
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 323

Chapter 323 The Person I Once Looked For

"This is Sabo, a friend of Ace and I, um, we have known each other since childhood, and this time I came here to save Ace. 99

Coming out of Merry's Chariot No. 1, Luffy looked at the different expressions of everyone on the deck, but didn't care.

Instead, he pointed to Sabo who came down with him, and introduced it to the crowd.

"Huh? Another friend from Luffy's childhood?"

Most of the people on the boat, like Luffy, don't usually pay much attention to the news and newspapers, so Usopp and others don't know the name Sabo.

However, Usopp et al. do not know, but some people have learned the relevant news.

"Sabo? Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army?"

Robin, who had already let go of Perona, put his left hand across his chest, his right elbow rested on his left palm, and looked at Sabo while touching his chin.

Well, the appearance is basically the same, it seems that it is me, but I didn't expect Luffy to know such a person.

Marine, pirates, revolutionary army, all know people, and their status is outrageously high, really – a reassuring captain.

"You are…Miss Nicole-Robin, our revolutionary army once wanted to find you, but some time ago, for some unknown reason, the leader gave up, and I didn't expect that the mud was actually on Luffy's ship. 35

Sabo is not surprised that someone can recognize him. After all, people who often read newspapers are not unfamiliar with their faces.

What surprised Sabo was that the person who recognized him was actually the person their revolutionary army had been looking for.

It was only some time ago that Dorag suddenly said that there was no need to look for Nicole-Robin anymore, and the Revolutionary Army stopped looking for Robin.

Think about it, at that time, in the information of the Revolutionary Army, it seemed that Nicole-Robin joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

Although Drago never said whether he and Luffy were related, judging from their surnames, they should have known each other.

It's no wonder that Drago gave up looking for Nicole-Robin after learning that Nicole-Robin had joined the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Find me?

Robin was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the revolutionary army had been looking for him all the time!

However, he had never come into contact with the revolutionary army.

"Yes, you are a survivor of Ohara, and your knowledge is very much needed for the Revolutionary Army.

Those steles engraved with ancient characters undoubtedly recorded quite important information.

However, in the knowledge of the revolutionary army, the only people in this world who can read that kind of language are those scholars of Ohara.

However, Ohara was removed from the map by Buster Call, and in the end only one little girl escaped.

Dorag wanted to find the only girl who escaped from Buster Call after coming into contact with those stone tablets inscribed with ancient texts.

It's just that the girl seems to have been hiding and then secretly, plus the forces of the revolutionary army have not grown so strong, it is really difficult to find a person in this sea.

"My knowledge?"

If people from the Revolutionary Army found him before joining the Straw Hat Pirates, Robin might consider whether to join the Revolutionary Army.

But now, Robin can only say sorry to them, because the Straw Hat Pirates is her home.

"Robin is not going to join your revolutionary army.

Robin's knowledge was important to the Revolutionary Army, of course Luffy knew.

However, even if he knew, Luffy had no plans to let Robin out.

"However, my crew members will have a two-year training period after this war is over. At that time, Robin and others, I will let them go to your side to practice for a period of time.

Whether it is knowledge or Devil Fruit ability, Robin and the others will benefit a lot from the revolutionary army that has spread over many countries, plus Drago himself.

"Really? That's great!

Originally, after hearing Luffy say that he would not let people go, Sabo wondered if he could borrow Robin from them for a while like Luffy at night.

Unexpectedly, Luffy planned to let Robin train in the revolutionary army for two years.

This is definitely good news for the revolutionary army. Two years is enough for the revolutionary army.

As for the matter of cultivation, I believe that Drago will arrange it carefully.

"Huh? Are Mr. Luffy's crew coming to the Revolutionary Army to train?"

At this time, Koala, who came down with Nami, also heard the news, and Xiu Xiu's face couldn't help showing a little curiosity.


The first time Koala appeared, a figure in a black suit floated in front of her instantly.

…..for flowers 0

"Ah! This beautiful lady, meeting you must be a reward from God.

Sanji, who appeared in front of Koala, looked like an unusual gentleman, and a red rose appeared in his hand and handed it over.

Of course, if the other party's facial expressions were a little more normal, Koala might really think he was a gentleman.

But the man in front of him, his eyes turned into love and his nostrils gasping for breath, really made Koala wonder if he should take the roses he handed over.

Out of courtesy, Koala felt he should take it.

But the appearance of the other party made Koala feel that once he took this rose, something bad might happen.

Just when Koala was wondering whether to accept the rose that Sanji handed over, Nami on the side couldn't stand it any longer, and punched Sanji directly on the head.

"Stop being embarrassed here!"

While speaking, Nami looked at Brook, who was also eager to try.

That bastard skeleton is obviously eager to come up and ask what color panties Koala is wearing?

Brook, who was glanced at by Nami, froze, and immediately stopped his impetuous steps.

The past few days of getting along have made Brook figure out who is the least to mess with on this boat.

"Ah, the whip of Miss Nami's love."

With a bag on his head, Sanji's cheeks touched the floor, his butt was raised high, and his face was still full of fascination, and it was hopeless.

"Hehe, Koala, leave these guys alone." Luo

After doing these things, Nami said to Koala next to him.

However, the expression on Nami's face was a bit far-fetched, and it was obvious that Sanji's behavior was really shameful.

Fortunately, Brook was stopped in time, otherwise, it might have been even more embarrassing.

"It's okay…it's okay, Miss Nami."

Koala was also somewhat taken aback by the momentum Nami just showed, and waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that he didn't care.

But looking at Koala's appearance, he was obviously quite surprised.

I didn't expect that Miss Nami, who was chatting with me so happily just now, would have such a side four.