
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 382

Chapter 382 Injury

"This… what kind of attack is this?"

Unlike the Marine pirates in the Marineford battlefield, the pirates of the Sabaody Archipelago can only watch the battle scene through the only communicator.

"Their fists don't seem to touch each other?

Although Luffy and Whitebeard also used Conqueror's Haki to attack Akainu before.

But it was only a split second that Akainu was knocked out, so they didn't notice anything different.

But now, Luffy and Garp's fists are actually in front of them.

It was like two fists slamming against an invisible wall, the black and red lightning that constantly roamed between the two fists and the arm.

As well as the layer of broken solid ice, at this time, in addition to not understanding, they want to see the result of this battle.

And just as they were staring at each other, the only screen left in the square moved the screen away from the stalemate between their fists.

"What's going on? Why did the screen move away?"

Some pirates couldn't help but speak, this critical moment, why did you move the camera away? Do you understand, little brother?

However, they soon learned why the camera moved away.

The picture on the 723 screen was not interrupted, but moved slowly from the place where the two were facing each other, presenting everything around them in front of everyone.

Finally, the picture on the screen moved up, and finally stayed in the torn sky.


"The sky…is torn…"

Although they were not at the scene of the war, just through the screen, they could feel how strong the attack of the two was.

A blow that can tear apart the sky, such an attack, if it hits oneself…

In Crescent Moon Bay, Luffy and Garp were still at a standoff.

It seemed like a moment, and then it seemed like a long time.

The monstrous power was slowly dissipating, and the sky that had just been blown away by the air waves formed by the attack of the two men had slowly recovered at this time.

That invisible gust of wind is no longer as capable of pushing people down as before.

The ice is no longer broken, but the ice chips are still flying.

Black and red lightning flashes on and off, and it seems to be about to disappear.

"If you can't break through, then, Luffy, you'll have to stop there."

Garp grinned, and he could already feel (beae) that Luffy was nearly exhausted at this point.

However, even though he was smiling, Garp couldn't help but have a hint of doubt in his heart.

Luffy's situation, Garp could sense, really seemed to be close to the door.

But even under the pressure of his punch, he still didn't seem to want to break through.

Could it be that Sengoku guessed wrong?

However, even if it fails to break through, this punch is not far from the apex of this sea.

However, the gap is the gap. If this point cannot be broken through, then Luffy will have a distance from the vertex after all.

This distance, perhaps in ordinary battles, can be compensated by various methods.

But at this level of battle, this distance is enough to tip the balance of the battle.

Just like now, whether it's strength or Haki, Luffy's attack power is about to be broken by himself.

Luffy could also feel the difference, but the damn Devil Fruit just wouldn't respond to him.


Finally, the two fists that were originally facing each other in the air finally collided together.

The fist covered with the rich Armament Haki slammed directly into Luffy Conqueror's Haki, leaving only Armament Haki's fist.

Then, the originally evenly matched confrontation finally tilted towards one side at this moment.

Luffy only felt a force coming from his still-stretched fist.

Then, a sharp pain spread from the fist to the arm.

Blood slid from the corner of Luffy's mouth, and then, Luffy's entire body shrank sharply at this moment, returning to its original size.

Then the whole person flew backwards under Garp's attack.


Luffy slid off the ice for some distance, eventually crashing into Marine's raised perimeter wall before coming to a stop.

At this moment, Luffy has a feeling that his whole body is falling apart.

For a while, there was no way to get up from the ice.

The icy cold continued to invade Luffy's body from the back.

Feeling the condition of his body, Luffy couldn't help laughing bitterly.

How long has it been since I cultivated into Armament Haki, how long has I not been injured to this extent.

The last time you suffered injuries of this magnitude was several years ago, right?

That was the only time he nearly lost his life.

It's just that the original self didn't even think that in the forest where he usually cultivated, there were actually beasts that were so strong.

Also that time, Luffy awakened Armament Haki.

However, that injury not only brought Armament Haki's awakening, but also Makino's tears.

So what about this time?

Luffy lay on his back on the ice, staring straight at the empty sky.

Even without Observation Haki's perception, Luffy seemed to be able to see the tears streaming down that bright face.

And, those figures with anxious faces, who seemed to want to get down from Thousand Sunny regardless of everything.

"bang bang"

The strange beating of the heart continued, but Luffy had a feeling that he was about to pass out.

"The knot… is it over? 35

On the battlefield, I don't know who it is, and stammered and murmured.

Then, everyone's eyes turned to the figure lying there.


Whitebeard looked at Luffy lying on his back, staring blankly at the sky.

"Is this really the end?"

Whitebeard didn't believe that, in his opinion, Luffy would be the leader of this new era, how could he possibly fall here.

"Luffy! 35

Ace, who had already retreated to the pirate side with Sabo, looked at Luffy lying there, and finally couldn't help shaking off Sabo who was pulling him.

With a loud shout, he rushed towards Luffy's location. At this moment, no one stopped him.

"Luffy, you won't disappoint, will you?"

After knocking Luffy into the air, Garp, who had consumed the same amount of strength, sat down on the pile of crushed ice.

His hands were on his knees, but his eyes were fixed on Luffy lying there in the distance.

At this moment, Garp had no choice but to believe that Luffy could break through that shackle.

"The Straw Hat has no power to resist, what is that guy Sengoku waiting for?"

Between the powers of Mariejois, the Five Elders were a little anxious at the moment, although Garp had certainly beaten the Straw Hat.

But, why hasn't Sengoku shot yet?

You know, this is the best time to deal with the Straw Hat.