
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 Temporary Departure

"The boat…the boat is floating!"

Although they had seen the pirate ship floating in the air, Usopp and Chopper couldn't help but feel scared when their own ship was floating.

And Luffy didn't feel good either, Lion Fruit's ability still had to be mastered in his own hands.

In the current situation, once Shiki disarmed his abilities, everyone on the boat, including Thousand Sunny, would fall directly.

And once the luck is bad and it falls on the land, it will directly be the result of the ship crashing and killing people.

Even if it falls into the sea, there are so many capable people on board that Zoro can't be rescued by a few incompetents.

But the consequences may not be so serious, Gal-Tino's ability may be able to create a candle boat to catch everyone.

Moreover, after Conis's wings have grown up recently, he can also drag a person. Mikita's light Lion Fruit also has a certain self-protection ability in this situation.

Luffy can also fly in fourth gear for a while, and with Luffy's power, it's no problem to catch 2 or 3 people.

But Thousand Sunny is not so lucky, Lion Fruit can't work on creatures other than those with abilities, but it is easy to control Thousand Sunny.

Under such circumstances, if Shiki really intends to kill himself and others in the air, he can use Lion Fruit's ability to flip Thousand Sunny continuously.

In these 653 cases, Gal-Tino may not be able to seize the opportunity to create something life-saving.

Fortunately, Shiki didn't plan to do this, and I don't know if it was because he didn't expect it, or because he didn't bother to do it.

"Wow, that's how it feels to be floating in the sky!"

Usopp, Chopper and others couldn't help but exclaimed as they looked at the gradually receding sea.

"Hehehehe, it's good to live for so long!"

Brook used to be that playful character, and now he's on Thousand Sunny in the sky, and he's become like Chopper and the others.

Luffy didn't bother about whether Shiki would cancel Lion Fruit's ability, and instead enjoyed the completely different scenery from usual.

"Jie Hahahaha, how is it? Have you never felt the feeling of flying in the sky?

Seeing that everyone on Thousand Sunny looked surprised, Shiki couldn't help laughing.

Under Shiki's control, Thousand Sunny quickly flew to the bottom of a floating island.

"It's really an island floating in the air, completely different from Sky Island!

Seeing (beae) the floating islands, everyone on the boat exclaimed again.

Especially in the lower part of those islands, there is also a circle of floating sea water, this kind of scene is really unforgettable.

"Okay, here we are, this is the floating Sky Island that I rule – Viermeyo, and then, let's have a good adventure here! 39

Shiki controlled Thousand Sunny and fell to a lake somewhere on the island, and then jumped ashore.

"Wow! It's so beautiful here!"

If nothing else, the scenery here really has nothing to say, and probably the reason why no one can come here, the trees on the island are very impressive.

"Jie Hahahaha, if you like it, I won't be here with you, you can do it yourself!""

Laughing again, Shiki ignored the crowd, turned and left in a certain direction.

"How did he plan to actually bring us to such a place?"

Along the way, because of the Golden Lion, Zoro didn't ask much, but now that the Golden Lion has left, Zoro finally looked at Luffy and asked.

After Zoro asked for the exit, the others also looked at Luffy.

Although the Golden Lion was very hearty and scheming along the way, Robin and the others were not fools.

How to say thank you to these people, let's not say that the other party is also a pirate, what kind of humble and kind person is a pirate?

Besides, to be honest, he and others have not helped him, it is his own choice to turn to that, and it has nothing to do with them.

And in this case, the other party actually came to express his thanks, and brought himself and others to his territory?

To say that there is no conspiracy in it, Robin and others do not believe it.

It's not a teenager with little experience like Chopper Usopp, how could he not have imagined the twists and turns inside.

"His target is Nami.

Luffy didn't hide it either, and directly stated the purpose of the Golden Lion.

"What? The old man's target is Miss Nami? I thought he was a good guy!"

Sanji yelled first after hearing Luffy's answer.

"Just because Nami can predict the weather?

Thinking of the reasons for Golden Lion's thanks, Robin asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Lion Fruit's ability is basically invincible in this sea because it can fly, but it has a fatal weakness."

"Is it just stormy weather? 99

"That's right, Lion Fruit's ability is to make objects float away from gravity. Although the person with the ability can finely control these floating objects, once they encounter a storm, this control ability will fail."5

Luffy doesn't really understand why Lion Fruit is so flawed.

Logically speaking, with Lion Fruit's control ability, it shouldn't be so easily blown away by the wind.

Perhaps this is also the magical place of Devil Fruit!

"So his purpose is to take Nami away, to get Nami on his boat to help him predict the weather?

When Luffy said this, everyone understood why the Golden Lion's purpose was Nami.

"In this case, Captain Luffy also promised Golden Lion to come to this island because he wanted to get this Lion Fruit?"

At this time, Robin also understood why Luffy promised Golden Lion to come to this island.

Although Lion Fruit has the defect of being afraid of storms, the advantage of being able to fly will not be overshadowed by its defects.

"That's right, this Lion Fruit is the ability I want to help Nami acquire. With Nami's ability, we won't let us lose the Battle of Ait-Wol."

"Wait…wait, you said so much, why I don't understand, is Devil Fruit so easy to obtain?"

Perona, who only recently joined, has yet to see Franky's ability to plunder Devil Fruit.

At this time, she didn't understand why Luffy had a certain look on her face when she said this.

Perona still knows something about Devil Fruit's rebirth.

That is, after the ability user dies, Devil Fruit will randomly respawn on a certain fruit.

And this fruit, but somewhere random in this sea.