
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

"That's… dammit, it's impossible!"

After seeing the thunder pillar, Sengoku couldn't help but lose his words.

Although there are only a few who can unleash lightning strikes in the sea, Sengoku can be sure that this thunder column is not the attack of those he knows.

As Marshal Marine, he had heard of such lightning attacks.

Marine's Devil Fruit illustrated book is much more complete and detailed than the ones circulated on the sea.

"Thunder Fruit… how could it appear here by coincidence?"

The Thunder Fruit, which has not appeared for an unknown time, has never been seen even with Sengoku's age and experience.

Although I haven't seen it, Sengoku can be sure that it is the ability that Thunder Fruit unleashes.

"No, no, maybe the other party didn't appear here."

Thunder Fruit can greatly increase the effect of Observation Haki, which is recorded in Marine's Devil Fruit Pokédex.

And with the boosted Observation Haki, Thunder Fruit's ability can completely attack from a long distance.

However, no matter where the Thunder Fruit person is, his 14th attack target is Doflamingo.

In other words, this Thunder Fruit person is an enemy rather than a friend to Marine.

Thinking of this, Sengoku frowned even more.

Thunder Fruit, even in Logia Devil Fruit, is one of the invincible abilities.

And is such an invincible fruit actually appearing in the pirate camp?

Also, why did he attack Doflamingo?

"Damn Doflamingo, the old man must kill him!

Just when Sengoku was still thinking about the intention of attacking Doflamingo with the Thunder Fruit ability, Garp's angry voice suddenly reached Sengoku's ears.

Sengoku looked sideways and found that Garp had stood up at some point, looking at Doflamingo in the huge pit with a look of anger.


Sengoku let out a loud shout, and went up to hold Garp, who seemed to want to kill Doflamingo at any moment.

Then, Sengoku seemed to have thought of something, looked stunned, and then suddenly looked at Luffy, who had just been attacked by Kizaru's laser.

Although Sengoku doesn't see the specifics, the mind as Marine The Resourceful General is there.

Connecting what just happened to what Garp looks like now, Sengoku suddenly understood the key.

Doflamingo sneaks up on Luffy who is fighting Kizaru.

That Thunder Fruit capable person sensed Doflamingo's behavior and attacked Doflamingo.

And that's why Garp is so angry about killing Doflamingo.

The cause and effect of the incident were conjectured, but the result made it even more difficult for Sengoku to accept.

In other words, is that Thunder Fruit capable person from Straw Hat Luffy?

Damn, when did he get Thunder Fruit and Marine didn't get any information?

Moreover, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates are basically recorded, even those who do not have a reward, Marine has a record.

However, there was no such person in the information that showed Thunder Fruit's abilities.

Could it be that the Straw Hat Pirates still have their fighting power exposed?

If this is the case, then in this war, if the straw hat boy cannot be killed here, I am afraid that there will soon be another sea emperor on the sea.

This is not the result Sengoku wants to see. Once the straw hat boy really becomes the new pirate emperor, the balance of this sea may be broken.

No, not maybe, but definitely will.

While Sengoku was still analyzing the impact of this incident, the situation in the field seemed to have changed.

"Doflamingo? Looks like you're doomed to be killed by me."

The smoke from the explosion dissipated, and Luffy's figure reappeared in everyone's eyes.

Although he was directly hit in the chest by Kizaru's laser, Luffy at this time did not suffer any damage except that the red waistcoat had a hole in his chest.

After sensing Doflamingo's harassment, Luffy also senses Kizaru's attack.

At that moment, Luffy rallied Armament Haki to defend where he was about to be attacked.

Obviously, Luffy's Armament Haki is much better than Doflamingo.

The current Doflamingo, after being attacked by Merry, was already black and smoking.

Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that the damage he received was not light. On the other hand, Luffy was also directly attacked by Kizaru, but at this time Luffy had nothing at all except his clothes.

Don't look at the large diameter of the thunder column released by Merry, and the laser of Kizaru seems to be very thin.

But really, compared to its power, Kizaru's lasers should be more condensed and more penetrating.

"After being directly attacked by the old man, you are still like nothing. You are really scary, Straw Hat Luffy."

Kizaru, who succeeded in one hit, did not pursue the victory, because in his perception, the Luffy aura at this time did not weaken.

Even if I make a move at this time, the result will only be the same as before.

"But it's really thanks to Doflamingo, otherwise the old man would have nothing to do with you!

In the end, Kizaru did not forget to pull a wave of hatred for Doflamingo.

No matter what, Doflamingo is also a pirate, although he is helping Marine against the Whitebeard pirates.

But at the same time, his attitude of manipulating Marine to fend off attacks from time to time can be seen in Kisaru's eyes as well.

"Hey, straw hat, are you all right? Don't fall down here!"

At this time, Whitebeard, who also stopped temporarily with Akainu, shouted towards Luffy.

Not only is it because of Luffy, the Whitebeard Pirates will be more dangerous.

Likewise, for a leader in a new era like Luffy, he doesn't want Luffy to die here.

"Huh? Whitebeard, are you underestimating me? That kind of trash who only dares to sneak attack in the back is not qualified to hurt me.

Luffy looked back at Whitebeard, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his tone.

"It's you, you don't seem to be very good, how about you, do you want me to be distracted and help you?

That's all Luffy said. If he really wanted to help Whitebeard at this time, Kizaru would definitely seize the opportunity to do it for himself.

At that time, for the time being, Akainu ignored Whitebeard's attack and attacked himself, so Luffy would be really dangerous.

"Gu la la la, who do you think Laozi is, Laozi is Whitebeard! Since it's all right, don't worry about it anymore, he's still a kid after all!