
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
447 Chs

Chapter 336

Chapter 336 War (Continued)

What fell was not just shattered ice balls, but also clumps of small, burning lava.

The fireballs formed by the small lava continuously scattered in the crescent-shaped bay.

At this time, the crescent-shaped bay was also frozen into ice when Aokiji froze the huge tsunami.

The huge Moby Dick is frozen in Crescent Bay.

If no one stops those lava fireballs that are constantly falling, the Moby Dick will definitely be burnt out under this wave of offensive.

However, the frozen seas of Aokiji provide a huge foothold for both Marines and Pirates alike.

At this time, the pirates of Whitebeard's pirate group who originally appeared outside Crescent Moon Bay, jumped off the ship one after another, and ran along the ice to the internal test of Crescent Moon Bay.

"Inhale… exhale…"

Whitebeard leaned back, took a deep breath, and blew toward the falling lava fireballs.

If it's just normal blowing, even if he is Whitebeard, it is naturally impossible to blow these lava fireballs out.

But Whitebeard used the ability of Shock Fruit while blowing hard.

A breath of concussion force blew out all the lava fireballs that hit the Moby Dick.

"Gu la la la, magma boy, go and light candles for the birthday cake!"

Whitebeard grinned at Akainu who was standing on the shore, but there was a chilling glint deep in his eyes.

Although the Moby Dick avoided being smashed through and burned, many of those men still running on the ice were hit by these lava fireballs.

The hot lava, carrying the kinetic energy of its fall, hits people, but not everyone can withstand it.

Many subordinates have already fallen on the ice and wailed. Although they were all scoundrels, they were also people on their own boats.

Years later, Whitebeard was still annoyed by this situation.

"Whitebeard, don't you like fancy funerals `~?"

But Akainu wasn't afraid of Whitebeard's seemingly contemptuous threats.

Everyone is the top powerhouse in this sea, and no one will be afraid of anyone before the fight begins.

"Hmph, a bunch of rude people, bow down to my beauty! Mero Mero Mellow!

At the port of the Crescent Bay, Boya-Hancock's hands and fingers crossed his chest in the shape of a heart, and a pink heart-shaped light radiated from the crossed fingers.

Whether it is a pirate or a Marine, everything is shrouded in this heart-shaped light, and everything is obsessed with the figure of the empress at this moment, and all of them turn into stone sculptures with love in their eyes.

"Hey, Boya-Hancock, can you pay attention to who your opponent is when you strike.

At this time, Marine Vice Admiral, who was in a stalemate with a certain pirate from the Whitebeard Pirates, couldn't help but speak when he saw this scene.

"Humph! I don't need you to teach my concubine to do things!"

Boya-Hancock snorted coldly and raised his head, revealing his slender, snow-white neck. He didn't mean to listen to Huoshaoshan's advice at all.

"Cut, this woman…"

For Boya-Hancock's disobedience, Huoshaoshan has absolutely nothing to do. The other party is a pirate, and her identity as Vice Admiral has absolutely no binding force on her.

"Hey, how dare you be distracted at this time?"

At this time, the pirate who was fighting against him exerted a force in his hand, and the one who blocked Huoshaoshan staggered.

Huoshaoshan, who had suffered a dark loss, did not dare to be careless, and could only concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

As for the soldiers who turned into stone sculptures, they can only pray that they will not be destroyed before the end of the war.

"Monkey-D-Luffy, where are you who said you were going to show your power? Don't let your concubine down.

Bo Ya-Hancock, who glanced at his head, thought to himself that the war had already begun, but the man who said he wanted to show his strength had not yet appeared.

Boya-Hancock couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, was he afraid of Marine and Whitebeard's power not coming? Or was something delayed?

However, no matter what, if you are not able to do what you said before this war is over, then the next time you meet, your concubine will not be so good at talking.

"Okay… so scary, is this the power of the Whitebeard Pirates? 55

On the plaza of the Sabaody Archipelago, the live broadcast of the Marineford fight was still on the live screen.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates can be said to be the most eloquent name in this sea.

But there are not many people who have really seen the power of the Whitebeard Pirates in this sea today.

First, they were afraid of Whitebeard's name and did not dare to appear in front of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition, the Whitebeard Pirates have also been very low-key in recent years. Except for Fire Fist Ace, which has been in the limelight in the past two years, there is basically no news of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But now that they have truly seen the power of Whitebeard, even across the screen, these people have a deep sense of powerlessness lingering in their hearts.

".~ Can Marine really defeat such a Whitebeard pirate group?"

Ordinary civilians, after seeing the power displayed by Whitebeard, may be a little hesitant about whether Marine can defeat the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Stop joking, if Marine can't take care of the Whitebeard Pirates, the world may end."

But most people still believe that Marine can win the war.

"That… what is it? Looks bigger than Marine's giant soldier!"

An incomparably huge figure suddenly appeared on the screen, and the audience who saw this figure exclaimed in surprise.

This figure is really too huge, even if the screen bear can see the figures of other giants, but those giants are still a bit dwarfed by this figure.

"Ace, I'll go save you right away! 35

Oz's huge body walked towards the Crescent Moon Bay. Near this shallow sea (Zhao's), Oz's huge body made him able to walk on the road.

Even the frozen sea could not stop him.

In the face of this gigantic Oz, the ordinary Marine couldn't stop him at all.

Even the giant Marine could only stop Oz a little.

But then Oz will grab the body, just like a giant grabbing a human being, Oz easily threw the giants who came forward.

"Bear Shock!"

However, when Oz was unstoppable, a transparent bear's paw-shaped air bubble hit Oz's chest.


With the unwavering voice of Bartholemew-bear, the bear-paw-shaped air bubble that flew to Oz's chest exploded.

And the originally unstoppable Oz also stopped under this shock wave, blood was flying, his eyes were white, and he was about to fall backwards.