
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 352

Chapter 352 Marco'S Weakness

"Those people, the ones that Luffy beat up before?"

On Thousand Sunny, Merry's expression changed. Under the perception of Observation Haki, who had been amplified by Thunder Fruit, the entire Marineford sea area was invisible.

Although Blackbeard's group was very secretive, they couldn't hide from Merry's Observation Haki.

If the attention of the Marines and pirates below were not on the battlefield, the whereabouts of Blackbeard's group would have been discovered long ago.

But it was precisely because of the war that Blackbeard dared to appear there.

Listening to that Blackbeard, seems to want to do something to Whitebeard?

After Merry's Observation Haki amplified by Thunder Fruit, Merry can hear the speech of people within the range of perception, and this ability was also shown in the original Enel.

But for Blackbeard and the others, Merry didn't worry too much.

Although they seem to be plotting something, it shouldn't pose much of a threat to Luffy.

Even if he wanted to do something to Luffy, Merry was totally able to react and give them a shot.

Since eating Thunder Fruit, Merry hasn't used Thunder Fruit's abilities to deal with others!

Merry didn't tell Nami about the existence of Blackbeard's group, and even if he did, it would only make them more worried.

Instead, it is better for Mei 707 to solve it by herself.

As for the existence of Merry, Nami and the others have explained it to Koala just now.

In addition to being a little surprised, Koala was even more curious about the Straw Hat Pirates.

But this time is obviously not the time to ask too much, and Koala decided to wait until the incident is over to get a better understanding.


The hot lava bombarded Whitebeard in front of him, colliding with the shock wave formed by Whitebeard's shattering air.

Amidst the loud explosion, the billowing smoke continued to rise, and the battle between Whitebeard and Akainu also began.

Unlike Luffy and Kizaru's slightly calmer fight, Whitebeard and Akainu came up with a fierce fight.

Both are fighting with the will to kill each other.

For Akainu, all pirates are objects that must be erased.

For Whitebeard, Akainu was the biggest obstacle preventing him from saving Ace.

Between the two, it is naturally impossible to test each other indifferently, and it is the collision to the greatest extent.

Besides Luffy Kizaru and Whitebeard Akainu who were already fighting together (beae), Aokiji was watching the battle that had already begun.

Not in a hurry, the two most dangerous people have already been pulled by Kizaru and Akainu.

The rest of these people, even if they all go together, Aokiji is confident that he can kill most of them in one go.

As for Marko's captains, to be honest, except for Marko's ability to be a little troublesome, the others can at best stop him.

And Marko's ability is only because of the pervert's resilience of the phoenix fruit, which makes Marko a little more difficult to deal with.

But want to use the resilience of the Phoenix Fruit to kill himself? Aokiji can only say that he thinks too much.

And Marco naturally understands this, but his task is not to defeat Aokiji, as long as he properly drags Aokiji.

Now Aokiji doesn't mean to do it, and Marco is not in a hurry to do it.

However, seeing his companions falling down on the field, Marco couldn't help feeling anxious.

"Now is not a good time to be distracted.

Aokiji's languid voice suddenly came from Marco's ear.

Marko's pupils shrank suddenly, and he secretly said something bad, and his body quickly ignited a blue flame.

However, Marco was still a step late, and the cold feeling had spread to the entire left half of Marco's body.

If you don't think of a way, you will be frozen by Aokiji.

If Aokiji attacks himself with ice cubes, Marco is not afraid, after all, his resilience is not covered.

But Aokiji obviously understood this, and when he caught his distraction, he directly chose the freezing method.

Marco knew that his flames did not have any temperature, and once his body was sealed by ice, he might not die immediately because of the resilience of the phoenix fruit.

But if you want to break free from the ice, it is not so easy.

At that time, once Aokiji is free, whether it is to help Akainu or Kizaru, it will not be good news for the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, should it be Admiral as expected? He was only absent for a moment, and the opponent seized the opportunity and approached at an extremely fast speed.


The long sword swung past, and Aokiji's body that appeared next to Marco was divided in two.

However, no blood flowed out, and looking from the separated body, Aokiji's original flesh and blood body had now turned into two halves of ice.

At the same time, the cold air is constantly emerging from the separation, which is the elementalization of Logia Devil Fruit.

Behind Aokiji was Scuard, who was slashing with a knife and his hair was loose.

This move didn't do any damage to Aokiji, but it gave Marco a chance to escape.

I saw Marco's arms that turned into flame wings in shock, and his body flew backwards a distance.

And after Scuard cut the knife, he didn't rush forward, and immediately retracted the knife and retreated.

Skuard still knows how much he has.

At this time, what I have to do is to create an opportunity for Marko to escape.

"It's a pity, I can almost solve a captain."

The separated bodies were reattached, Aokiji regained his human appearance, and his face also showed a very pity look.

"However, as you who just betrayed Whitebeard, and now you are helping the Whitebeard Pirates like this, are you trying to get Whitebeard's forgiveness by doing this?"

Although he looked very pity before, but Aokiji did not immediately catch up with Marco, but changed to look at Scuard, who was retreating with a knife, with a puzzled expression.

"Hmph, it's not that you Marines are too cunning, but since I did, I don't expect Dad to forgive me and save Marco, just because I want to save it.

Skuard held the knife across his chest and looked at Aokiji with a wary expression.

Aokiji's words made Skuard embarrassed, but there was also a bit of luck in it.

He did want Whitebeard's forgiveness.

"Scuard, you guy…"

Marco, who had retreated to a safe distance, couldn't help but look at him after hearing Scuard's words.

Although he thanked Scuard for saving him at this time, the stab at Whitebeard just now made Marko unable to express his gratitude.