
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 News Of The Treasure

"Ahhh, leave us alone…"

"thump" "thump" "thump"

Ignoring the three people's pleas for mercy, Luffy let go of the hand holding the rope, three thuds of falling into the water sounded, and the three thieves who were tied up and beaten into pig heads by Nami were thrown into the sea by Luffy.

"Those three guys came here by boat, and there was a child on the boat. It should be the same as Kebi before, who was tied to work as a coolie!" Before picking up the three thieves, Nami had already found their boat. and walked around.

There was nothing on the boat except a child who was tied by a rope around his waist and held the rudder of the boat.

I have to say that Nami is really fast when looking for treasures. Does the money fan have this bonus?

"But I heard something from them. Have you heard of Wu Nan, the golden pirate?" Nami's eyes were obviously different when he talked about the golden pirate. The bright look was almost direct. Turned into Bailey.

"Wu Nan? Is that the legendary pirate who specialized in robbing the wicked of the gold?" Zoro seemed to have heard of this person, and knew who she was talking about when Nami uttered the name Wu Nan.

"That's right, it's said that the leader of their group, the Golden Dragon, has already found the location where Wu Nan buried the treasure." Nami, who was talking about the treasure, was full of excitement, and his bright eyes stared straight at Luffy, his face almost touching Luffy The look on his face, the look of hope on his face, gave Luffy no chance to refuse at all.

But Luffy didn't mean to refuse. Although Wu Nan's treasure was probably not there, the pirate ship was not necessarily. Since he stretched his hand on Luffy's ship, he naturally needed to exchange gifts.

But does East Blue still have such a guy? Luffy doesn't remember at all, but it doesn't matter, it's all a punch thing anyway.

"By the way, what about the kid you were talking about?" Luffy asked Nami, remembering the kid who was caught just mentioned by Nami.

"It's still on that boat." After all, the specific situation was uncertain at the time, and the boat was safe for the time being, so Nami didn't care about him.

"Rescue him and ask! He should know some things, otherwise the pirates won't catch a useless person, right?" Just like the previous Cobie, because he knew some sailing skills, Alvida didn't kill him took him.

"Zoro, the child is handed over to you, Usopp, it's time to test your shooting skills." The task of saving the child was handed over to Zoro, and Luffy looked at Usopp.

"Huh? What do I need to do, kill the other's captain with a cannon?" Although he was a little flustered in his heart, Usopp's words were not intimidating.

"It's best to kill it directly, you can give it a try, it's useless when the cannonballs are placed!" Luffy nodded, not rejecting Usopp's proposal.

Zoro on the side didn't leave immediately, and he also wanted to see if Usopp, who could be invited by Luffy, was really capable.

"Okay, look at me! Let them see how powerful Uncle Usopp is!" Seeing that Luffy didn't refute his words, Usopp immediately forgot the nervousness just now, and ran towards the Merry's cannon with a little excitement.

At this time, the bow of the Merry was facing the pirate ship that had already advanced a certain distance, and Usopp did not see any special aiming movements, but just moved the muzzle up and down, and then ignited the fuse of the gunpowder.


The iron cannonball fired its tail flame towards the pirate ship on the opposite side.


The opposite side didn't seem to react that Luffy's side would use artillery, so no one came out to block it, and the flying cannonball hit the bow of the pirate ship directly.

With the roar of the cannonball hit, the pirate ship's bow was directly bombed with wood chips flying, and flames ignited after a while.

"It actually hit! Hahaha, as expected of Uncle Ben!" After seeing the accurate hit of the cannonball, Usopp wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately put on an expression of coming to praise Uncle Ben again.

"It actually hit, I thought you were bragging!" Nami on the side obviously didn't know Usopp's ability, and was surprised to see that Usopp could hit the enemy ship with his artillery from such a long distance.

And Zoro, who saw Usopp successfully hit the pirate ship, glanced at Usopp, and walked towards the boat parked behind the Merry, where the three thieves were riding just now.

However, although this cannon accurately hit the bow of the pirate ship on the opposite side, for the huge pirate ship, the power of a cannonball is not enough to sink it, and, with this cannonball first, Someone on the other side was already standing in the place where the bow was intact.

"Golden Lion? No, that guy's legs are standing there!" Seeing the person appearing on the bow of the pirate ship on the opposite side, Luffy immediately thought that he saw a legendary existence, that head was like a lion It's true that Luffy, who has never seen a real person, is easily misunderstood, but when he sees the other's intact legs, Luffy realizes that he has misunderstood.

Just when Luffy looked at the opposite side, the person who looked like Golden Lion also found Luffy and others. Although there was still a long distance away, Luffy still saw the grim smile on the other side's face.

Then, I saw the figure raised his hands high, and there seemed to be airflow flowing around his body, and then, a blue light condensed around his mouth.

"Demon fruit power?" Looking at the opponent's posture and the light that gradually solidified in his mouth, Luffy became slightly interested. After all, in East Blue, such things as Devil Fruit are quite rare.

"Luffy, is it okay to let that thing launch? Will there be a problem with the Merry?" Nami wasn't worried about his own safety at all, after all, Luffy was standing in front of him. Nami felt that as long as he stayed by Luffy's side, she There will be no fear at all.

"Don't worry! An attack of this magnitude is not enough for me to stop!" Luffy smiled confidently while leaning forward slightly.

"Drink!" The attack on the opposite side seemed to be condensed and completed. With the loud shout from the other side, the blue light in the mouth finally formed a straight beam and shot towards the location of the Merry.

The originally calm sea was split by this beam, and the waves spread to both sides of the beam. Facing the attack of the beam that carried the mighty power and seemed to split the sea, Luffy looked calm, and held on to the beam with his left hand. The straw hat that swayed slightly in the wind, squatted down, clenched his right fist, and covered it with the dark Armament Haki.

Luffy slammed his right hand, and a layer of fiery flames suddenly covered his dark arms and fists with subtle and violent shaking, his hair that was exposed outside his straw hat fluttered in the wind, and his red waistcoat also rattled.

"Fire Fist!"*