
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 298

Chapter 298 Surprised

"By the way, since all your crew members have their own cultivation ways, what about you? Cultivation for you will not allow you to go any further."

Seeing that Luffy had arranged his crew, Rayleigh couldn't help but wonder what Luffy planned to do in the past two years.

From Rayleigh's point of view, with Luffy's current strength, it is no longer possible to improve by training.

And Luffy naturally didn't find a place to devote himself to cultivation.

Currently, there is only one Devil Fruit awakening in the direction that Luffy can become stronger.

Of course, this does not mean that Haki can no longer improve.

But Luffy doesn't know whether there is any further possibility with his current Haki strength, or he can only keep accumulating the amount of Haki.

So, instead of chasing after Haki, who doesn't know how to improve, it's better to wake up Devil Fruit, who already has some clues.

To achieve the awakening of Devil Fruit, cultivation alone would definitely not be possible.

Everyone is also a little curious about what Luffy will do in the past two years.

"You will know this later."

Luffy didn't plan to elaborate, although it wasn't a big deal, but when he said it, it just increased their pressure out of thin air.

Seeing Luffy say this, everyone couldn't help being a little silent. Generally speaking, Luffy wouldn't hide any secrets from them.

I don't want to talk about it this time, thinking about it, I don't want to increase the pressure on them.

Everyone could actually guess that Luffy would definitely go to New World first.

Rayleigh saw that Luffy had no intention of elaborating or insisting, so he chose to turn the subject elsewhere.

"You said you were going to participate in the upcoming battle between Marine and the Whitebeard Pirates, why is that? 35

"The Fire Fist Ace that Marine wants to publicly execute is my elder brother. Although he is not biological, but since I have the strength and the opportunity, I naturally want to try to save Ace. 35

If Ace was just locked up in a big underwater prison like a normal pirate, then Luffy wouldn't care.

Some people may say that Luffy is cold-blooded, but to be honest, the current Luffy is not the original Luffy after all.

Even if he still became brothers with Ace, perhaps because his strength improved much faster than the original.

The relationship between the two, plus Sabo, is not as deep as in the original.

Without the experience of living together and dying together, the feelings naturally cannot be as deep as the original.

But at least they have been together for so many years, and the feelings they should have are still there.

Moreover, the key is to have the Whitebeard Pirates in front, otherwise, Luffy alone, even if he knows that Ace is going to be executed, it is impossible to save Ace single-handedly.

However, since Ace is about to be publicly executed, the Whitebeard Pirates will not let it go.

And this is also the reason why Marine wants to publicly execute Ace, one is the Four Emperors pirate group, and the other is the son of the pirate king Roger.

If this person and one pirate group can be eliminated at one time, it will undoubtedly be a great thing for Marine and civilians.

However, Marine was destined to be disappointed this time, even according to the original book, because of Whitebeard's words, Marine's plan fell short.

"Huh? I didn't expect that there is such a relationship between you and that Fire Fist Ace?

Luffy's words directly made Rayleigh interested.

For Rayleigh, this is indeed a surprising and expected thing.

If Luffy was just an ordinary pirate or a supernova, then Rayleigh might persuade Luffy not to be impulsive because he was optimistic about Luffy.

But now, Rayleigh, who knew Luffy's strength, had some anticipation. In that war, Marine saw the expression on Luffy's face.

Moreover, there is the old guy Garp, when the time comes, will he choose to fight with his grandson?

"One more thing, also related to Ace, which is another reason why I invited Mr. Rayleigh on board."

Luffy looked into Rayleigh's eyes and said calmly.

Rayleigh didn't speak, but waited quietly for Luffy's next words.

"Ace, it's actually Roger's son."

Luffy's tone was calm, as if to say a normal thing.

But hearing people's ears, it's not like that at all.

"Roger? One Piece Roger?"

"No way?

"Ace is actually the son of One Piece?"

What surprised them the most was Usopp and the others, because they never thought that the one they had met, Luffy's titular brother, would actually be the son of One Piece.

"Roger's son? It turns out that there is such a relationship in there. 99

・・・・・Seeking flowers….

Compared to Usopp's shock, Rayleigh, Roger's co-captain, was much calmer.

"Well, are you not surprised at all, Mr. Rayleigh?"

Seeing Rayleigh's reaction, everyone was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that when they heard that their former captain had a son, how should they react?

But Rayleigh just calmly said that it is so, isn't it?

In other words, if they encounter Luffy's son being executed by Marine in the future, uh, wouldn't it be a bad idea to think so?

However, if this is the case, they will definitely save Luffy's son without hesitation!

"Surprised, it's Roger's son after all. Before that guy turned himself in, he didn't tell me that he still has a child."


For everyone's confusion, Rayleigh just smiled faintly.

"Wait, you just said One Piece Roger turned himself in?"

At this time, everyone in the Straw Hats heard another terrible news.

In their impression, Marine captured Roger, the pirate king, and executed it publicly, thus opening the era of the great pirate for Roger.

Why does Rayleigh say that Roger turned himself in?

"Well, when Roger was terminally ill and he knew his time was running out, he chose to surrender to Marine a year after arriving in Raftel.

Rayleigh explained to the surprised crowd, but seeing Luffy's calm as always, Rayleigh couldn't help but wonder if Luffy already knew about it.

Did Garp still tell Luffy about this?

"Although it is truly remarkable to start the era of the great pirate with one sentence, it does not prevent Roger from being an irresponsible husband and a villain who has brought deeper sins to this sea."

This is Luffy's view of Roger, and perhaps the reason why Roger does it is to allow more people to explore the truth of the world.

But as a result, those pirates who went out to sea have not been able to uncover the truth of this world in addition to bringing sins to the sea.

And what Luffy is curious about is, why did he choose such a method when he could directly reveal the truth of this world to the public?

Is it the so-called fate again? 4.