
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Keep Silent

"I see, I'll bring the words to you."

No matter what Luffy's purpose is, memory metal is something that the Revolutionary Army definitely needs.

However, as for how to trade, it will be up to Long and Luffy.

On the other hand, Nami and Koala were a little stunned. What happened to these two people? It seemed like a deal had been reached in a blink of an eye.

"Then, come back to my boat with me first, then make some repairs today, and we'll set off early tomorrow morning."

Although there are not many things that need to be prepared, and the people who will actually end the battle will be Luffy and Sabo, there are still some things that need to be explained.

Nami opened the door of Merry's Tank One and ushered Koala into the co-pilot's seat.

As for Luffy and Sabo, they sat in the back seat, because they knew that Lion Fruit was here in Luffy, Sabo and Koala didn't ask how to get out of here.

Still, Koala couldn't help but get a little excited when Merry's Chariot One actually floated.

This is real flying. For humans who have never experienced flying, being able to fly in the sky is definitely a joy beyond imagination.

However, although he was very excited, Koala, who was used to being careful, used the ability of transparent fruit to make Meli's chariot invisible the first time 693 Meli's chariot 1 flew up.

This saves Luffy the trouble of using Observation Haki for directions.

"The ability of Lion Fruit is really convenient."

Sabo, who was sitting next to Luffy, couldn't help but sigh, it's not that Sabo didn't want to say something else, but that Sabo has been working in the revolutionary army since the three separated.

And in the life of the revolutionary army, even Luffy, Sabo will not easily tell.

This has nothing to do with friendship, but the current position of the two.

And talk about Ace?

At this time, in addition to boring yourself, it will not help you in the next action.

That kind of thing, let's wait until Ace is rescued.

When the three of them are together, they may have more to say.

Moreover, when Sabo himself said this sentence, he also considered that if the revolutionary army obtained this Lion Fruit, the meaning would definitely be as important as the transparent fruit.

No, it's even more important than the ability of the transparent fruit.

Because of the ability of the transparent fruit, I don't know (beae) when I can get a useful message.

But if there is Lion Fruit, then the revolutionary army will no longer need to hide in Tibet. Wouldn't it be better to just float the base camp in the air?

Moreover, the transfer of various personnel and the transportation of materials will become extremely easy and convenient.

Unlike now, a little food needs to be traded several times before it can reach the hands of the revolutionary army.

Not to mention wasting time, it will cost more money, and it will be more likely to be exposed or betrayed at any time.

"Lion Fruit's ability is indeed a top-notch ability in this sea, both in terms of personal strength and strategic significance, it is one of the best."

Lion Fruit's ability, being able to Master in his own hands, is definitely a very advantageous thing.

At the very least, when sailing on this sea, one can master air dominance.

Although this sea is not without other abilities that can fly.

But compared with Lion Fruit, which only needs to make objects float, and no longer needs to continuously consume physical strength, other Devil Fruit abilities are much inferior.

The only weakness of Lion Fruit, which happens to be Nami's strength, is basically equal to directly eliminating Lion Fruit's Achilles' heel of being afraid of storms.

But there is still a question, that is, whether there is a restraint relationship between Chongzhong Fruit and Lion Fruit.

Maybe try to pull Fujitora, no, now I have to call him a smile, onto his own boat?

However, Luffy immediately shook his head, although he and others would not do evil at will, but as long as someone offended him, no matter who it was, Luffy would fight back.

Moreover, the key point is that Luffy's goal at this time is still to travel around the world, which is not the same as the smile that wants to clear the sea.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Sabo, who was originally nodding in response to Luffy, saw Luffy shaking his head, and he was a little confused.

"No, I just thought of something, but I thought it was impossible, so I shook my head subconsciously.

Luffy explained one sentence, Sabo didn't ask any further, just nodded to show his understanding.

Under Nami's control, Merry's Chariot No. 1 quickly returned to Thousand Sunny.

Merry's chariot landed on the deck of Thousand Sunny, not making much noise due to Nami's control.

But even a little movement made Zoro and others aware of it.

These two days have been fighting animals on Ruskaina Island, and the spirits of several people are tense, and a little movement makes them feel like a bird in the air.

Zoro looked around vigilantly, but didn't find anything.

The key is that this is still at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and it stands to reason that nothing or people can come up.

"Is it overreacting? Just a bird accidentally bumped into Thousand Sunny?'

Although they said that, Zoro and the others did not let their guard down.

When others saw Zoro like this, they also gathered around, wanting to see what happened.

Then, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Merry's Chariot No. 1 slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah? It's Merry's Chariot No. 1! But what's the matter?"

Usopp was a little surprised when he saw the Merry Chariot No. 1 in front of him, but more puzzled.

Zoro and Sanji were also confused, but unlike Zoro, there was a glimmer of light in Sanji's eyes, but then he was deeply lost.

Unlike Usopp, Chopper, Zoro and Sanji, everyone else knows that Luffy killed the transparent leopard and obtained the transparent fruit.

At this time, when everyone saw Merry's Chariot No. 1 suddenly appearing, they all understood who Luffy was borrowing and who was borrowing.

However, everyone did not make a sound, but glanced at Sanji calmly.

And it was at this moment that everyone noticed the deep disappointment flashing in Sanji's eyes.

This guy really knew about the transparent fruit.

"This is a transparent fruit? Sure enough, back then… woo woo…"

All at once, Perona explained the reason for the sudden appearance of Merry's Chariot One.

But just as she was about to continue speaking, she was covered by the fast-eyed Robin.