
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 361

Chapter 361 Medicine

"Hey, Whitebeard, you Whitebeard Pirates are not very good, you haven't been able to go to the square after so long."

He met Sengoku who was looking over here, but Luffy didn't pay much attention to it, instead he turned his head and spoke to Whitebeard not far away.

"Hey, Straw Hat Luffy, even if you were Ace's younger brother, we'd be pissed if you said something like that!

But it was not Whitebeard who answered Luffy, but Marco who was on the other side confronting Aokiji.

Although Marco is not Aokiji's opponent, he has Scuard's help. In addition, Izo will fire two shots at this side from time to time, and he is also dragged by him when he arrives.

"How dare you say it, straw hat, you bastard with Haki, if you look at the target, now the pirates have already succeeded!"

Although Luffy did bring down some of the pirates with Haki, he also brought down some of the Marines.

And these people who will be stunned by Luffy Conqueror's Haki can't affect the battle situation.

Continuing this stalemate is extremely unfavorable for the pirates.

After all, even if Ace was rescued, he would still have to face Marine's pursuit.

Once the consumption is too large now, even if you can run, it is estimated that you will not be able to run very far.

"Next, Whitebeard.

Luffy took a small bottle out of the waistcoat pocket and threw it towards Whitebeard.

"Although I don't know if it will help, but there is no other way now, I just don't know if Whitebeard dares to eat it."

Although the two were not far apart, with Luffy's strength, it was still easy to throw a bottle from this distance.

Most importantly, no one stopped him, which Luffy didn't expect.

Luffy was ready to take Kizaru's face.

Whitebeard caught the bottle that Luffy threw, and glanced inside, it was a golden pill.

"Hey, straw hat, you don't give Dad some forbidden drugs, right? Dad's body can't bear that kind of thing!"

Seeing Whitebeard take a small pill from the bottle that Luffy threw, Marko immediately thought it was some kind of life-threatening drug.

Luffy didn't explain anything, just looked at Whitebeard, wanting to see if he would eat it.

Perhaps with Whitebeard's physique, taking this pill would not necessarily increase his strength.

But the pills made from the horns of the unicorn lion contained strong vitality.

This is also the reason why this pill can increase a person's physique.

As long as Whitebeard takes this pill, it may be helpful for Whitebeard's declining physique due to aging.

But even if it doesn't work, it's just a waste of a pill, at least it won't have a bad effect on Whitebeard.

"Gu la la la, there is actually such a thing, it seems that you have a good doctor there.

Whitebeard laughed loudly. Although he didn't know the specific medicinal effect, a fragrance poured into his nose after opening the bottle, which should be quite rare.


Sengoku on the high platform shouted, no matter what medicine Luffy gave Whitebeard, he couldn't let Whitebeard take it.

Although the battle is now deadlocked, it's still in the Marine's favor.

If the medicine Luffy gave Whitebeard was to improve his strength or restore his injury, the situation could be turned upside down for Marine.

So, Sengoku yelled at Akainu, wanting him to stop Whitebeard from taking the pill.

However, by the time Whitebeard caught Luffy's bottle, it was too late to stop it.

Whitebeard didn't hesitate and threw the pills he had taken out into his mouth.

Long before coming to Marineford, Whitebeard was ready to sacrifice himself.

Even if Luffy really gave him a life-threatening drug, Whitebeard didn't care.

As long as Ace can be rescued and the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates can be safely evacuated, then everything will be worth it.

Besides, for some reason, Whitebeard didn't think Luffy would be the type to ignore life.

There is a high probability that this pill will not be the kind of drug that overdraws life and enhances strength.

The moment the pill entered, Whitebeard felt a warm current pouring out of his heart.

And the feeling of weakness caused by getting older that I could clearly feel at first seems to be gradually disappearing.

But now is not the time to feel the effects of the medicine carefully, Akainu's attack has arrived.

Hot lava fists shot out at Whitebeard's head.

"Dark Hound!"

Akainu shouted loudly, and the bloodline flowing on his face was full of hideousness.

The outstretched lava arm shot at Whitebeard with great speed.

Under the moisturization of the warm current in his body, Whitebeard felt that Haki, who was originally quiet, seemed to loosen a little.

The trajectory of Akainu's rushing lava fist was clearly visible under Whitebeard's perception.

However, Whitebeard did not choose to dodge, but raised his right fist, and the fist wrapped in the white aperture slammed into the air fiercely.

".~ ka ka ka"

The sound of glass breaking sounded, and cracks began to spread in the air in front of Whitebeard.


The lava fist hit the air like a broken mirror, making a huge roar.

However, the blow that was enough to smash the steel, but at this moment, he could no longer make an inch.

Feeling that the punch he just threw was completely different from before, Whitebeard glanced at Luffy somewhat unexpectedly.

The effect of this pill may be much better than I imagined.

Moreover, that medicinal power seems to be constantly repairing the various dark wounds left over from the battles over the years.

"Thanks, straw hat, Laozi owes you a favor."

Although he had promised Luffy to hand over The fish men island to him before, it was a deal after all.

Moreover, Whitebeard's thoughts at that time, (Zhao De's) actually had another layer of intention.

He may very likely die in this war, and there are two islands under his command that Whitebeard cannot rest assured.

One of them is The fish men island.

Rather than being dead when the time comes, The fish men island falls into the hands of others, it is better to leave it to Luffy to be cold.

How to say Luffy is also Ace's younger brother, from Ace's usual words when talking about his younger brother, you can roughly know what kind of person Luffy is.

After the meeting, Whitebeard confirmed this even more.

That's why Whitebeard agreed to Luffy's seemingly robbery offer.

But now, after taking the pill Luffy gave him, Whitebeard's strength seemed to have recovered to some extent.

This gave Whitebeard greater confidence in saving Ace.

If I can survive, I owe him the straw hat, and if I still die here…