
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Skirt

In the boundless sky, white clouds floated leisurely, and the warm sunshine was scattered on the blue sea, accompanied by the sea breeze, and the jagged waves appeared.

A small brig floated on the sea, the bow was a lovely white sheep's head, the sails were raised, and a simple straw hat was drawn on the upper part.

"Nami, how long will it take to get to the restaurant on the sea?" After the excitement at the beginning, Luffy, who had been sailing at sea for about three days in a row, already felt quite boring.

When I read comics before, I felt very envious of sailing freely on the sea, riding a boat, basking in the sun, and blowing the sea breeze. It was not until I really stayed at sea for a long time that I realized that I really couldn't do anything on a boat.

"In the case of the restaurant on the sea, it will take about a week to see the sea journey, but there seems to be a small island nearby, we can go up and replenish it. You are too good to eat Luffy, obviously, the materials given by Miss Kaya should be enough for a week. I measured it, and I almost finished it in two days!" Looking at Luffy sitting on the sheep's head, Nami replied after comparing the nautical chart, and also complained about Luffy's food intake.

Because of the Merry, Nami can now take a bath on the boat every day, and she doesn't know when she bought the clothes. At this time, she is wearing a pure white dress, showing snow-white fragrant shoulders, and a little hollow part on the back is waist-length. Her orange curly hair was covered, and the skirt reached her knees. The curves of her body wrapped in the dress made Luffy's eyes light up when he looked back at Nami, and instantly felt that sailing wasn't so boring anymore.

Feeling Luffy's seemingly non-existent gaze, Nami blinked at Luffy, and then in Luffy's astonishing eyes, he stretched his waist greatly, and the already charming body curve stretched out even more attractively.

"The more you eat, the more energy you have! By the way, is Zoro still exercising? Where's Usopp?" With a firm will to look away from Nami, Luffy asked about the other two.

"Zoro is still lifting his barbell! As for Usopp, I don't know what he's tinkering with, he's been in the warehouse for the past two days!" But Nami was still very happy that the two of them were busy. Just a little more time with Luffy.

For Luffy, Nami has always had a different affection for Luffy since he was rescued five years ago. Now that he has finally embarked on a sailing journey with Luffy, this strange affection seems to have begun to sprout.

"Huh? Are there any thieves patronizing the safe sailing? How can I look at you two more in the open and plundering!" The first time a stranger broke into the Merry, Luffy jumped directly from the bow to the deck , stood beside Nami.

Although Luffy didn't use the Observation Haki during the voyage, Luffy felt it right away when someone boarded the Merry with malice.

"What's the matter, Luffy?" Without hearing what Luffy said, Nami asked Luffy who suddenly jumped down.

"Three people climbed on the Merry, it seems like they want to steal our treasure, and there is a pirate ship coming in the distance, let Zoro know!" Instructed to Nami, Luffy locked his eyes in the distance appeared on the pirate ship.

As for Usopp, those three thieves had to go to the warehouse to steal the treasure. Usopp was in the warehouse now. Although he was a little timid and not very strong, he still had no problem dealing with a few thieves.

"Okay, I'm going to call Zoro, Luffy, be careful! But those thieves actually came to steal my Bailey, Luffy, you have to teach them a good lesson!" There is not much worry about these pirates Nami, but the unexpected Someone dared to steal his Bailey, Nami said he was very angry.

"…" Although Luffy has seen Nami's wealth-obsessed attributes many times, he still finds it very strange. Is wealth-obsessed born?

"Da da da" Nami, who was wearing a dress, could only move in small steps when running. Looking at the back of the other party's trot, Luffy realized that Nami was still wearing high-heeled shoes, which matched the body swing driven by running, which made Luffy's eyes reluctant. moved away.

But now is not the time to appreciate it. Although the pirate ship on the opposite side has no existence that can threaten Luffy, through Observation Haki's perception, there are actually two beings on that ship that are stronger than Chloe. Could it be a theatrical version? existence in?

"Hahaha, you thieves, know how good I am Usopp!"

The sound of ping and ping from the warehouse made Luffy's veins jump, who was staring at the pirate ship in the distance. Is this tm Laozi's new ship going to be damaged in just a few days?

"Usopp, you bastard, can you be quieter, if there's any damage to the Merry, I'll paint you!" This was the first time Luffy roared so loudly, and now there is only one of the funny trio left. With such great power, Luffy can only be thankful that he was reborn as Luffy.

"You were actually climbed onto the boat by a stranger, Luffy!" Zoro, who had just been called by Nami, finally had a chance to mock Luffy, who had always been mocking himself before.


"You are exercising over there, why didn't you find these thieves?" Good guy, he was clearly exercising not far from where the thieves climbed up, but he couldn't find these thieves, but he still had reason to ridicule himself?

"…" Zoro, who was asked back, instantly shut his mouth, and started to look from the left to the right to see what you were talking about.

"What about Nami?" Zoro came out, but Nami who called Zoro didn't come out.

"Ah? She shouted behind me and left, I didn't pay attention!" Zoro answered indifferently, this big man, can he still fall into the sea?

At this moment, there was another sound of bang, bang, bang, and bang, this time it was the sound of punching and kicking, and at the same time Nami's voice also came, "You guys dare to steal my Bailey!"

Then there were continuous beating sounds, and several unidentified screams.

When Usopp appeared with three strange creatures tied together and their faces swollen into pig heads, Nami also ran from behind while clapping his hands.

"How did you change your clothes?" The reappearing Nami had changed back to the long-sleeved jeans from before.

"Ah? Oh, it's inconvenient to beat people in that outfit!" Glancing at Luffy, Nami replied lightly, "Idiot!" Finally, he cursed softly like a murmur.

Luffy didn't hear the last whisper, just nodded to Nami's explanation, and then looked at the three thieves who were beaten into pigs' heads, "Are you guys with that pirate ship?"

"Woo, hurry up and let us go, or else, the Golden Dragon boss won't let you go!"*