
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 383

Chapter 383 Nami'S Decision

Somewhere in the New World, a huge elephant is walking aimlessly on the sea.

This elephant is huge, with extra-long legs that have one more leg joint than ordinary elephants, and many ragged holes in the ears.

Skin folds Madara Madara, eyes hidden in deep sockets, as if there were no eyes.

A third of the giant elephant's legs are exposed on the sea, which is enough to see how long the giant elephant's legs are.

On the back of the giant elephant, there is an island, and it can be seen from the buildings on the island that there are traces of life in it.

Suddenly, the giant elephant, which was walking aimlessly, lifted its slightly lowered head slightly.

The eyes that were originally hidden in the deep eye sockets were also revealed at this moment, and they were a pair of green eyes.

Those exposed eyes stared straight in a certain direction, and then, the giant elephant, which had not roared for a long time, suddenly raised its head and let out a long howl.

The giant elephant, which was walking aimlessly, suddenly began to move in a certain direction.

At this time, Luffy, he fell into a strange emotion, it was a feeling of wanting to laugh out loud.

"bang bang"

Even if he was lying on the ground and could not move for a while, his heart, which had been beating abnormally since before, was beating even more violently at this time.

It was as if he was about to jump out of Luffy's chest.

He clearly felt that he should still have strength, but at this time, Luffy couldn't even get up from the ground.


Ace's voice came from not far away, and soon, Luffy felt that he was being helped up.

"Damn it, Luffy, you can't have an accident! 35

Lifting up Luffy who was lying on the ground and leaning him into his arms, Ace checked Luffy's injury.

Oddly enough, Luffy wasn't seriously injured, not even the fist that collided with Garp.

But at this time, Luffy gave Ace a feeling that he would lose his breath at any time.


On Thousand Sunny, Nami screamed as he looked at Luffy, who was picked up by Ace and whose life was uncertain.

At this moment, she no longer wanted to hide here any longer.

Even though he had eaten Devil Fruit, he could only hide behind Luffy in this situation.

So what's the point of eating Lion Fruit by yourself?

By the way, Lion Fruit!

Thinking of the Devil Fruit he ate, Nami decided not to wait any longer.

"Nami, are you alright?

Nami's scream startled everyone on the boat, and Koala walked up to Nami and asked.

Now only she can see the invisible people.

"I want to go down and bring Luffy up."

Nami's tone was calm, as if the scream just now wasn't hers.

Hearing Nami's words, everyone was silent. At this time, no one spoke out, and no one objected.

Although Luffy told them, let them stay on Thousand Sunny not to act rashly.

But now, with Luffy lying there in the middle of nowhere, how could they continue to stay here without seeing it?

"I'll raise Thousand Sunny high enough later, Koala, can I trouble you to come down with me?"

Nami asked Koala who came to her side.

This may be dangerous, and if Koala doesn't agree, Nami won't force it.

"Just the two of us?

"No, Miss Nami, this is too dangerous!"

Just as Koala asked, Sanji's voice rang out.

If everyone goes down together, Sanji may not say anything, but if only Nami and Koala go down, then Sanji won't say anything.

That's too dangerous, and although Nami ate the Lion Fruit, she doesn't have much fighting power herself.

The enemies below are not people who can be easily dealt with.

"Merry can cover us, and in Merry's Chariot One, Merry can go down with us.55

Nami ignored Sanji's objection, and at this time, no matter what they said, nothing could stop Nami's decision.

Thousand Sunny has risen rapidly under Nami's control.

As for Merry, Nami knew he would not refuse.

If Koala agrees, then their move may not be too dangerous.

"alright, I got it.

Koala nodded and agreed to Nami's request.

Moreover, Sabo is still below, she can't just watch Sabo die.

…..for flowers 0

To put it mildly, now that Luffy was defeated by Garp, it would be difficult for the Whitebeard Pirates to successfully evacuate.

Aokiji and Kizaru contain Whitebeard. Once Sengoku makes a move, no one from the Whitebeard Pirates can stop Sengoku. By then, Sabo is likely to die here.

After working together for so many years, it was impossible for Koala to watch Sabo die.

So, for Nami's request, Koala naturally agreed.

However, there is still a problem, that is, once something happens to Nami, Thousand Sunny and those islands controlled by Nami, etc., will fall because they lose the control of Lion Fruit.

"Damn it, is there no other way?"

Sanji couldn't help but slapped the boat angrily at the fact that he and the others could only watch Nami and Koala go down and couldn't do anything.

After all, the strength is still too weak. If he is strong enough, how can Luffy be allowed to fight alone in this war?

The others were also silent, and at this time, they also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

However, while worried, the others did not speak to stop Nami.

Some things, everyone understands, at this time, no matter what he says, Nami will not listen.

Now, all they can do is pray that Nami and the others can successfully rescue Luffy.

As long as Nami can get Luffy on Merry's Tank One, which has the ability of Lion Fruit, the next thing will be much easier.

Even if Kizaru, who ate Sparkling fruit, wanted to stop him, Merry should be able to hold him back.

And as long as Nami flies high enough, even Kizaru can't do anything about them.

As for the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, I can only pray that they can escape.

They have nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates, even Ace, they only know each other because of Luffy.

Now that Luffy has helped them block Marine Admiral and Marine heroes for so long, it has already helped them a lot, and they can only rely on themselves for the rest.

Thousand Sunny had risen high enough that Nami was controlling the Merry One to fly out of Thousand Sunny's dock system.

At the same time, Koala released the ability of the transparent fruit, and the figures of everyone and Thousand Sunny appeared in the sky of tens of thousands of meters.