
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 20

Chapter 20 Usopp

"How could such a thing happen?" Nami was very surprised when he learned what happened that year from Zan Gao's mouth.

Not only Nami was surprised, but even Luffy, who knew the plot, was surprised. Can Zangao's Hypnosis technique last for so long without failing? Or can it be made permanent? If so, Zan Gao may still be a talent!

Luffy touched his chin and directly asked his question.

"My ability can't always take effect, even if the Marine had been beaten by Captain Crowe and was unconscious and weak, Hypnosis was also very successful, but Hypnosis is Hypnosis, it is impossible to change a person's memory forever, at least I I can't do it." Zan Gao, who was beaten, had a bruised nose and a swollen face at this time. Hearing Luffy's question, he answered carefully while steering the rudder.

"Meaning that Monka has long since regained consciousness, but he didn't mean to report it at all?" Zoro asked with his hands behind his head, leaning against the plank of the boat, and opened his eyes when he heard Zangao's explanation.

"It should be like this. Captain Crow also waited for a while and saw no movement from Marine before starting his plan!" Zangao, who was beaten, had long since revealed Crow's plan. Jing, at this time, it is natural that there is no need to cover up.

"It seems that she is reluctant to bear the power in her hands, what a disgusting Marine!" For Nami, who was trapped by Colonel Mouse, the appearance of a Marine like Colonel Monka is simply a shame for Bell-mère, who is also Marine. .

Thinking of Bell-mère, Nami's eyes dimmed, and for a while he was a little depressed.

Seemingly aware of Nami's loss, Luffy patted Nami's shoulder without saying anything.

Feeling Luffy's concern, Nami picked up her mood and gave Luffy a bright smile.

Just when the few people stopped talking and the ship was slightly silent, there was finally a trace of the island not far away.

"Sirobu Village is coming soon, let's get off the boat!" After seeing the island, Luffy said to Nami and Zoro, and at the same time glanced at Zangao who was still sailing, "As for you, watch the boat right here. Well, if you are lucky and we get another ship, you can leave on your own, otherwise, keep sailing for us! Don't act rashly, your every move is under the perception of my Observation Haki, if If there is any bad move, I don't mind throwing you directly into the sea."

Hearing Luffy's threat, Zango trembled. Although he didn't know what Luffy was talking about Observation Haki, it must be some kind of surveillance. After seeing the strength of Luffy and Zoro, Zango stopped resisting. The idea of ​​​​not to mention that he is just watching the boat or sailing, at least for now, his life is not in danger.

Thinking of this, Zangao nodded quickly and continued to steer the ship to move straight towards the island.

Just when the three of Luffy got off the boat and walked towards Xi Luobu Village, there was a lot of movement from the high slope not far away, and at the same time, a slightly nervous young voice sounded, "Hey, you seas. The thieves stop advancing immediately, this is the territory of the great pirate captain Usopp, if you continue to advance, my 80 million men will attack!"

As the boy with a long nose jumped out from behind the bushes in brown clothes, a lot of flags appeared around and sank among the bushes.

"Even if you tell a lie, at least make it a little bit like. You live in such a big island with 80 million people?" Nami was speechless, how naive the other party was.

"Wh…what, dismantled… dismantled?" Hearing Nami's words, Usopp, who was already nervous, suddenly trembled in his legs, and his voice was slightly deformed.

"Okay, we're not pirates yet, and we don't do anything to you. We just want to come here to buy a boat." For Usopp, Luffy was a little tangled, whether to invite him to the boat or not.

After Luffy explained the purpose of his visit, Usopp's trembling body and deformed voice returned to normal, and he enthusiastically brought the three of Luffy to a restaurant in the village, not embarrassed at all because the previous deception was exposed. .

"If you want to talk about boats, this village is there, right? The richest family in the entire Xiluobu Village, but the housekeeper there is a bit annoying. If you want to buy a boat, the housekeeper will not necessarily pay attention to you." At the dinner table, Usopp seemed cheerful about a wealthy family, but less so when it came to a housekeeper.

"What's wrong with that housekeeper?" Nami put his chin in one hand, still a little surprised that someone like Usopp would obviously hate someone.

"That housekeeper should be the former captain of the Black Cat Pirates, the "Hundreds of Clues" who should have been executed, presumably this wealthy family in Shirobu Village is his target!" Luffy took Nami's question. , the answer is directly stated.

"Huh? Could it be that the plan that Zango said was…" I didn't think of it at first, but Luffy said it all, so obviously the plan I heard from Zango before and the implementer of the plan was this person.

"What are you talking about, what pirates, planned, although Chloe makes me feel uncomfortable, but other people in the village trust him quite a bit, how could he be a pirate?" I was told by Luffy and Nami Usopp in the fog was a little confused, but it was about Miss Kaya, so Usopp had to ask clearly.

Luffy looked at Usopp with interest, maybe this time he could make up his mind whether to invite him!

"We are saying that the butler is the captain of the Black Cat Pirates who should have been executed three years ago, "Hundreds of Clues", and the reason why he came here to be the housekeeper is for the family's property, it seems that we are here It's a very unfortunate coincidence, as far as we know, that guy might be ready to do it, eh?" Luffy said calmly, with some kind of bewitching in his tone.

"How could it be? If that's the case, then Kaya…Damn, you guys are eating here now, I have something to go out!" Hearing Luffy's words, he didn't doubt whether what Luffy said was true, Usopp said goodbye and then He grabbed his purse and left in a hurry.

Regardless of whether what Luffy said was true or not, Usopp himself felt that the housekeeper was wrong from a long time ago, but at that time Usopp only thought that it was because he was not likable, but the other party was trusted by others, and he was therefore Jealous of him, but now, Luffy's words made Usopp's heart tighten. Thinking of the gentle lady, Usopp clenched his fists, "Don't let it happen, Kaya!"*