
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 235

Chapter 235 Drug Development Completed

Holy Land Mariejois, Between Powers

This is a very large room, the whole room is pure white, it can be said to be quite luxurious.

In the room, there were five old men standing or standing at this time.

Four of them were wearing suits and white shirts, and only one was wearing a kimono with a knife in his arms.

These five people are the top leaders of World government – Five Elders.

At this point, one of the Five Elders with curly white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on the left side of his face said:

"What should I do with the newly emerged Straw Hat Pirates?"

And what he said was about Luffy's group.

"First Hawkeye, then Crocodile, and now Gekko Moria, Shichibukai has been beaten in half by them. 99

Five Elders, with long straight white hair and a long beard, continued.

"What did the bear do, didn't he let him deal with the Straw Hat Crew? It's so easy to say, why come back and say the mission failed? Pirates really can't be trusted!

The blond, golden-bearded Five Elders with a scar on their chest spoke with a touch of anger.

"Those who can fight against 14 Hawkeyes and still get out of their bodies, it is reasonable that the bears failed to keep them, and the bears are no longer considered pirates.

Corrected Five Elders with a mustache, a bald head and a Madara birthmark on his forehead.

"Gekko Moria is also a piece of shit, but at least he's better than the Crocodile guy, and he can continue to be Shichibukai."

Five Elders in white kimono, bald, and glasses opened their mouths.

That bastard Crocodile actually wanted to take over the allied countries, and also plotted Ancient Weapon, this is unforgivable.

"This is not the time to discuss Gekko Moria and Crocodile, but how Straw Hat Crew will work out.

Seeing that the topic had a tendency to be pulled away, the curly-haired Five Elders spoke again to bring the topic back.

"What else can I do? Luffy, the straw hat boy, is the grandson of that person. Even if we want to solve him, it is best to use the hands of the pirates."

"What happened to that person's family? First the son, and now even the grandson has become a pirate.""

"Hmph, after all, it's the D family, so it's not surprising that such a person appears.

"One more thing, Straw Hat took Tom's apprentice, and there's a good chance that Pluton's blueprints are on him."

As soon as these words came out, the Five Elders fell into silence collectively.

Pluton's design drawing is not a trivial matter, it is related to Ancient Weapon, and even they have to be treated with care.

"Those guys from CP9 are also trash, and that Rob Luigi, isn't he known as the strongest CP9 in 800 years? Why can't even a pirate deal with it?

"The matter of Rob-Lucci and others will be discussed later, and they are still loyal to the World government.

Since being put together by Luffy, Spandam really put all the blame on Rob Luqi and his gang, and they are still being pursued by the World government.

"Speaking of CP9, the fruit that was snatched by the red hair was eaten by the straw hat boy now, right?

"That fruit…"

"Well, now is not the time to discuss that fruit, about the Straw Hat Crew, they should be arriving at the Sabaody Archipelago soon, and it's time to let Kizaru go!

Curly-haired Five Elders interrupt the conversation about Devil Fruit while making a decision.

"It can only be so, just this time Sabaody Archipelago has gathered a lot of supernovae, and there is a reason to dispatch Marine Admiral.

The other Five Elders nodded.

After that night's banquet, Thousand Sunny had been sailing at sea again for several days.

However, the destination of this trip, Sabaody Archipelago is still missing.

However, Luffy was not in a hurry, it was a lot earlier than the original book.

Besides, the Golden Lion hasn't appeared yet, and Nami's Lion Fruit is still on him!

On Thousand Sunny, Luffy was still sitting on the bow looking into the distance, with Nami standing beside him.

Nami also looked into the distance, glancing at Luffy's profile from time to time, her long orange hair fluttering gently in the sea breeze.

At the deck railing, there are still three people fishing, but it was Usopp, Chopper and Gal-Tino, now Chopper is replaced by Brook.

Franky didn't know what to do in the storage room, maybe remodeling his body.

And Robin was in the library all day after he changed Thousand Sunny.

Inside Thousand Sunny's watchtower, Zoro is exercising with a barbell.

The current watchtower has been occupied by Zoro.

Mikita, who was originally in charge of the lookout work, is also enjoying her leisure time, and now she is drinking tea at the aquarium with Conis, Marianu, and the newly joined Perona.

In the kitchen, Sanji is preparing nutritious desserts, of course, just for the ladies on board.

As for the men, at most one drink.

And Chopper, who was supposed to be fishing with Usopp and the others, was in the health room for a final drug test.

The test has been going on for several days, and I believe the results will be available soon.

"Everyone! I succeeded! The medicine developed from the horn of the unicorn lion has succeeded!"

Just when the ship was peaceful, Chopper ran out of the health room excitedly.

As he ran, he shouted loudly, and there was a transparent bottle in the deer's hoof.

At 650, when Chopper shouted and ran out, everyone on the boat put down their work and gathered around.

This is something that can enhance physical fitness, and even a few newcomers to Franky have learned what Chopper is doing in the past few days.

This kind of drug that can make people stronger and has no side effects, no one will refuse.

The first to bear the brunt of course are Zoro and Sanji, who have been waiting for the development of Chopper for a long time.

Hearing Chopper's shout now, he rushed out of the observation deck and the kitchen immediately.

When everyone came to the deck, Chopper held up the clear glass bottle between his hoofs.

From the outside, it was just an ordinary bottle with golden pills in it.

The bottle is indeed an ordinary glass bottle, but the pills inside are made of the horns of the animal king.

Luffy took the glass bottle from Chopper's hand and didn't open it right away.

"How does the medicine work?"

Without checking if there were any side effects to the drug, Luffy believed that Chopper had completely solved that.

"According to my estimation, after everyone takes this drug, their physical fitness can be improved by at least 50%. Of course, different people have different degrees of improvement. People with strong physical fitness will have relatively small improvement.