
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 The Storm Strikes

"How do you feel now?"

While everyone was indulging in the feeling of power enhancement, the two sneaked into Thousand Sunny's bathroom again.

At this moment, Luffy hugged Nami tightly in his arms and asked again.

"Bastard, are you trying to~ kill me?

Nami was panting against Luffy's arms, her beautiful face flushed with blush.

"Looks like we'll have to find time to pull Sister Robin into the water too."

Having said that, Nami stared at Luffy tightly, as if trying to see what Luffy was thinking at this time.

"But now it's just you.

Luffy didn't respond to Nami's words. At this time, following Nami's words, wouldn't it be courting death?

"Okay, with Vivi in ​​front, what are you pretending to do, get out of here, I'm going to wash it again."

Nami glanced at Luffy angrily, then pushed Luffy hard and left Luffy's arms.

Luffy touched his nose, but did not continue to get tired, and walked out of the bathroom first.

"I didn't expect this pill to work on skeletons and robots!"

As soon as he got back on deck, Luffy heard Usopp and the others discussing the changes brought about by the pills.

Also, after all, skeletons and robots, pills can also bring about effects, it is really unscientific.

But the world was not scientific, and Luffy didn't bother.

After Brook and Franky took the drug, Luffy also gave Merry one, but after Merry took it, it didn't work at all.

I don't know if it's because Merry didn't have a body from the beginning.

"Since you have already taken those pills and your physique has indeed improved, then, when you are eating, let Marianu help you awaken Armament Haki together. 39

Coming to the deck, Luffy glanced at the few people on the deck and said.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates can be regarded as the master two-color Haki.

At that time, after another two years of cultivation, even New World will be fully capable of breaking through.

However, some things may not wait for two years.

"Is it finally possible to Master Armament Haki?"

Usopp was a little excited, and the boost brought by the pill this time relieved Usopp's deep-seated worries.

Before that, I was the most useless person on this ship, even Marianu, who could help everyone guide Haki.

As for himself, he couldn't help with anything, which made Usopp keep thinking about whether it was right for him to accept Luffy's invitation.

It can be said that oneself is useless on this boat. There is no difference between having oneself and not having oneself for the Straw Hat Pirates.

Although Luffy never wanted to drive him away, Usopp couldn't get over that hurdle in his heart.

Now, Chopper's drug has been successfully developed, and after taking the pill, he has indeed gotten a world-shaking change.

Now, Armament Haki can be awakened again, and his strength will become stronger and stronger. At that time, he will definitely be able to help Luffy.

Luffy didn't know what Usopp was thinking, and he just smiled at Usopp's excitement.

But even knowing that, Luffy just smiled.

Traveling around the world, without these partners, would be very lonely.

"Hehehehe, I didn't expect that I would start an adventure again, and there would be such a surprise. It's really great to be able to live again!"

Although it only took a few days to join the Straw Hat Pirates, it was these few days that made Brook feel like he was still alive.

Wandering in the Devil's Triangle for decades, a person's drifting is not something ordinary people can endure.

"It's too early to sigh about these things, let's sigh when we finish traveling around the world and the day you see Laboon again!


"Hey, come and have a look!"

While a few people were chatting, Franky, who was tinkering with something at the stern, seemed to have found something and shouted towards the deck where everyone was.

Hearing Franky's cry, everyone stopped what they were doing and ran towards the stern of Thousand Sunny.

Observation Haki was already unfolding as Luffy walked towards the stern.


Everyone who came to the stern of Thousand Sunny fell into a sluggishness for the first time.

"The boat…was floating in the air…"

Staring blankly at the huge ship floating in the sky, Usopp and the others were speechless.

…..for flowers 0…

"It's finally here? Golden Lion!"

As soon as Observation Haki sensed it, Luffy confirmed that it was the legendary pirate he had been waiting for – Golden Lion Shiki.

"Everyone, there will be a storm coming to this sea soon, we have to leave quickly.

While everyone was still immersed in the shock of the floating ship, Nami's voice came from in front of Thousand Sunny.

Nami, who originally wanted to rest in the bathroom for a while, felt the abnormal air pressure, but he didn't care about the soreness of his legs, so he put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

At the same time, he did not forget to remind everyone.

But when Nami came out of the bathroom, he didn't see anyone on the deck.

Hearing the movement from the stern, Nami also hurried to the stern, wanting to remind everyone again.

However, just at the stern of the boat, Nami was also stunned by the flying ship in front of him, and even forgot to remind him again.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, didn't you hear Nami say there's a storm coming?"

Looking at the sluggish crew, Luffy reminded.

Now is not the time to be in a daze. The storm that can be perceived by Nami must not be a simple storm, but there is no time for them to be in a daze here.

"Ah, yes, you all act fast, the storm will be very strong, if you don't leave quickly, even Thousand Sunny will sink!

Luffy's words made Nami instantly sober, and now is not the time to be surprised.

Even with Merry around, it's not difficult to change the voyage.

"Oh… oh oh!"

Usopp and the others also came back to their senses, no longer caring about the ship that was flying in the air, and ran towards the deck, preparing to change course.

"What? Luffy, the ship doesn't seem to change direction, do you want to inform them?

Nami looked at the ship that was still flying here and asked Luffy.

"No need to inform, the other party is not a good person, no, or in other words, the Devil Fruit I prepared for you is on the other party."


Luffy's words surprised Nami. The Devil Fruit that Luffy prepared for himself was on that ship?

"What if Devil Fruit was blown away by the storm?" Four.