
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 337

Chapter 337 The War Continues

"Don't come here again, Oz, you're going to die!"

On the execution stand, Ace looked at the battlefield that was already filled with gunpowder, clenching his teeth, not letting himself shed tears.

However, when Ozzy's huge body walked towards him step by step, but was continuously attacked by Marine, Ace couldn't help shouting out.

Oz's overly huge body gave him unimaginable strength, but at the same time it also made him a living target on such a battlefield.

Ace, who was handcuffed by seastone, could not make any extra moves even if he was left unattended at this time.

He could only watch helplessly as his companions were continuously attacked and could do nothing.

Even with Oz's physique, under the constant fatal blows from Marine's guns and Bartholemew-bears, he was already bleeding.

It's like a dead end!

"At least…get one of the Shichibukai…"

Ozzy, who was still trying to move forward, felt that his body was about to lose his strength, and he looked at the Shichibukai who were closest to the execution platform.

The huge fist in his hand was clenched, and he seemed to want to attack there.


Feeling the real gaze, Doflamingo raised his head slightly, watching the huge fist that had been raised.

"Hahaha, it's really funny!"

In the face of 700's fist that was about to fall, Doflamingo was not afraid at all, and a wild smile appeared on his face with strange sunglasses.

His hands were wide open, and the pink feather costume spread out, like a flamingo with wings outstretched.

Transparent, invisible threads shot from Doflamingo's fingers.

The strong silk thread only faintly reflects a ray of light under the sunlight, but even such a fine silk thread is clearly visible.


The sound of silk threads cutting through the air came out, Ozzy's eyes widened to the limit and the pupils shrank sharply, and a severe pain came from under his feet.

The huge soles were separated from Oz's huge body, and blood spurted out at this moment.

At the same time, Gekko Moria, who had not been able to make a lot of shots, also seized the opportunity of Oz's absence and activated the ability of the Shadow Fruit.

The long spear formed by the black shadow penetrated from the back of Oz's neck without any hindrance.

"Shadow Gun! 35

Gekko Moria's voice was heard as the shadow gun was inserted into the back of Oz's neck.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Oz's mouth, if a severed sole of his foot wasn't a fatal injury.

The piercing attack of the shadow gun really took away Oz's last vitality.


At this moment, Oz's body finally couldn't hold back and fell in the direction of Ace.

Those already white eyes looked straight at Ace, as if they wanted to say something, but until the end, they just called out Ace's name.


Seeing his former best friend collapse in front of him, Ace cried out in a heart-wrenching moment at this moment.

However, no matter how Ace shouted, Oz would never wake up again.

The huge body slowly fell, and finally fell on the only exit of Crescent Moon Bay.

The shadow gun inserted in the back of Oz's neck slowly dissipated, and at the same time, Oz's last breath of life disappeared.


The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were fighting on the battlefield also noticed the fallen Oz.

However, at this moment, they did not retreat, and they were ready to die long before they set off.

In this war, there is no way out, either save the entire Ace team and evacuate, or the Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed here.

"Hahaha, awesome! This is war! 99

Doflamingo's laughter was particularly harsh at this moment, casting a shadow on the faces of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the battlefield.


Whitebeard, who had been taunting with Akainu for a while, didn't make a move, when he saw Oz's huge body collapsed on the battlefield, his face couldn't help gloomy.

"Whitebeard, you have a flaw, and now there is no time to make you sad!

The giant Marine in the iron helmet caught Whitebeard's moment of daze, and the weapon in his hand smashed towards Whitebeard fiercely.

However, even by surprise, there was absolutely no chance of hitting Whitebeard.

Even after Whitebeard came back to his senses, he was grabbed by the head of the iron helmet and smashed to the ice.

Whitebeard, who was angry at this moment, appeared in the hand holding the iron helmet's head, and the ability of Shock Fruit was activated directly at this moment.

The iron helmet shattered in an instant, and the giant Marine's head came into direct contact with the ice surface, and the ice surface was also shattered by the shocking force.

The sneak attacking giant Marine's eyes turned white at this moment, and blood was left on his head.

With a flick of his left hand holding the giant Marine's head, Whitebeard threw the unknowing giant Marine aside, and then shouted:

"Go ahead on Oz's body! 39

Although Oz died, at this moment, Oz's body became a bridge for the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates to enter Crescent Moon Bay.

The roar of the artillery fire had ceased, and from the moment the Whitebeard Pirates entered the Crescent Bay, Marine could no longer use the artillery fire.

Because in this Crescent Moon Bay, not only the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, but also Marine's 100,000 elites are also in it.

Therefore, from this moment on, it is a real hand-to-hand battle.

And at this moment, Sengoku's figure once again appeared on the execution platform.

However, this time, Sengoku was not alone on the execution platform.

"Old man…"

Seeing the familiar figure appearing in front of him, Ace couldn't help but murmured.

"Garp, what are you doing here? Do you have an opinion on this operation?

Sengoku was a little surprised, but he didn't think it was wrong. After all, Ace was also raised by Garp.

Just hope Garp doesn't do anything stupid at this time.

"No…he's a pirate…so don't feel sorry for him.

Garp's voice entered Ace's ears, which made Ace stunned.

That's right, after all, the old man is a Marine, but he is a pirate.

"In this case...…"

What else did Sengoku want to say, the battle plan he just discussed with Crane, Sengoku didn't want an accident at this time.

"Shut up, it's okay to just stay here, right?

Garp directly interrupted Sengoku's words. If Luffy was kneeling there at the moment, Garp might have already acted directly.

"Although I don't sympathize with the pirates…but the family is different! What should I do…"