you should choose to avoid it, right?

Otherwise, even if you use Armament Haki to resist, you may not be able to withstand the swordsman's slash.

However, at the moment, Luffy, neither dodging nor covering Armament Haki on the surface of his body, was still rushing straight towards the direction where the slash came.

"What does that guy in the straw hat want to do?

Seeing Luffy's actions at the moment, whether it was Marine or Pirate, they were a little puzzled.

With the speed that Luffy had shown before, it was not difficult to avoid this slash, so why did he have to choose hard resistance?

Moreover, if you want to fight hard, why not even cover Armament Haki?

That slash, those who are still standing now, can feel that its power is definitely not bad.

If he was hit by this slash, even Luffy wouldn't feel bad, right?

Maybe not dead, but injuries should be inevitable.

However, Luffy's next action left them all stunned.

I saw that Luffy, who was running, did not dodge or evade, and was still rushing in the direction of Blackbeard and the others.

Seeing that Shiryu's slash was about to hit Luffy.

At this time, Luffy suddenly raised a hand and grabbed towards the slash.

".~ What is this trying to do?

Those who were watching this scene didn't understand what Luffy wanted to do.

Extending a hand, do you want to smash this slash?

But wouldn't it be better to use fists? Why use scratches like they are now? Also, they still didn't feel Armament Haki's presence.

wait, catch?

(Zhao Hao)

A thought appeared in the minds of everyone watching this scene.


I don't know why I think this way, but this kind of thing shouldn't be possible, right?

Finally, the sharp slash collided with Luffy's palm.

I saw Luffy's open palm a moment ago, when it came into contact with this slash, it suddenly clenched.

Then, an incredible scene appeared.

I saw that the slash that was flying at extreme speed suddenly stopped, and then, the slash was like an entity, and was firmly grasped by Luffy in the outstretched right hand.

That's right, it's caught!

"This is impossible!

The swordsman's slash, although it can be seen, and when it hits people, it can feel the touch, but it should not be the real thing.

How could it be possible to be caught by hand?

However, what happened in front of them at the moment made them have to believe.