
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 201

Chapter 201 Respective Opponents

Although Lei Zhu's offensive was amazing, Blueno was not seriously injured.

Rob Luigi and the others didn't think much about it. The Pluton design was right in front of them, so now is not the time to be surprised.

Just when Rob Luqi and the others were about to make another move, another attack came over.

But this time it was no longer a lightning attack, but a azure blue slash.

At the same time, the two figures quickly rushed towards CP9's encirclement.

The attack that came again made Rob Luqi give up the idea of ​​directly grabbing Franky.

Glancing at the people around him, he turned his head to look in the direction of Luffy.

At this time, in addition to Zoro and Sanji who rushed over first, several other figures were also rushing over.

At this time, on Thousand Sunny, only Luffy, Marianu, Usopp aiming with a slingshot, and Nami and Sisi the cloud fox who were temporarily lacking in combat power were left.

Others, including Conis, have all gone down to Thousand Sunny.

"Straw Hat Crew, what do you mean?

Rob-Lucci's face was gloomy, ignoring Zoro and Sanji who had already appeared in front of him, but looked at Luffy who was still standing on the boat.

Originally, he thought that he could take Franky away directly by relying on the ability of the door fruit, but he did not expect to be discovered under such unexpected circumstances.

As for how Luffy could have predicted that Franky would be attacked in advance.

But it was because Observation Haki sensed Blueno and the others who were using the door fruit power elsewhere.

"Franky is the boatman on my ship. You suddenly shot him. What do you mean? Are you going to fight with us?"

Luffy asked directly, and at the same time, the others who had just disembarked had also stood beside Zoro and Sanji.

"Luffy kid…"

Franky, surrounded by CP9 people, looked at Luffy blankly.

At first, it seemed that it was also Teacher Tom who blocked himself and the iceberg.

"Boss `~!

"You… Lu Qi, Kaku, what do you want to do? Why are you surrounding our boss.

Hearing the movement outside, the younger brothers of the Franky family came out of the house again.

The first time they came out, they saw Franky surrounded by people.

As for the people surrounding him, there were actually a few people who knew him.

As the boatman of the No. 1 Dock, almost no one in the Seven Waters does not know.

So even these little brothers of Franky recognized the people in front of them at the first time.

"We are the people of the World government, Straw Hat Crew, do you really want to be the enemy of the World government?"

Although he prides himself on his strength, if he really fights like this, he may let the Pluton blueprints fall into the hands of Straw Hat Crew.

This kind of thing is absolutely to be avoided, so at this time Rob Lucci still moved out of the name of World government.

"World government? People from the World government work as boatmen here? Who are you kidding?"

As CIPHER-POL, Rob Luqi and others will not easily explain their identity as CP9, otherwise the future espionage missions will be difficult to do.

Because of this, Luffy simply pretended not to know, and went back directly.

"Lu Qi, why bother talking to them, just kill them all."

The irascible Jabra, the Demon fruit power in wolf form from the original book, said.

Although Jabra doesn't like Rob Luqi, whoever calls him a senior official can only follow his orders when he acts.

Rob Lucci was silenced by Luffy's words. Just as Luffy thought, as a CP9 agent, he should try to keep his identity as secret as possible.

Otherwise, try to kill everyone who knows, otherwise, once your face is exposed, the espionage mission will basically be impossible.

Thinking of this, Rob Luqi didn't intend to talk nonsense anymore. After making a secret gesture, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

And at the first moment of Rob-Lucci's action, other members of CP9 also acted together.

The number of CP9 agents that appeared was 7, and the number of people who disembarked was exactly 7.

Although these members of the CP9, after using the six-shave, the speed is really fast.

But in the face of Zoro and others who have awakened Observation Haki, it is of no use at all.

Zoro took the lead, and the three knives around his waist had all been pulled out, holding them in his hands and in his mouth respectively.

In one step, he stopped Rob Luqi who had just disappeared with shaving.

And Rob Luqi, who was stopped by Zoro, narrowed his pupils.

Judging from the feeling of the collision between the hardened part of the Iron Body and Zoro's three knives, the opponent's strength is surprisingly large.

If I hadn't used Iron Body in time, I might have been injured in this collision.

And just when Zoro stopped Rob Luqi, the others also confronted the remaining CP9 members.

"~ To actually do it without saying a word, you guys really have no etiquette at all!

Lifting his leg to block the attack of Kaku, the cube nose, Sanji said calmly.

"Blackfoot Sanji, no, why do you look different from the photo on the reward?"

Looking at the man with yellow hair and curly eyebrows standing in front of him, Kaku recognized him immediately.

After all, he is a newcomer to the Straw Hat Pirates who only recently received a bounty.

When Straw Hat Crew just landed in the Seven Waters, there was already information in front of them.

But it's a little strange, this face looks a bit worse.

"What are you bastard talking about? Laozi is Sanji, as for the bounty for breaking the bounty, you go ask Marine!""

Although I was really happy when I heard that I was offered a bounty before.

But in the past few days playing in the Seven Waters, Sanji has seen his extremely terrifying reward order.

Now when I hear CP9 in front of me mention this, Sanji instantly breaks the defense, the force under his feet (Wang Hao) can't help but increase, and the two separate again.

"Huh, is it Demon fruit power? This is… a dog?""

Looking at the orc CP9 appearing in front of him, Gal-Tino couldn't help complaining, but his subordinates were unequivocal, and the candle shackles shot suddenly.

"Bastard, you are the dog, your whole family are dogs, Laozi is the wolf!"

Like Sanji who was broken by Kaku's words, the CP9 member in front of him was also angered by Gal-Tino's words.

But even so, the attack that came directly from the front was still dodged by him at the speed of shaving.

"Then, little sister, in order to avoid being harassed by men, my opponent is you!

The figure of Kalifa appeared in front of Conis.

However, she was greeted by circles of pink light.

Although it was the first time to do it with others, but with the existence of Observation Haki, Conis didn't have many panic men.