
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Luffy remembered that Camie and the others should have known Rayleigh as well. Although they did not have the identity of Octopus Hachi's savior, they should also be able to meet Rayleigh through them.

The legendary pirate, the right hand of One Piece, Pluton Rayleigh.

Although I have seen the Golden Lion, after all, the Golden Lion's strength has declined a lot over the years because of the rudder.

Even if the power that the legendary pirates should have erupted in the end, it was only a single blow.

Now, I don't know if I have the opportunity to really see the legendary power.

"A coating worker? I remember that Bazai has an acquaintance who is a coating worker, but I have never met him."

The topic was brought up, and when Luffy said that he was looking for a coating worker, Camie immediately remembered the friend Bazai once said about him.


Luffy was a little surprised, thought Camie would know Rayleigh and the others, but he didn't expect to hear about Rayleigh because of Octopus Hachi, and haven't you seen it?

It doesn't matter though, the Sabaody Archipelago is huge, but Shakky's rip-off bar shouldn't be a hard place to find.

Just ask, you should be able to find it soon, and then you will be able to meet Rayleigh as well.

"Then Camie, do you know where Shakky's rip-off bar is?

Camie they've been in the Sabaody Archipelago for a while and should know about this place.

"Well, I know this, Shakky's ripping bar is located in Mangrove on the 13th, but I heard that the proprietress there is a person who loves ripping off."

Camie nodded, she had indeed heard of this, although she had not been to it, but Shakky's rip-off bar had a certain reputation in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Of course, it's not a good reputation.

"You know it as soon as you hear the name!"

After hearing Camie's words, everyone couldn't help but complain.

Some people actually call the name of the store a rip-off, so will there really be customers to patronize?

"Then let's go to Mangrove Tree No. 13. By the way, there, I will also tell you about the arrangements after that."

Luffy nodded, and now that Camie knew, it could take a few detours.

When we got there, in addition to meeting Rayleigh, we also needed to talk to them about our future plans.

Moreover, you have to contact the bear, Thousand Sunny is not equipped with phone bugs, maybe you can buy a batch this time.

At that time, even if you go to practice, you can still get in touch with emergencies.

"What's so special about that Shakky's rip-off bar? You're going there as a name?39

Camie and Papago led the way, and Luffy and others followed behind. Nami couldn't help asking Luffy curiously.

Generally, as long as Luffy mentions a specific place, it means that there is something worth visiting for Luffy in that place.

Otherwise, if you just want to talk to yourself and others about the follow-up arrangements, you can just find a restaurant.

Why go from Mangrove No. 41 to Mangrove No. 13?

"Well, go there to meet someone, no accident, he will be a coating worker who helps us coat.

Following in the footsteps of Camie and Papago, Luffy explained to Nami and the others.

"The person who can make you name, must not be an ordinary person, right?

For Nami, who knew Luffy quite well, he could think that the other party would be a special person.

Without seeing so many people on board, isn't there an easy one?

"You'll know when it arrives.

Luffy didn't explain it right away. After meeting someone, he would know it naturally. There's no need to talk too much at this time.

Hearing Luffy's words, Nami rolled his eyes and didn't look back. Luffy, this guy, who was walking forward, was again intriguing.

However, now is really not the time to explain.

"Looks like we've just been on the Sabaody Archipelago when we're being targeted?

Nami glanced at the figures hidden around him from the corner of his eyes, and Observation Haki had already sensed the undisguised hostility of those figures.

"However, we have 4 supernovas on board, and it is impossible to be targeted by bounty hunters.

The rest also discovered the bounty hunters in ambush around them.

"Ah? What's the matter with you? Is there anything to buy? 35

Camie and Papago, who were walking in front, looked back and saw Luffy and the others behind them stopped, and asked curiously.

Camie and Papagu are just normal people, uh, or mermen, and don't have the ability to Master Observation Haki.

Completely ignorant of the things that these people have been surrounded by.

At this time, I saw Luffy and others stop, thinking they were trying to buy something, but there is no store here!

・・・・ Flowers 0・・・・

"It's nothing, just a few flies, which will be settled soon. 39

Zoro pulled out the knife around his waist with a smile, and swung it at a certain place.

"Ahh? Are we being targeted? This is the mangrove No. 41. It stands to reason that the law and order here should be pretty good! 35

Seeing Zoro's action, Camie was startled, and immediately thought that these people might be targeted by bounty hunters, so she said incredulously.

In Camie's understanding, even if these bounty hunters want to act, they should be in the mangroves from the 1st to the 29th. How come they were ambushed just after they got off the boat?


The blue slash slashed through the air and slashed hard on a tree.

The tree that was cut down was also split into two halves immediately, revealing several figures hidden behind the tree.


"Che, have you been discovered? Pirates with a bounty of over 100 million are not simple guys."

The few people who showed their figures were not surprised, they looked at each other and rushed towards Luffy and the others with the tone in their hands raised.

"Really, it looks like we're making too little noise, and even though Luffy's bounty is already 350 million Baileys, these guys don't care at all. 99

Gal-Tino murmured, and a huge warhammer was condensed in his hand.

These guys, just like me back then, didn't know what the so-called sky was, so let them know their weight.

Thinking of this, Gal-Tino charged forward, the warhammer in his hand dragging behind him.

Then, when it was about to collide with the rushing people, the candle warhammer that was dragged behind him slammed forward and smashed hard on the rushing people.


The few bounty hunters wanted to use their weapons to block the oncoming candle warhammer. However, the power gap between the two sides was simply too great.

The weapon in his hand and the Candle Warhammer just broke apart as soon as they touched, and the Candle Warhammer finally slammed into several people.

Even if a few people work together, they can't stop Gal-Tino's candle warhammer in the slightest.

Under this blow, the few bounty hunters vomited blood and flew out. Among them, the one who faced the warhammer had a dent in his chest, and he was basically unable to survive.