
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 385

Chapter 385 The Shadow Over Marineford

"Did I guess wrong?"

Standing in front of the almost destroyed execution stand, looking at Luffy who seemed to have passed out, he muttered to himself.

"No, no, on the contrary, my guess should be right."

Sengoku immediately shook his head, using a straw hat to develop Rubber Fruit, even if he was forced to this level, he did not wake up, which just proved his guess.

As for whether the previous posture is an awakening, Sengoku thinks it should not be.

That form, no matter how you look at it, is the combination of Devil Fruit's ability and Haki, not just Devil Fruit's ability.

So, what's even worse?

On the battlefield at the moment, it is surprisingly calm, no one makes a sound, and no one makes a move.

Whether it is Marine or Pirate, it seems that they are in some kind of confusion.

The Marines are waiting for Sengoku's orders, should they take priority over the already defeated Straw Hats, or work together to defeat Whitebeard?

Or cross the gap created by Whitebeard, and work with pacifists to wipe out the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the pirates, at this moment, also do not know whether to escape or continue to fight.

When the straw hats were not defeated before, they could still comfort themselves that with the straw hats, Whitebeard was not alone. 14

However, now that the Straw Hats are defeated, are they really going to leave Whitebeard alone to face all Marines, and they can only run away?

Thinking about this kind of thing, as long as it is a bloody pirate, a pirate who is a little grateful to Whitebeard, is not willing to do it, right?

However, Marine and the pirates didn't know what to do for a while, but someone had already acted.

"Look, what is that?

The shadow of the sky shrouded the entire Marineford. At this moment, both Marine and Pirate raised their heads and looked at the sky.

The shadows went from far to near, from high to low, and soon, everyone could clearly see what was shrouded above their heads.

"Is that… an island? How could…"

When the appearance of the black shadow was really shown in the eyes of everyone, they all showed incredible expressions on their faces.

"The ability of Lion Fruit? Is it the Golden Lion?"

The huge island that suddenly shrouded the sky above Marineford just floated hundreds of meters in the air, and did not fall directly.

"Golden Lion? Isn't that guy dead yet?"

The one who can do this kind of thing is undoubtedly Demon fruit power, and the only one that matches this ability is Lion Fruit.

And the last known Lion Fruit capable person is the Golden Lion, the great pirate who once dominated the sea and broke into Marineford alone.

However, hasn't the Golden Lion disappeared for more than 20 years? Is he still alive?

"No, it won't be the Golden Lion."

Sengoku looked at the huge island suspended above Marineford, his eyes solemn, but denied the possibility of a Golden Lion.

If it was the Golden Lion, the island would not be as simple as being suspended there,

With his character, he will definitely smash the island down first.

Appearing here at this time, is he a member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

A gleam of light flashed in Sengoku's eyes, he didn't come sooner or later, but it seemed that the straw hat boy came when he passed out.

It's hard not to think it's to save the Straw Hat.

However, we can't jump to conclusions. Who knows if other forces will secretly get Lion Fruit and want to intervene.

"What… what should we do? If this island falls down, we will all die, right?

The Marine pirates on the battlefield, looking at the huge island that covers the entire Marineford, have a deep sense of panic.

An attack of this level, even Marine Admiral, couldn't have shattered the island in the first place, right?

"Damn, what's going on here?"

Secretly, Blackbeard gnashed his teeth again as he watched the huge island that suddenly descended over Marineford.

At the stall where he was preparing to act, there was another accident. Was it destined that everything he had done before was useless?

"Lion Fruit, it's actually Lion Fruit's ability, damn it, who is it?"

With such a large island, even the devouring ability of its own Dark Fruit would not be able to completely devour it before it fell.

At that time, he will definitely be pressed into meat patties by the island first.

"Hey, hey, Blackbeard, it looks like you're out of luck, what happened to Kabuto when you came across it.

At this time, even Pizarro had to wonder if Blackbeard had bad luck.

If it was really because of his bad luck, then everyone would just break up.

Anyway, the so-called double-fruit ability is also a gamble. His Blackbeard luck is so bad, it is estimated that it will end in failure at that time, right?


In the square of the Sabaody Archipelago, the picture on the screen also shifted to the huge island floating above Marineford.

Compared to the Marine pirates who were still standing on the battlefield, these onlookers were even more unbearable.

The sound of someone swallowing saliva continued, and at the same time, some people even shook their legs.

Although not on the scene, such a huge island appeared above Marineford, giving them an immersive feeling.

It seems that at the moment above their heads, there is also a huge island suspended, and it looks like it will fall down at any time.

"That…that's Piao Piao… Lion Fruit723's ability? It's hard… Could it be that it's Golden Lion Shiki?""

The people who can appear in front of the gate of this New World are all people with some knowledge.

The legendary big pirate like the Golden Lion has naturally been heard of, and many people still worship the Golden Lion.

"Shiki? Hehe… It seems that the little girl can't bear it herself? But that's right! If you keep hiding behind the captain, how can you grow up?"

Rayleigh, who knew the truth, couldn't help chuckling as he listened to the intermittent conversations of the pirates around him.

This era is not an era where old guys like Golden Lion can continue to dominate.

Now, Rayleigh wants to see if the little girl who ate Lion Fruit deserves the attention that Luffy gives.

"Lion Fruit? Even such an interesting thing appeared, who could it be?

Although the main lord has not yet appeared, Kid has a faint hunch that the current Lion Fruit person will not be the Golden Lion, but a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

If it is really a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, that would be really interesting.

Only in this way is it worth my pursuit, you don't want to die there, straw hat boy!

With such a strong strength and such an excellent crew, this sea will be more interesting with you.