
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 305

Chapter 305 Sudden Decision

"You want your concubine's approval to let your crew train on Ruscaina Island?"

Boya-Hancock frowned slightly, and asked Luffy in dissatisfaction.

This man, who came here to see himself, was just to let his crew go to that island full of beasts to cultivate?

For this kind of thing, he specially asked that old guy from Rayleigh to bring it over?

Luffy ignored Boya-Hancock's words of approval, and although Ruskaina was indeed near Nine Snakes, it would be totally fine if Luffy didn't inform her.

"This is indeed the case, but if possible, I also hope that Nine Snake Island can plant my pirate flag."

As soon as Luffy said this, he immediately caused a huge reaction.

The first was Rayleigh, who had no idea that Luffy would suddenly say such a thing.

Before coming here, Luffy had never told him about it.

You know, planting a pirate flag in a country means that the country belongs to that pirate group in name.

For such a thing, in other countries that are not members of the World government, perhaps some kings will agree to it under pressure.

But what is the situation of Amazon-Lily 14, the king is the dignified Seven Warlords of the Sea, why do you need the protection of a supernova who just went to sea?

Although your strength, Luffy, is indeed very strong, but people don't know, how can you say such a thing when you come up?

Rayleigh glanced at Luffy, then at Boya-Hancock opposite, and sure enough, the woman's face was covered in frost.

"What? Is that man going to plant a flag on our Nine Snake Island?"

"Are all men so reckless? They want to plant a pirate flag here?

Although Nine Snake Island has little contact with the outside world, some basic things are still known.

Hearing what Luffy said at this time, these female warriors all showed incredible faces.

"Shut your mouth for everything."

Listening to the discussions of the subordinates around him, Boya-Hancock shouted loudly and stopped these subordinates from making random speeches.

Although the words of the man in front of him were a bit abrupt, judging from the tone of the other party and Rayleigh's performance, the other party should have the strength to say this.

Boya-Hancock always looks aloof in front of outsiders and doesn't look down on anyone.

But his heart is very transparent, and he can say such things even when he knows his identity, obviously because he thinks he has enough strength to do such a thing.

And looking at Rayleigh's appearance, he obviously didn't expect the other party to say such a thing, but even so, Rayleigh didn't stop it.

It can be seen from this that Rayleigh obviously thinks that the other party has the strength to do it.

Besides, this man seems to be a little familiar, where have you seen it?

"Rude man, you should know that your concubine is the Seven Warlords of the Sea? How dare you say such things to your concubine? 99

However, although the opponent's strength may be really strong, Boya-Hancock will not let other pirate groups settle in his country just because of Luffy's words.

"Also, tell your concubine your name.

"My name is Monkey-D- Luffy, and I'm the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. As for the name of the Pirate Queen, of course I know it.

Luffy stared straight at Boa Hancock in front of him.

It was Luffy's whim to plant his own pirate flag on Nine Snakes Island, and it was a move for possible future situations.

Similarly, where The fish men island, Luffy will plant the flag.

It doesn't matter if he might have a bad relationship with the Big Mom Pirates or the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Knowing the identity of the concubine, you dare to say such a thing, but it's just a supernova. What is it that gives you such confidence?""

After hearing Luffy's self-introduction and seeing the straw hat on his head, Boya-Hancock finally confirmed Luffy's identity.

And it was this confirmation that made Boya-Hancock a little angry.

A mere supernova actually dared to say something like planting a flag in his own country, what a powerful pirate he thought the other party would be.

Thinking of this, Boya-Hancock couldn't help being a little disappointed. Originally, Luffy looked at him with clear eyes and thought he would be a different person.

But he didn't expect that he was just an arrogant person, just like ordinary pirates.

"Hey, Hancock, don't underestimate Luffy, it might be a good thing to let Luffy plant a flag here.

At this time, Rayleigh suddenly stood up and said.

Although Luffy's decision was a bit abrupt, Rayleigh thought it might be a good thing.

The name of the pirate queen is indeed very loud, but when it comes to the strength of the Nine Snake Pirates, it can only be regarded as ordinary.

Excluding Boya-Hancock's own sweet fruit ability may be a bit difficult, although others say Master Haki of the whole people, but that's all.

For ordinary pirates, the Nine Snake Island or the Nine Snake Pirates may be a giant, but for a pirate group like Marine or the Four Emperors, it is really not worth mentioning.

Rayleigh can be sure that after Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates battle, this sea will definitely set off unprecedented waves.

Although Hydra Island is located in the Calm Belt, Marine has mastered the method of crossing the Calm Belt.

Others don't say, once Marine wants to do something to Jiu She Island, Jiu She Dao will definitely not be able to please him.

But if Nine Snake Island is planted with Luffy's 683 flag, it will be in terms of Luffy's strength and Luffy's identity.

If Marine wants to do something about Nine Snake Island, he has to think carefully.

Although Marine doesn't seem to have any intention of moving the Seven Warlords of the Sea right now, Rayleigh has a hunch that this kind of thing won't be far away.

Therefore, even in terms of friendship with the old king of Nine Snake Island, Rayleigh has to remind Boya-Hancock.

"Huh? Who allowed you to be called a concubine like that? Old man, don't think that if you have a little friendship with the old woman, you can point fingers at the concubine."

Boya-Hancock raised his eyebrows and scolded Rayleigh angrily, but he began to think in his heart.

This Rayleigh, who is still speaking for the Straw Hat at this time, thinks that the Straw Hat has enough strength to surpass the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Obviously it's just a supernova.

But, Monkey-D- Luffy, look at his last name, does it have something to do with that old fellow at Marine?

"Man, concubine asks you, who is Monkey-D-Garp?"

Ignoring the old guy from Rayleigh, Boya-Hancock looked at Luffy and asked.

Her trademark arrogance was once again on the eyebrows.

If he is really related to the Marine hero, maybe it's not impossible for him to plant the flag here.