
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 276

Chapter 276 Celestial Dragons

"help me!

The man who was running towards Luffy and the others saw that Luffy and the others had no intention of moving away, and hope flashed in his eyes.



A violent explosion sounded from the man, and the man's screams were buried in the explosion.

The intense firelight disappeared, and the man lay in the rubble covered in black, with scorched black smoke constantly coming out of his body.

Luffy and the others, who were not far from the man, could still feel the residual heat after the explosion.


Conis covered his mouth and looked at the man who fell to the ground in disbelief.

This can't help but remind Conis of the way that when Enel was still ruling on Sky Island, those who unintentionally offended Enel were punished by thunder and lightning from Enel.

"That's why I didn't plan to become a Marine. I can't protect this scum."

Luffy's plain words rang in everyone's ears.

After seeing Garp's Gal-Tino and others, I understand why Luffy has a grandfather of a Marine hero, but he did not become Marine, but embarked on the path of a pirate.

And even the bounty hunters, Luffy and others who have fought against Marine and the World government many times, will eventually be rewarded as criminals.

Just when everyone was still silent because of the man who was killed by the bombing, a big dog with an air hood on his head walked up to the man who was killed by the bombing.

He raised one of his hind legs and urinated at the corpse of the man who was still smoking black smoke.

"That's the dog of the Celestial Dragons, they all wear this kind of hood, and they feel it's insulting to breathe the same air as everyone else."39

Camie has retreated to Luffy's side, and said to Luffy and the others with a trembling body.

As a mermaid, she did not dare to walk in front alone, and Celestial Dragons had great interest in these mermaids.

The appearance of the dog in front of him means that Celestial Dragons is coming soon.

"pat pat `~ ta"

Sure enough, while the dog was still urinating, the surrounding pedestrians knelt down one after another, even those pirates who were arrogant just now were no exception.

As for those who didn't want to kneel, they quietly retreated behind the shadows, or left here quickly.

At the same time, two people with bubble hoods walked over slowly surrounded by a group of people.

The direction was clearly Luffy and the others.

"Damn, what the hell are those guys at Straw Hat Crew doing, seeing why the Celestial Dragons don't kneel down, do they want to kill us?

Those on their knees dared not look at the two Celestial Dragons that were approaching.

But when he saw the Straw Hat Crew standing still where Celestial Dragons must pass, his tone couldn't help but bring a ferocious taste.

"Father, you broke another one!"

The two Celestial Dragons approached slowly, one of the female Celestial Dragons looked at the charred corpse and said to an elderly Celestial Dragons who was already very old.

That indifferent tone, as if speaking of a beast that can be handled easily.

"Can you prepare me a new slave?

"This is already the first time you broke it, it seems that your training skills are still not at home!

The old Celestial Dragons also did not take this charred body to heart, and only spoke of the female Celestial Dragons with a slightly critical tone.

"Hey, Father, look there is a woman with wings over there. Can you take her to me?"

Celestial Dragons, the female Celestial Dragons who was looking around to see if there was a slave who was looking at her eyes, lit up when she saw the Straw Hat Crew who was still standing there.

Seemingly found something of interest, he said to the elderly Celestial Dragons beside him.

"It's the angel of Straw Hat Crew, and she's been spotted by Celestial Dragons."

"Hmph, who told them not to have eyes, and they don't know how to kneel when they see Celestial Dragons, they deserve it!"

There was a gloating look in the eyes of those kneeling around, as if they were wise for their kneeling.

"Hey, soldier, do you hear me? Why don't you go get someone for my daughter!"

Elder Celestial Dragons also saw Conis with wings.

Although he is also interested in this woman with wings, but since his daughter has spoken, it is not easy for him to snatch his daughter's slave.

"Yes, Lord Roswald.

The soldiers behind the two Celestial Dragons immediately agreed when they heard the old Celestial Dragons' words.

Cold sweat broke out from time to time on his forehead, for fear that the slow answer would make Celestial Dragons unhappy, and then he should be unlucky.

Saying that, two soldiers jumped over everyone and walked in front of Luffy and the others.

"Hey, you guys, bring that woman here.

The two armored soldiers who came to Luffy and the others pointed to Conis behind Luffy and shouted loudly.

Although the group of pirates in front of them did not kneel when they saw Celestial Dragons, the soldiers obviously didn't care about this now.

It's better to get the woman first and talk about other things. Once the Celestial Dragons are impatient, they will only be killed by one shot.

".~ Luffy, what should I do?

Seeing the people around them all kneeling in fear after seeing Celestial Dragons, Nami realized what the so-called Celestial Dragons really are.

However, these Celestial Dragons actually do not know how to beat Conis.

Do you really think the Celestial Dragons identity would be useful in front of Luffy?

Oh, no, it's still useful, maybe it will die faster.

Zoro and others are also in a fighting posture. Obviously, as long as Luffy gives an order, they will attack without hesitation.

What bullshit Celestial Dragons, in the eyes of Zoro and others, there is no reason why Celestial Dragons can't be cut.

"Hey, what are those guys trying to do, aren't they trying to kill Celestial Dragons? Are they trying to kill us? (Wang Zhao's) doing that will attract Marine Admiral.

The actions of Zoro and others caused a commotion among those kneeling around. Obviously, the actions of Luffy's group exceeded their expectations.

"Are these guys crazy? Trying to do something to Celestial Dragons!"

Cold sweats began to form on the foreheads of those kneeling, and this was no joke.

If they do, they will definitely attract Marine Admiral. At that time, including them, they will not be able to escape.

"Are these people really unable to get up after kneeling for a long time? They don't know how to resist, but they actually blame those who resist."

Nami and the others silently looked at the people who were kneeling on the ground. Although they were far apart, Nami and the others still heard what they said clearly.

"Have you gotten used to being a dog with Celestial Dragons? Don't even have human dignity?

Looking at the two soldiers standing in front of him, Luffy spoke lightly.