
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Disquiet Camie And Papago

"Cough cough… so strong… Damn!"

Apart from the man who was directly hit by the candle warhammer made by Gal-Tino, although the other two were also seriously injured, they were not fatal enough.

At this time, the two of them clutched their chests in disbelief, and spit out a mouthful of blood again.

The two of them obviously did not expect that the candle man of the Straw Hat Pirates would directly kill the three of them and seriously injure them.

"Since you have shot at us, it seems that you have already prepared the consciousness of being killed.

As for the enemies who came at the heads of himself and others, Luffy had no plans to let them go.

"Not good! Run!

After one of them heard Luffy's words, his face changed immediately, and he only had time to say a word to the other living companion, and wanted to turn around and run away.

"It's too much to take for granted that I want to run "Six Seven Zero" now.""

Looking at them, they wanted to turn around and run away, but the hammer from Gal-Tino just now seriously injured them again, making them unable to run at all.

The corner of Zoro's mouth showed a ferocious look, and the word Hedaoyi in his hand drew an arc again.

The azure blue slash swept out, and in the horrified expressions of the two, they hit the two straight.

The two who were seriously injured by Gal-Tino were directly killed by this slash without any resistance.


Looking at the tragic state of the three bounty hunters killed by Zoro and Gal-Tino, Camie and Papago were trembling and wanted to say something.

Although they were fighting with Dibalu and the others before, Zoro and others also showed enough strength.

But compared with the direct pain of the killer now, Zoro and Usopp at that time can be said to be very gentle, and they did not intend to hurt the lives of those flying fish knights.

Now suddenly seeing Straw Hat Crew, who used to get along quite gently, show such a brutal side, Camie and Papago suddenly feel how lucky they are.

If this group of people were the same as the pirates he had seen before, maybe the two of them would have been killed or arrested?

"Don't be so afraid, generally speaking, we won't take the initiative to cause trouble.

Nami stepped forward and patted Camie on the shoulder, soothing her somewhat frightened emotions.

"But once someone wants our heads, we won't let them go easily.

"Then… what happened to the Dibalu gang before that?"

Papago asked cautiously, there was no way, the scene just now really scared him a little.

Even he did not expect the Straw Hat Crew in front of him to be a group of decisive pirates.

"Although it was not our fault, what happened to Dybalu was also caused by us.

"Although I didn't kill them, I taught them a lesson. If they come to make trouble later, we won't be merciful."

Although they are stronger than the other party, and some things do not need to be explained to the other party at all, but after all, Luffy and the others are not true pirates who do all kinds of evil.

However, once Dibalu's gang wanted to attack him and others again, the situation would be different.

However, judging from Luffy's understanding of Dibalu from the original book, the other party should no longer want to trouble himself and others.

"This…that's it…"

Camie and Papago nodded, indicating that they understood, and then, without saying anything, continued to lead the way.

Luffy didn't care whether they really understood, or were still afraid of himself and others.

After all, it is not an important person, and saving them is just casual.

After leaving Sabaody Archipelago, it is a question whether we will meet again in the future.

After taking care of the three bounty hunters in ambush, Luffy and the others move on.

It is still on the outskirts of Mangrove No. 41, there are no people around, and the battle between Luffy and the others and the bounty hunters did not cause any sensation.

"Can I take the liberty to ask? How much is your bounty, Mr. Luffy?"

At this time, Camie and Papagu remembered that they didn't know how much their bounty was.

After all, as soon as you log in to Sabaody Archipelago, you are targeted by bounty hunters, so the bounty should not be low, right?

Although the two spent some time in the Sabaody Archipelago, they did not pay much attention to information from the sea.

After all, they were either caught or on their way, and Camie and Papaku didn't have time to pay attention.

Fortunately, all the people I met were just ordinary people. In the sea, Camie was able to get out of trouble with the advantage of a mermaid.

Otherwise, it's not certain whether they can be rescued by Luffy and the others here…

"Luffy's bounty is 350 million Bailey, Zoro Sanji and Gal-Tino's bounty also exceeds 100 million, how about it, let's be strong! 35

For Camie and Papago's curiosity, Nami flashed a sly look in his eyes, and answered with a playful tone in his tone.


Camie was a little frightened by the amount of the reward. Even though Mr. Luffy didn't look vicious at all, he was actually offered a reward of 350 million Bailey?

Camie couldn't believe it, and even Zoro Boy, Sanji Boy and Gal-Tino Boy had more than 100 million bounties.

Are these people in front of them such powerful pirates?

Papagu showed a thoughtful look on the side.

Although equally surprised by the bounty offered by Luffy and others, Papago is not a single-celled creature like Camie.

Through this short time together, Papago can be sure that Luffy and others are not some heinous bad guys, but the bounty has reached this point.

This situation reminded him of the fisherman hero, Fisher Tiger.

Mr. Luffy, did they do something to offend the World government?

However, Papago didn't ask these words. After all, he was not familiar with Luffy and the others to that extent. It's better not to ask some questions.

What's more, even if you ask, the other party will not necessarily answer.

Papagu wisely chose silence at 0.4.

You and Camie just need to be good guides.

Even, with the kind of words Luffy just said, at least as long as he is still with them, he doesn't have to worry about the safety of Camie and himself.

Otherwise, in the identity of Camie mermaid, on this Sabaody Archipelago, it is possible to be caught by human traffickers or pirates at any time.

And beside Luffy and them, with the strength that Luffy and the others showed, no one on the island should be able to catch Camie from them.

As for Celestial Dragons, Papagu glanced in Conis's direction.

As Luffy said before, with the attitude of Conis, it is easier for those Celestial Dragons to take a fancy to.

If what Luffy said is true, then Camie should be able to get Luffy's protection as long as she stays by Luffy's side.