
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Expectation

Seeing that the giant elephant, who couldn't even break the defense, was easily knocked to the ground by Luffy, Zoro Sanji and the others couldn't help being silent for a while.

Despite knowing that Luffy is strong, whether it is fighting the Golden Lion or the Marine Admiral, Luffy can keep his face intact.

But neither Golden Lion nor Marine Admiral, Zoro and others have played against them.

Even the battle between Hawkeye and Zoro is over.

But at this moment, facing the same enemy, everyone discovered for the first time how far apart they were from Luffy.

"Okay…that's awesome!

Usopp and Chopper were completely stunned, and Nami and other women were also full of brilliance in their eyes.

"How, do you feel your own inadequacy? This is only the outermost animal on this island, and in the depths of this island, there are still several more powerful breaths.

In Luffy's Observation Haki perception, the strength of the animals in the depths of the island is many times stronger than this elephant.

If we compare the enemies that Luffy and others have seen before, they are almost as powerful as the Golden Lion, who has not taken off the rudder.

Of course, it's just that the aura emanating is so strong.

If the Golden Lion was really compared to these animals, then the Lion Fruit's ability and the Golden Lion's swordsmanship would be very easy to deal with these animals.

However, these animals are stronger in their physical strength and resilience.

Therefore, cultivating on this island is undoubtedly very suitable for Sanji and others.

"The animals on this island are so strong! Are all the islands in the New World so scary?

This has not yet reached the New World, there are already such terrible islands, then when the New World is reached, isn't it all islands like this?

Usopp couldn't help shivering, if he couldn't become strong enough within two years, then it would be really difficult to get to New World.

"Not really, after all, there are only a few islands like this, but there are many pirates in the New World that are much stronger than the animals here.

Regardless of the Four Emperors for the time being, none of their subordinate cadres are weak.

Even judging from the information that Luffy learned before crossing the road, there are many people who are more hip, but it is also because they met the protagonist team.

If you really think they're rubbish, you'd be dead wrong.

Although it was still the same for Luffy, it was different for Zoro Sanji and the others.

Therefore, if they want to continue to follow Luffy's adventure in the New World, Zoro and the others need to be able to at least reach the level of those cadres, even the deputy.

"Luffy is right, the strength of New World is not something you can compete with now."

At this time, Rayleigh stepped forward and took Luffy's words.

"If you don't want to hide behind Luffy in everything, it's very necessary to practice silently for a while.

After all, not everyone can have such exaggerated strength at a young age like Luffy and Auntie.

In other words, there are not many people who can look like Luffy and Aunt Ma, even if you look at the whole sea.

Even the original self and Roger, at Luffy's age, did not have such exaggerated strength.

However, since these people can be selected by Luffy, they must have their specialties.

Rayleigh would like to see, after two years of training, whether these people can reach the level of going to the New World as Luffy said.

"Then, for the next two years, it's time to trouble Uncle Rayleigh!"

Sanji and others no longer hesitate, such an opportunity is not available to everyone.

Most pirate captains don't care about the strength of their subordinates.

In their eyes, if their subordinates are dead, then it's good to change another one.

Therefore, these pirates cannot sail in the New World for too long.

Or, even if some pirate captains, like Luffy, completely treat the crew as their companions, they will not have the strength and vision of Luffy.

At the juncture of arriving in the New World, many people will enter the New World without hesitation under the heat of excitement and excitement.

And those pirates who can't clearly recognize their own strength, in New World, are often the fastest group to die.

In Rayleigh's view, it is undoubtedly a very lucky thing for these young people to board Luffy's pirate ship.

The captain's strength is incomparably powerful, even if he looks at the sea, he can be said to be the top group.

And such captains are always thinking about their crew members, constantly trying to improve their strength.

How many such pirate captains are there?

"I also really want to see what level you can achieve in the future, so I will train you well in the past two years.

Rayleigh nodded, looking at the little ones who were going to stay here, oh, and an old one.

On the way here, Luffy had already told Rayleigh that they were on fitness-enhancing drugs.

And this also made Rayleigh understand why these people are not so strong, but their physical fitness is much higher than ordinary people.

It's okay to be alone, but the people on Luffy's boat, including the girls.

Despite their slender bodies, Rayleigh's Observation Haki should be able to sense the power hidden within them.

Such a situation cannot be summed up in one sentence with Luffy's extraordinary vision.

So, after learning about the kind of drug that Chopper developed, Rayleigh has the feeling that these people are so lucky.

In the face of such a treasure, few people can share it, even subordinates, partners and even relatives are not necessarily willing to share.

But Luffy allowed these crew members from all over the world to get such treatment.

However, also because of this drug, these people are now like jade waiting to be carved, just waiting for Rayleigh to carve them.

With such favorable conditions, perhaps, these two years can really make these people change upside down.

And it is precisely because of such unique conditions that Rayleigh is looking forward to their future even more.

At this moment, Rayleigh can be sure that the person Roger is waiting for must be Luffy.

Rayleigh is now eager to see how what Roger wants to do and can't do will be done.

And the person who did it would undoubtedly be Luffy.

The so-called era of pirates may soon come to an end, and a new era will surely come under the leadership of Luffy!