
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 236

Chapter 236 Taking

Luffy wasn't too surprised to hear Chopper's words.

This kind of thing is normal, after all, the physical strength of the unicorn lion itself has an upper limit.

And the medicine developed with its horn is naturally impossible to exceed the strength of the unicorn lion itself.

But even so, these drugs will still greatly improve the Straw Hat Pirates.

After all, the physical quality of human beings can rarely reach the level of animals, let alone the physical strength of a unicorn lion with magical power.

At least in the current Straw Hat Pirates, no one can have such physical strength, not even Luffy.

Therefore, this drug can definitely greatly enhance the strength of Straw Hat Crew.

"Will it work if Brook and Franky eat it? Neither of these guys really have a body!""

Luffy glanced at Brook and Franky and asked.

"Hehehehe, even if it doesn't work, I won't care. After all, I'm just a skeleton."

Brook laughed optimistically.

For him, in the case of Master Armament Haki, the so-called "physical" strength is not so important.

Franky is also in the same situation. After the Master Armament Haki, the Armament Haki is covered on the transformed body, and the hardness of the metal is added, isn't it stronger than the human body?

"I'm not sure if Brook and Franky's words will work, after all, I've never been exposed to this kind of body structure."

Chopper replied a little embarrassedly, because Brook and Franky joined relatively late, Chopper did not consider this situation when developing.

But this is normal, and who would have thought that there are still living skeletons and people who transformed themselves into iron men in this world!

"Anyway, one for each person. 35

There are quite a few horns of the unicorn lion, and one has also been preserved for possible future breeding and replication.

Luffy opened the bottle, and a strange fragrance emanated from the bottle girl.

When they smelled this fragrance, everyone felt refreshed and their pores opened.

Luffy poured out the pills and distributed them one by one to everyone on the boat.

"Ah? I have it too`~?"

Dumbly took the golden pill that Luffy handed over, Perona was a little surprised, but she was forced to board the boat by the other party.

Now not only let himself know the secret of this kind of pill, but even gave himself this kind of pill, what the hell was he thinking.

Perona stared blankly at the golden pill in her hand, the pill in her palm exuded a strange fragrance, which made Perona swallow her saliva.

Watching everyone take the pills that Luffy handed over one by one, those people didn't even hesitate and ate the pills directly.

Aren't they afraid of the pill's side effects?

Do these guys trust Luffy and that reindeer so much?

Perona was a little puzzled. When she was with Moria-sama before, Moria-sama was also kind to herself and others.

But if Hogbach took out any medicine, he and others would never take it directly.

And they…

Seeing them take the pills without hesitation, Perona suddenly envied them.

Immediately, without hesitation, he ate the golden pill in one bite.

Luffy distributed the pills in the bottle to everyone, and finally took a pill and ate it in his mouth.

As soon as the pill hit the stomach, a strange force began to move in the body.

When I closed my eyes and felt it, I didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, I felt a very comfortable feeling under that power.

The force traveled through the limbs, giving Luffy a sense of relief, and finally, the force converged in the heart.

"dong dong"

Luffy's heart contracted violently.

At this time, the pill's efficacy seems to have been completely absorbed by the body.

Luffy opened his eyes and saw that everyone was still immersed in the pill-modified body.

It seems that his own digestion and absorption function, which is different from ordinary people, also played a role at this time.

Now that the drug's effects have passed, Luffy clenched his fists and carefully felt the changes in his body.

The strength has become a lot stronger, and, I can clearly feel that my physical strength has also increased a lot, and the muscle lines on my body are also more solid.

A conservative estimate is at least 30% higher than before taking the pill.

Although it didn't reach the 50% that Chopper said, this may be because his physical fitness is already strong.

Moreover, Luffy has a feeling that his Haki seems to have been significantly enhanced.

Both the quantity and quality of Haki are different from the original.

Luffy covered his hand with a layer of Armament Haki, and his right hand instantly turned black.

".~ The flow of Haki seems to be smoother than before, and the black is also deeper.""

Looking at the black-covered right hand, Luffy muttered to himself.

Expanding Observation Haki again, Luffy found that Observation Haki's perception range has also expanded.

Not only that, but Luffy also seemed to see something different.

Looking at Zoro, at the same time, Zoro, who had closed his eyes originally, also opened his eyes at this moment.

"Have you reached the threshold of predicting the future?"

Although the time was only 3 seconds earlier, it was indeed the same as what I saw.

If Armament Haki and Observation Haki both improve, what about Conqueror's Haki?

After all, the physical strength has been improved, which means that his strength has gone one step further.

And Conqueror's Haki, which keeps getting stronger with the growth of one's own self, has no reason not to be stronger, right?

"But now is not the time to experiment with Conqueror's Haki.

Luffy glanced around, everyone was immersed in the process of drug reform (Wang Li's), if he came here, who knows if it would affect them.

However, what happened to the beating of the heart just now?

"Zoro, after you were transformed by the drug, did that force finally cause your heart to beat violently?"

Luffy asked Zoro, the only one sober at the time.

"Heart beating? No, what's wrong?"

Zoro, who was feeling the changes in his body, was a little confused when he heard Luffy's words.

I just felt that there was a force transforming my body, and finally this force gathered in my heart, but it didn't have the beating heart that Luffy said.

"No? That is to say, is it my own fault?"

Luffy shook his head, not explaining, but thinking to himself.

At the moment when his heart was beating just now, Luffy clearly felt a different emotion flooding into his heart.