
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 325

Chapter 325 Conjecture

"Wow, is this what it feels like to fly?"

Koala didn't feel anything when Thousand Sunny was in the air.

But when Nami controlled Thousand Sunny and started to move, Koala felt the thrill of the cool breeze brushing his cheeks, and Koala ran to the edge of Thousand Sunny's boat.

I want to close my eyes and feel it, but I also want to enjoy the scenery from the sky that I have never seen before.

For a time, Koala was caught in a difficult decision.

"Miss Koala, your drink."

Just when Koala was in a tangle, Sanji brought a drink and handed it to Koala.

"Huh? Thank you, Mr. Sanji."9

Koala, recovering from the tangle, took the drink from Sanji and thanked him.

"No thanks, Miss Koala, you can tell me anything you want to eat at any time!"

Thanks to Koala, Sanji, who was still a little serious, immediately floated up, and even his voice was a little distorted.

"Uh…14 hehe…hehe, I will."

Looking at Sanji, who had turned into that color Mimi again, Koala took a sip of the drink in his hand and laughed dryly.

However, after taking a sip of the drink, Koala's eyes lit up. I have to say that although Sanji feels a little weird to Koala, this drink is really delicious.

"Hey, Curly Eyebrows, where's our drink?"

The one who would speak to Sanji like that would be either Zoro or Gal-Tino.

And Sanji, who was still fluttering at first, seemed to be a different person after hearing this voice.

He looked at Gal-Tino who was talking with a fierce look in his eyes.

"It's all in the kitchen, I won't go get it myself!"

Then, his tone changed immediately, his expression relaxed, and he opened his mouth to Koala:

"Miss Koala, please take your time, I'll bring some to Miss Nami and the others.""

Then, under the twitching gaze of Koala's mouth, Sanji's feet turned into a whirlwind, and the words Miss Nami, Miss Robin floated away.

"Here, drinks are here for you."

Although it's a starfish, it's ok for Papagu to bring some drinks.

"Thank you. 39

Gal-Tino thanked him habitually, except for Sanji, Gal-Tino treated others politely.

"Wait, why are you still here?

After taking a sip of the drink, Gal-Tino finally remembered, why didn't these two guys leave with Rayleigh before?

"Hehe…hehe, maybe our sense of existence is too low, so Mr. Luffy, Mr. Rayleigh didn't think of us when he went down…suck

Papagoggan laughed twice, can he say that he and Camie were both attracted by the appearance of Merry's chariot before, so they forgot to mention that they wanted to go down together?

"So that's the case, then your sense of existence is really low. 99

Gal-Tino nodded, agreeing with Papagu's words.

"Then it seems that you can only leave after this incident is over."

Gal-Tino added that although there was still a day before Marine publicly executed Ace, it was not far from Naval Headquarters.

Can't go back to Sabaody Archipelago on purpose to put them down?

Or just drop them here? At the speed of a merman in the sea, it doesn't take much time to swim back to the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Summit War?"

Sitting on the bow of Thousand Sunny, Luffy couldn't help muttering to himself.

In this war, in addition to letting his name resound in this sea, can he gain anything else?

If Whitebeard still dies, is there any way I can get Shock Fruit?

If Blackbeard appears on the battlefield, can you kill him directly?

Even take his body away and let Chopper study it together?

It's not experimenting with innocent humans, so Chopper wouldn't refuse.

Moreover, if they can really research something, then the Straw Hat Pirates may be able to have the ability to double fruit per capita.

"Hey, Luffy, what are you thinking?"

Nami came behind Luffy with two drinks. Although Luffy was only habitually sitting on the bow, Nami still knew that Luffy was thinking about problems at this time.

Luffy took a sip of the drink Nami handed over, and said:

"The culprit of this war.

"The culprit? The Blackbeard?"

Ace is caught by Marine, and others may not know the truth of the matter.

But Nami, who had heard Luffy say that Ace might be defeated by Blackbeard and sent to Marine, had some reactions.

But what's so strange about that man?

Although the last battle with Luffy in Magic Valley seemed that the opponent was not weak, but in terms of the pressure given by Marine Admiral, it was completely incomparable.

"Yes, it's him."

Luffy nodded, indicating that Nami was right.

"However, although he is also very strong, judging from that battle, he should not be as strong as you, right? Why do you care so much about him? 55

If it is because of Ace, Luffy once warned that Ace Blackbeard is not easy to mess with, shouldn't it be because of this?

"A person can only eat one Devil Fruit, you should know this?"

Even though Nami only ate Lion Fruit not long ago, but Nami once knew about Devil Fruit.

A person can only eat one of the secret treasures of the sea. If 693 eats too much, the person will explode immediately after eating the second one.

"Well, what does this have to do with it?

Luffy will not bring up insignificant things for no reason. Since Luffy said this, it means that the man has something to do with it.

Could it be that the man named Blackbeard could eat more than one Devil Fruit?

But how is this possible?

If people can really eat the second Devil Fruit, it is impossible for no one to try it for thousands of years.

There must be the consequences of the explosion, and there will be such a statement, and future generations will take it as a warning.

"Blackbeard, there is a way to use the second Devil Fruit ability."

Although I don't know if it's because of Dark Fruit, or because his body structure is different from ordinary people.

Or maybe the Blackbeard that he saw before crossing may have eaten a certain fruit in advance, so he could eat the other two fruits.

Either way, just kill Blackbeard and let Franky use the Munch-Munch Fruit ability to capture his Devil Fruit.

You can know whether it is because of Devil Fruit's ability or because he is different from ordinary people.


Although there has been speculation, but when Luffy said it, Nami was still shocked and didn't know what to say.

Is this kind of thing really possible?