
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Worry

"Straw hat, don't you only have this level?

Ever since Luffy and Garp fought each other for the last time, Whitebeard, who had been looking at them, now looked at Luffy who was hugged by Ace, with an incomprehensible meaning in his eyes.

Aokiji and Kizaru didn't take the opportunity at this time either.

They were also curious at the moment, what order Sengoku would give next.

However, what made them even more curious was how strong Garp's punch was to be able to hit the straw hat like this.

Although looking at the previous movement, the attack of the two is indeed outrageous, but it will not directly knock the guy in the straw hat into a coma, right?

What exactly is going on?

"Has the Straw Hat been defeated?

"As expected of Garp Vice Admiral!"

The Marines at the scene recovered from the shock of the two fighting each other just now.

Although I don't understand why Garp would give such a heavy hand to his own grandson "Seven Two Three".

But the loss of the Straw Hats is undoubtedly encouraging news for Marine.

In this way, the top combat power that their Marines will face is only one Whitebeard.

Marine, who had lost his morale because of Akainu Admiral's serious injury, seemed to regain his spirits at this moment.

"How could this be? Ace's younger brother, was defeated like this?"

Compared to Marine's excitement, the pirates were a little depressed.

In any case, Luffy was on their side, and such a powerful Luffy was defeated by Marine at this moment, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on the faces of the pirates.

At this time, should they continue to retreat?

If he retreats, doesn't that mean Dad has to face both Marine Admiral and Garp and Sengoku?

In that case, even if they had more confidence in their dad, they didn't think Whitebeard could successfully evacuate.

"Ace, how is Luffy?"

Sabo also ran to Luffy's side and asked Ace.

Just looking at Luffy's appearance now, it seems that there is nothing serious except for being in a coma.

But Sabo is still worried that something will happen to Luffy.

Ace didn't say anything, just stared at Luffy blankly.

Sabo crouched down and tried to check, but couldn't see anything at all.

"Straw Hat…Is this defeated?"

At the moment, the Sabaody Archipelago is also silent.

The murmur of a certain pirate resounded in the ears of everyone in the square.

At this time, the pirates who were looking at the screen came back to their senses one after another.

"Has such a strong straw hat boy been defeated?"

At this time, no one dared to underestimate Luffy anymore.

Those who had doubts about the news in the newspaper before, have now fully seen Luffy's strength.

However, the man who was capable of fighting Marine Admiral was defeated by his grandfather, the Marine hero Garp.

Only at this moment did they realize how powerful the legendary Marine hero was.

At this moment, many pirates have the idea of ​​not being pirates anymore.

People as strong as the straw hat boy were defeated by Marine, so what about them?

But this kind of thinking is only fleeting, let's not say what they can do if they don't become pirates, just say that the sea is so big, how can it be so easy to meet those strong Marines?

However, future voyages may have to be more careful.

"Luffy…you shouldn't fall here, right?"

Rayleigh looked at Luffy who was being supported by Ace and Sabo on the screen and muttered to himself.

"A man like you shouldn't stop here!

He also wanted to see how far the person Roger was waiting for could lead this era.

"Straw hat boy, shouldn't you just die like this?

Kid grabbed the railing with a slight force, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst, and his eyes stared at Luffy, who seemed to be unconscious on the screen.

After finally finding a target, did the man who he regarded as his biggest opponent just succumbed to Naval Headquarters?

"What a joke? How can a man like you die in a place like Naval Headquarters!

Kid shouted loudly, and the railing he held in his hand snapped.

However, Kid did not leave immediately, he was waiting, waiting for the straw hat to stand up again.

He didn't believe that such a man would die there.


Kira looked at Kid who was furious and could probably understand Kid's mood.

However, this was the first time he had seen Kid so excited for a stranger.

However, if it is a man like the straw hat, no matter who it is, as long as the goal is the apex of this sea, then it should be regretful that the straw hat died there?

"The straw hat owner…"

Trafalgar-Luo didn't expect things to change so quickly, he originally thought of teaming up with the Straw Hat Pirates to deal with Doflamingo after the Peak War…

But now, Luffy was lying there with unknown life and death, secretly pondering for a moment, Trafalgar-Luo suddenly turned around.

"Bepo, Pekin, Shaqi, let's go. 35

"Huh? Didn't we watch it?

White Bear Bebo was taken aback for a moment, and quickly turned his head to look at Trafalgar Luo.

Pekin and Shaqi looked at each other thoughtfully.

"No, let's go to the scene to see."

It's not far from Naval Headquarters, and at the speed of their ship, it should be too late to reach Naval Headquarters.

"Ah? 35

"Boiled, Marine Hero is worthy of being Marine Hero, but he really solved the straw hat boy.

Doflamingo is in a good mood now.

Even though his clothes, hair and clothes were still charred black, it still couldn't hide his mood at the moment.

The current situation, for him, Doflamingo, is definitely good news.

Now that Straw Hat is in a coma, he doesn't believe Marine can get him off.

Whether it is to lock the straw hat into Impel down, or kill him directly, Doflamingo doesn't have to worry about the threat of the straw hat anymore.

Through the battle just now, he also understood that he would not be the opponent of the straw hat boy. Now that he saw the situation of the straw hat boy, he was naturally relieved.


In contrast, the current Boya-Hancock is worried.

At this moment, what she is worried about is not that Marine will settle accounts in the autumn, but how Luffy's injury is, it doesn't matter.

Now it seems to be the opposite of Doflamingo's role. She wants to go to Luffy's side, but Doflamingo stops her.

"What a pity! It seems that Lady Empress is not good enough to see people, but she came to Naval Headquarters to provoke Marine arrogantly. Now… sigh!"

At this time, Doflamingo did not forget to sneer at Boya-Hancock.

How this woman mocked him before, he still hasn't forgotten!