
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 237

Chapter 237 Change

Suppressing the doubts in his heart first, Luffy turned his eyes to Zoro, who had sobered up.

Zoro was also feeling the changes in his body at this time, and from the corners of his grinning mouth, he could see that the strengthening effect of the pill made him quite satisfied.

"How is it, how do you feel? 99

Luffy asked.

"It feels good, I've made great strides in my strength, and my stamina seems to be getting better."

Although there is no obvious change in body shape, that is because Zoro's body is already well-proportioned, and there is no change in appearance.

But Luffy knew that Zoro must be just like himself, with more firm muscles.

Next, Zoro covered his hands with another layer of Armament Haki.

The metal texture of the dark palm is even worse than before, and it is obvious that Armament Haki has also improved to a considerable extent.

"It feels like Armament Haki is more condensed.

At the same time, Zoro pulled out the word Hedao from his waist.

As Armament Haki circulated, Armament Haki, which was originally just covering the palm of the hand, began to spread towards the blade of the word Hedaoichi.

Finally, Armament Haki will completely cover the word Hedao, and the arrogance of black and purple 650 colors flows on the word Hedao.

"Is it possible to cover Armament Haki on weapons?"

Seeing this scene, Luffy sighed slightly. Although the previous Zoro mastered Armament Haki, he still couldn't cover Haki on the knife.

Just can wrap a layer of Armament Haki on the knife.

Armament Haki can now be placed directly on the knife.

It can be said that compared to the original work, the quality and quantity of Armament Haki are completely comparable to Zoro, who has been practicing for two years in the original work.

Of course, in terms of combat power, it should still be incomparable. After all, two years of battles are missing, which cannot be compared by drug enhancement alone.

Just as Zoro was experimenting with Armament Haki, the rest of the group also woke up.

Sanji and Gal-Tino also look the same in appearance.

As a transformed man, Franky's appearance is all metal, and it has not changed.

But Brook, who only has bones, is a little different from before.

I always feel that Brook's bones are darker and harder, and I don't know if it's an illusion.

Chopper is still that Chopper.

I don't know if it's because he is an animal or what, after taking the pill, he still doesn't look like he has grown up.

On the other hand, Usopp, the change is quite big. The originally thin body has now become full and strong muscles have grown.

It looks similar to the original two years later. It seems that this is the most perfect image of Usopp!

"Wow! Conis, your wings…"

While Luffy was still observing the changes on the boy's side, there was an exclamation from the girl's side.

Everyone, who was still feeling their own changes, looked over at Nami's exclamation.

The most conspicuous change was naturally Conis. I saw that the pair of small wings behind her that could only be used for admiration had grown to be about the same height as hers.

Those pure white wings, coupled with Conis' delicate face, it is no exaggeration to say that an angel descends to earth.

"God… an angel?"

Sanji's eyes have turned into pink hearts.

"Then… that, don't look at me like that.

Although I have already felt the changes in my own wings, it is not surprising that everyone is so surprised.

But being surrounded by so many people still made Conis a little shy, and even the pair of wings that had just grown out shook a few times.

"Well, Conis, your wings have grown, so can you fly now?"

Now that the wings have become so big, they should no longer be used for decoration.

"Let me try."

Instinct told Conis that he was indeed able to fly with the pair of wings, but Conis, who had never tried to fly, was still a little uneasy in his heart.

As everyone watched, Conis took a deep breath, and then, began to maneuver the pair of grown wings.

No, it's just that the manipulation is not suitable, it's just instinctive, as long as Conis thinks, the wings will flap.

Everyone stepped aside, and Conis' wings gradually spread.

When it stretched to the limit, it looked like it was about two meters long. I saw a slight flap of the stretched wings, and Conis's body began to fly into the air.

With another fan, Conis' feet have left the deck, and his body has completely stopped in mid-air.

"Wow! I can really fly!

Seeing that Conis actually flew, everyone couldn't help exclaiming.

Flying, what a yearning thing this is, and now that someone on board can really fly, it is really enviable.

"Miss Conis, please take me to heaven!

Sanji has completely lost his mind, not only his eyes have turned into pink hearts, but his nose is also spewing thick heat.

"Would you like me to take you to the kingdom of heaven, the curly-browed chef.

However, as soon as Sanji finished speaking, he was forced to cool down by Zoro's taunt.

Then, the two people who had just taken the pills adjusted to this sudden increase in power.

Looking at Conis floating in midair, Luffy was also a little stunned. He didn't expect the pill made from the horn of the unicorn lion to have such an effect.

Originally, Luffy planned to wait until he met Golden Lion to see if the IQ grass in his hand could make Conis' wings evolve.

After all, at the end of the original theatrical version, those villagers really flew up.

When the time comes, let Chopper study it, and it is entirely possible that Conis can actually fly.

But now, it seems that it is no longer needed. The pill developed by the horn of the unicorn lion has already allowed Conis to complete the evolution.

Conis, who experienced flying for the first time, was also curious about the feeling of flying. When he felt that he was already in the air, he flapped his wings again.

Then, Conis drew a graceful arc in the air and really flew like a butterfly.

Under the envious eyes of others, Luffy turned his gaze to Nami and the others.

The figure has not changed significantly, and there is no muscle growth on the exposed arms in short sleeves.

But Luffy still felt that they were a little different.

"Nami, how are you feeling?"

If you can't see it, just ask.

Nami, who was looking at the flying Conis with admiration, turned around after hearing Luffy's question.

Smiling brightly at Luffy, he said:

"No feeling.

"No feeling?"

Luffy didn't understand what Nami meant. It was impossible to say that the pills didn't work, after all, everyone else had changed.

Looking at Nami, Luffy saw a fleeting slyness and a touch of emotional moisture in her eyes.