
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 367

Chapter 367 Respective Thoughts

"Otherwise, I might rush over to kill Sakazuki and the others!"

Garp wasn't kidding, and he was capable of doing it.

Maybe 1v3 or something, but don't forget, Akainu and the others are still facing off against Luffy and Whitebeard.

If Garp had rushed to help Luffy and the others now, it would have been a different story.

"Do you want to betray Marine? Garp! 39

Hearing Garp's words, Sengoku couldn't help shouting, and the hand grabbing Garp's shoulder couldn't help but get harder.

"Betrayal? By doing nothing, I have already betrayed my grandson! 35

Garp turned his head sideways, glanced at Sengoku viciously, and roared at Sengoku as well.

Under Garp's roar, Sengoku couldn't help but fell silent.

How long has it been since you saw Garp like this?

Marine and his family, these two mountains are always on Garp's shoulders.

Whether it's Dorag or Ace, this is the path they choose.

If the day of confrontation comes, Garp may hesitate, but he will still take Marine's side.

But Luffy is different. The reason why he became a pirate is because the bastards of the 713 government of the world do not allow a new powerful force at sea.

They want to control this power, or, destroy this power.


Garp lowered his head slightly, and softly called out the name of his old friend.

"Do you think this world is really right?"

If the world government is controlled by a group of normal people, even if there are some deficiencies or a little corruption, the world should not fall to this level, right?

"Watch your identity, Garp!"

Sengoku's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know the sickness of this world.

Of course the Five Elders' orders could not be disobeyed, but what difficulty would it be for Marshal Marine to do something about it?

However, he Sengoku also has answers he wants to know.


On Thousand Sunny, everyone looked nervously at Luffy who was surrounded by Marine's three Admirals below.

At this time, they hoped that they were strong enough to help Luffy.

However, they also understand that with their current strength, they can't do anything except distract Luffy in such a battlefield.

Although they were invisible, they all knew that at this moment, their faces must be filled with daze and annoyance.

Nami's hands tightly grasped the edge of Thousand Sunny's boat, and the slightly swaying hull showed Nami's restless heart at the moment.

At this time, she wanted to throw all the islands and sea water that she controlled down.

But, Luffy has said before, it must not be done without his approval.

She knew he was there to protect her, and she knew he didn't want her to be the real executioner.

However, he may not know that if something happened to him, it would be the most painful thing for her.

"Calm down, Nami, Luffy will speak if he needs our help, my Observation Haki can hear Luffy, he knows that.

Merry's voice reached Nami's ears.

Before going down, Luffy had told Merry that he would remind him if he and Nami were needed.

And now, Luffy didn't speak, that is to say, now is not the time for Nami to do it.

"Sudden…what happened suddenly? Why did Sengoku suddenly give such an order?

In the square of the Sabaody Archipelago, those watching the live broadcast were somewhat unaware of what was going on.

Why all of a sudden, Marine's target has become the Straw Hat?

Leaving aside the blood of One Piece and the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, instead, he gathered the power of the three Admiral and prepared to deal with the straw hat boy with all his strength?

Could it be that there is a secret on the straw hat that everyone does not know?


(beae) Although he was very upset that the straw hat's bounty was higher than his own, at this time, Kid couldn't help but secretly sweat.

In such a situation, even if you can face one Admiral without defeat, but three Admiral, what should you do?

"The straw hat…you don't want to die there!

Trafalgar-Luo looked at Luffy who was surrounded by three Admirals on the screen and muttered to himself.

"Luffy, do you have any other secrets about you?"

Allows Marine to drop Ace and Sabo and attack you first, knowing that you are Garp's grandson.

It shouldn't be just because you've grown up too fast, if that's the only reason, with the relationship between Garp, Sengoku wouldn't give such an order.

Rayleigh, who has also dealt with Sengoku a lot, understands that Sengoku will not give orders like that for no reason.

Well, that is to say, there must be something else secret about Luffy.

Let the World Government not hesitate to give up the blood of One Piece and the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, and also take Luffy.

"However, now that you are surrounded by yourself, are you still determined to hide your friends at this time?

"Bastard, how does the Sengoku guy do things, doesn't he just let him deal with it quietly? Why do such a thing with a big fanfare?"

Between the powers of Mariejois, the Five Elders looked angrily at the live screen on the table.

They just wanted to not let the world know the specialness of the straw hat boy, so they wanted to hope that the straw hat boy would die "accidentally" in such a chaotic battle.

What's going on now? That guy Sengoku made such an order in a pretentious way.

Does this clearly tell the world how special the straw hat boy is?

"This is the end of the matter, and it's too late to stop it. However, there are three Admiral shots at the same time, so the straw hat boy should also be able to escape?"

"Indeed, as long as the straw hat boy dies, even if someone notices something is wrong, there is no way to prove anything."

"However, that fruit seems to have its own thoughts and is always hiding from us. I don't know if it can be recovered this time.

"No matter what, as long as the straw hat boy is dead, even if the fruit can't reach us, don't worry too much, people like the straw hat boy can't appear continuously!"

Before Luffy came on stage, they never thought that the strength of the straw hat boy had reached this level.

Fortunately, the straw hat boy appeared there, allowing them to find out in time and issue an order.

While the process might be a little unsatisfactory for them, as long as the straw hat ends up dead, none of that matters.

"Then, do you want to report this matter to Imam-sama?


There was a brief silence, but then it was broken.

"Wait until the war is over and the Straw Hat's death has been confirmed before reporting.