
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 326

Chapter 326 Camie And Papagu Disembark

The topic between the two did not last long, and no matter how much they think about it now, there will be no result.

If you want to know the specific situation, you still have to see if you can catch Blackbeard.

However, if someone like him is not killed directly, there may be accidents, which is really difficult! Do you want to go down with Franky?

Taking another sip of the drink, Luffy fell silent.

Nami didn't continue talking, just stood behind Luffy, watching Luffy quietly, taking a sip from time to time.

Whether it's Whitebeard or Blackbeard, the Franky Munch-Munch Fruit ability is essential if there is a chance to get their Devil Fruit.

And under such public eyes, Blackbeard may not have any problems because of his low reputation, but Whitebeard is different.

If you do that yourself, you will basically offend the people of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But it's useless to think about it now, because with his intervention now, whether or not Whitebeard will die is still a question.

But Blackbeard's words, Luffy is not going to let it go, as long as there is a chance, he will definitely kill him directly, and also save what unpredictable things will happen in the future.

After all, when Luffy traveled through, the original book had not yet officially shown the chapter of Blackbeard.

If the Blackbeard that has not yet developed can be killed directly, it will undoubtedly save a lot of trouble in the future.

"Luffy, what about these two guys?"

While Luffy was still thinking, Gal-Tino brought Papago and Camie to the bow.

No way, that's what it says, but if you really want to take these two guys to Marineford, who knows if something unexpected happens.

So let's ask Luffy what to do with them.

"Hey, are you two still here?

Luffy looked back and was stunned. When he sent Rayleigh down, he forgot to send Camie and Papago down together.


After being questioned by Luffy, even Gal-Tino, who brought them here, was speechless.

Good guy, these two guys really have no sense of existence, even Luffy forgot.

"Hey, Candleman, why are you rushing Miss Camie away'~?"

Sanji's voice came from the deck, and there was visibly unpleasantness in his tone.

This is a mermaid, a real mermaid. It would be nice to stay on the boat and keep your eyes peeled.

"Are you an idiot? Curly eyebrows, we're going to Naval Headquarters, although there are Nami's Lion Fruit and Koala's transparent fruit, but who knows if it will happen again by accident?"

This idiot nympho cook really got kicked in the head by a donkey, what kind of market is Marineford really? Can come and go casually?

What's more, this is when Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates go to war.

"Cut, if we don't get off the boat, what danger can there be?"

Even so, Sanji's voice was quiet.

What Gal-Tino said was true, Thousand Sunny would definitely be not far above the battlefield, which is why Luffy invited Koala over.

And Sanji, who had already seen the attack range and power of the Marine Admiral Logia Devil Fruit, also understood that in that case, accidents might indeed happen.

You and the others might be able to escape with Observation Haki.

But Camie and Papagu are not, although with Nami's control, Thousand Sunny won't be hit so easily.

But don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, this kind of thing can't be said.

And, maybe there will be stray bullets flying over again?


Camie and Papagu were also a little embarrassed, after all, they had forgotten about it, and if it really caused trouble to Straw Hat Crew, it would be bad.

"It's better to put us down here, it's not far from Sabaody Archipelago, and at our speed, we can reach Sabaody Archipelago soon, and it's easy to go back to The fish men island.

Papago was the first to speak, and if Camie was to speak, he probably wouldn't know when.

Luffy glanced at the one-man fish-starfish, and after thinking for a while, nodded.

Gal-Tino is right, Camie and Papago don't have any strength, and Thousand Sunny will definitely be floating not far above Marineford.

At that time, it is likely to be hit by an unintentional attack.

You must know that the range of the attack released by Akainu in the original book is quite large.

The burning lava falling from the sky, once hit, no, even if it is rubbed, Camie and Papagu are basically dead.

If Luffy is on the boat, it's okay to say, with Luffy's strength, there is no problem in protecting two more people.

But Luffy is going to the frontal battlefield, and it is impossible to take care of Thousand Sunny all the time.

Even Zoro and the others will need to rely on them to pay attention.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't bring you with me when I went back to Sabaody Archipelago, but you can only leave now.

No one objected to Luffy's words, and it was better to let them go now than to let them face dangers that were not suitable for them.

Even if he ran a little longer, it would be better to be safe, and, with the speed of the mermaid, it would not take long to reach Sabaody Archipelago from this position.

Hearing Luffy say this, Nami controlled Thousand Sunny and began to descend, and Koala also activated his abilities at this time.

When Thousand Sunny fell, the hull was completely hidden.

".~ Hmm? Did something happen?"

Just after finishing the call with Dorag, Sabo found that Thousand Sunny and his figure had disappeared.

Knowing that it was Koala's ability to activate and that Thousand Sunny was also falling, Sabo thought something was wrong.

Expanding Observation Haki, Sabo walked towards the deck.

No way, if you don't open the Observation Haki, Sabo doesn't know where to step on it or where there is a door.

This is also what happens when the person with the non-transparent fruit ability is made transparent.

The speed of Thousand Sunny's descent was very fast, and it didn't take long for Thousand Sunny to stop.

Looking to the side, there is not much distance from the sea.


A crashing sound reached everyone's ears, and then there was a soft whistle.

The figure of the mermaid Camie appeared, but her posture was a bit wrong at this time, and a red envelope appeared on her forehead.

"Why didn't I jump into the sea?"

Camie, covering her forehead, wondered.

Then, the edge of Thousand Sunny's ship was revealed, and Camie realized that she was still a long way from the edge of the ship.


Even under the power of the transparent fruit at this time, and not using Observation Haki, Luffy can guess that everyone is speechless at this time.