
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Unbelievable

"Has the straw hat already mastered Observation Haki and Armament Haki? With the previous Conqueror's Haki, Conqueror's Haki is complete, oh, is this another big pirate born?"

The pirates who were watching hadn't thought of it, but after hearing Kizaru's words, they couldn't help but gasp.

And listening to the meaning of Kizaru, it is not the meaning of the preliminary Master Haki, but has been able to use it proficiently.

Is such a person really just a rookie pirate who has been out at sea for a few months?

"Hehe, that guy in the straw hat isn't just skilled at using Haki!

Rayleigh, who was sitting beside Zoro and the others, said with a white glow in the lens.

Although I haven't seen Luffy use other advanced Haki.

But under the perception of their own Observation Haki, who can make themselves feel threatened, will they only use Haki proficiently?

Moreover, the Conqueror's Haki who brought him here before "Six Seven Three" is not something that the preliminary masters can do.

Rayleigh glanced at the surrounding buildings with many cracks and thought to himself.

I just didn't expect that, at such an age, he actually has such strength. How did that guy do it?

And, that straw hat, Roger, is that the one you're waiting for?

Rayleigh's words surprised Nami and the others. They didn't expect that the humble old man in front of him could actually see Luffy's specific strength.

You know, the newspaper has never published the specific strength of Luffy.

In other words, the old man in front of him saw Luffy's strength completely by his own eyesight.

This old man is really not easy!

At this time, Nami and others no longer regarded the old man in front of him as an ordinary coating worker.

"You careless, Kizaru Admiral.

Luffy was not surprised that Kizaru was able to dodge Armament Haki's attack by pre-elementalizing himself.

However, did not leave immediately after the elementalization in advance, is it because of confidence in his own strength? Or did Sengoku not tell them about the battle between me and Aokiji?

So at this time, Kizaru doesn't know his true strength?

Sakura's pink Haki film began to flow on the arm, quickly covering the fist that passed through Kizaru's body.

Hearing Luffy's words, Kizaru's pupils under his sunglasses shrank suddenly, and before Luffy's fist covered Emission, his whole body turned into a golden light flashing out.


A flash of red light flashed in Luffy's pupils, and the already condensed Emission Haki covered his fist and slammed it in one direction.

There, a human figure flashing with golden light suddenly appeared.

Sakura's pink shock wave directly hit the golden human-shaped light that suddenly appeared.


Kizaru, who had appeared, didn't have time to think, and pushed out his palms, and an invisible wave shot towards the Sakura pink beam of light that came first.

With this invisible wave blocking, Kizaru's figure once again turned into a golden glow and appeared on the other side.

At this time, Kizaru, who had reappeared in shape, had a part of the suit broken at the cuffs of his hands.

Kizaru raised his hands and glanced at his cuffs, his eyes were full of solemnity.

"It's terrifying! Straw hat boy, do you have this level of power now?"

Although it was still the same dangling appearance as before, only Kizaru knew that he had become serious.

Even Mr. Garp can't be this strong at his age? He's a monster.

"Good boy, not only Armament Haki has reached the highest level, but Observation Haki has also been able to achieve this level?"

If anyone other than Kizaru saw the extent of the two-color Haki that Luffy just showed, it was only Rayleigh who was sitting beside Zoro and the others.

Although he has overestimated Luffy's strength as much as possible, Rayleigh did not expect that he still underestimated Luffy.

Armament Haki, both external and internal destruction, Observation Haki has been able to briefly foresee the future.

Combined with the unparalleled Conqueror's Haki shown before, Rayleigh can confirm that this era will be led by Luffy.

"What happened? Why did Kizaru's sleeves break?"

However, although Rayleigh could see what had just happened, the pirates present did not have the strength and vision of Rayleigh.

Obviously, they just attacked each other for a couple of times, how could Luffy break Kizaru's sleeves in a blink of an eye?

"Is this guy in the straw hat able to compete with Admiral?"

What happened at this moment made the pirates onlookers feel as if they were dreaming…

You know, in their concept, Marine Admiral, is completely irresistible existence.

However, now, a rookie pirate who is less than 20 years old and has only been out at sea for a few months, has already been able to compete with Marine Admiral. What happened to this world?

No one will doubt the strength of Kizaru. After so many years, which pirate was caught by Kizaru, which one is not the famous big pirate?

However, Admiral Kizaru, the most famous Naval Headquarters warrior, had his sleeves smashed when he first fought against Luffy.

Although it didn't hurt Kizaru, it was enough to shock them.

"It's impossible, how could this guy be so strong?"

The most unbelievable thing about this is Kid, who has always regarded Luffy as his opponent.

Although the two had never met before, the bounty was only tens of millions higher than Luffy, the straw hat boy.

Kid has always been dissatisfied with the object, always looking for an opportunity to prove that he is better than Luffy.

And now you're telling me that Luffy the Straw Hat can take on Admiral? Isn't that a joke?

How can Kid be able to bear this?

"Kid, that guy in the straw hat just happened to hit Kizaru's sleeve, you see Kizaru wasn't hurt at all. 35

For Kid's mood, Kira can fully understand, and now, it can only be explained in this way, I hope 0.4 Kid can see it a little bit.

"It seems that you can't be treated as an ordinary pirate, and Marshal Sengoku is also true, this guy with the straw hat is so strong, he didn't get any information at all?

If Kizaru knew that Sengoku understood Luffy's strength, he didn't know whether Marine Admiral, who was usually lazy, would strike at this.

But it's not normal now, the two Celestial Dragons are still lying there! If you can't solve it properly, you will inevitably be scolded.

No, there was a gleam in the eyes under Kizaru's sunglasses.

Straw Hat is so strong, I can be forgiven for tying him?

As long as the two Celestial Dragons are taken away, there is no need to waste time here with the straw hat boy.

In this way, you don't have to offend Mr. Garp, perfect!.