
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Going To Sea

"Then everyone, I'm leaving."

"Be careful on the road, Luffy!"

"Is there really no need to change to a bigger boat?"

"You must become a great pirate!"

"Idiot, what pirates, do you want Luffy to be the shame of the village and shame the village?"


"I'll wait for you to come back, Luffy-kun."

"Hey, big fish, come out!" It was already some distance away from the port of the village. The boy in the straw hat, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the small fishing boat and paddling, put down the oar in his hand, stood up and stretched, and then Putting his hands to his mouth, he gathered into a trumpet and shouted.

As the boy's voice fell, ripples suddenly appeared on the originally calm sea surface, and then the ripples spread and set off large waves.

"Crash", a huge figure appeared in front of the small fishing boat and the straw hat boy.

It looks like a crocodile, but the part where the light surfaced has already exceeded 5 meters. The bloody mouth on the hideous head is open, and there are sharp fangs shining with cold light. This is a king of the sea.

At this moment, the figure of the straw hat boy was reflected in the terrifying vertical pupil.

Looking at the boy in front of him who was wearing a red open-chested vest, blue half-leg pants, and a straw hat with a yellow overall color and red stripes above the brim, the King of the Sea slowly swam in front of the boy, and then lowered his head. brain.

After 17 years of rebirth, Luffy, who finally went to sea today, did not waste such a long time.

At least the king of the near sea was tamed by Luffy 2 years ago with Conqueror's Haki.

Picking up the rope he had prepared from the boat, Luffy tied a knot around the King of the Seas' neck, and said, "Take me to the nearest island near Windmill Village."

Patting the head of the King of the Near Sea, Luffy sat down again when the other party whimpered twice and dived into the sea and began to swim.

Enjoying the sea breeze that kept blowing at his speed, Luffy couldn't help thinking about the journey that was about to begin.

Although he has become Luffy, Luffy still does not care about sailing. After all, he is busy exercising himself every day, including Haki, fruit and the most basic physical exercise, so there is not much time left every day. To help take care of Makino's bar, after all, it's not the shameless Luffy of the original book, and you can't eat and drink for free, so that you don't have any extra energy to learn complicated sailing knowledge.

In this case, it's better to follow the route of the original book, but with my current strength, there are not so many nonsensical and forcibly arranged actions in the original book, which should save a lot of time.

The current Luffy, not to mention anything else, is just because of long-term exercise and sufficient food, his height has exceeded 1.8 meters, and his body is not as thin and monkey-like as in the original work. The muscles, although not protruding like an explosion, are full of streamlined beauty, and there is no scar in the original book under the left eye.

That's of course, it's not the original tendon, how can you do that kind of meaningless thing, the scar is not drawn by yourself.

In addition to the difference in appearance, Luffy's current strength, at least on top of the strength that Luffy showed before the original Tokushima, is not that he can't be stronger, but that he lacks a real battle with the strong. At least Haki's improvement is closely related to the battle.

For the development of fruit, Luffy also has some different directions. The powerful moves before Luffy's fourth gear in the original work all need to be carried out by extending the body. This is because the characteristics of rubber are like this, and this is the main change of Luffy today. , that is, to achieve the maximum rebound force with the smallest deformation. Unless you need to stretch a long time in certain specific situations, you will stretch your body every time you attack. No matter how fast you are, you will always be caught by your opponent in an evenly matched situation.

As for developing in the conceptual direction like the original Devil-kun bear, Luffy said that at least it can't be done at the moment. It can only be said that maybe this is the limitation of the superhuman Devil Fruit. *