
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 188

Chapter 188 Franky Eats Munch-Munch Fruit

"Devil Fruit?

The moment they saw the ship spirit, Iceberg and Franky already had plans to agree to Luffy.

However, as master shipbuilders, they couldn't just watch Luffy give up the ship spirit.

So, when Luffy said that Devil Fruit was ready, the two were curious.

What is Luffy going to do to be able to use the new ship to sail while preserving the spirit of the old ship?

The key point is that even if you want to have two ships sailing at the same time, judging from the current situation of this ship, it will not be able to sail for very long.

Even though Luffy and the others had been well protected, the ship did not suffer any major damage.

But with the material of this ship, it would undoubtedly be very dangerous to continue sailing on the Grand Line.

"That's right, Devil Fruit. 99

Luffy said, turning his eyes to Franky, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, boy, what do you think I'm doing, if you have Devil Fruit, let your partner eat it, and then settle the matter, so that we can build a new boat for you.

Franky, who was furious at the sight of Luffy, couldn't stand the feeling, and immediately shouted.

"As my future boatman, this fruit is specially reserved for you to eat.


The iceberg was taken aback when he heard Luffy's words, if he understood correctly, this man knew about Franky from the beginning.

There's even a Devil Fruit for Franky.

How much heart does this man have to prepare a valuable Devil Fruit for a person who is not sure that he can get on the boat?

Moreover, looking at Franky's appearance, it was obviously the first day he met this man.

The first time we met, he dared to directly say that he gave Franky Devil Fruit to eat. Where did he get his confidence?

"Hey, kid, don't be kidding, Laozi won't be on your ship, so you should ask your crew to eat this Devil Fruit! 99

Franky's words were not unexpected, although he was usually a jerk.

Usually there is no shortage of robbing the treasure of the pirates, and the performance is an out-and-out bastard.

But when it comes to boats, Franky is a different story.

"Munch-Munch Fruit can synthesize what you eat to produce new substances.

Franky's rejection was also expected by Luffy.

After all, the two had only met for the first time, and they had not experienced the plots in the original book, so Franky could not agree immediately.

"As a transformed person, you should understand the meaning of this fruit?"

Synthesis of new substances is undoubtedly a great attraction for Franky.

"Synthesize new substances?"

Sure enough, this ability still makes Franky have a strong interest.

"For example, some metal materials that already have a theoretical basis, but have never been able to break through, if you have this knowledge, it should be easier to rely on this fruit to complete.

The original Wapol can meet a dead mouse and synthesize Wapol metal, which means that the raw material of this metal exists in the pirate world.

So, in the hands of Franky, who has a certain theoretical basis, can Munch-Munch Fruit go further?


Faced with these things Luffy proposed, Franky was really moved, but it was impossible to agree to Luffy because of this.

Those little brothers of my own need to take care of themselves!

"Although what you said is very tempting, I will not agree to you."

"Hey, Luffy, can you explain the situation to us."

Just as Luffy and Franky were talking, everyone who had been in a state of shock since Merry appeared just now also woke up.

But at the same time, they were still in a state of confusion. The Merry produced a ship spirit? But what is a ship spirit?

Luffy wants to invite this pervert who looks down on the Merry and wears only briefs aboard?

What is this all about?

Also, that Munch-Munch Fruit was prepared for this pervert?

Everything happened so suddenly that everyone couldn't digest it for a while.

It always feels like a fairy tale, after all, even the ship spirit has appeared.

"Franky is the boatman I want to invite aboard, and Merry, the spirit of the ship Merry, was born not long ago.

"Not long ago? That means, Luffy, you've always been aware of Merry's existence?

Luffy's words instantly caught everyone's attention.

Why did Luffy know about Merry's existence in advance, and if Luffy hadn't called Merry out today, he might not even have known about Merry's existence.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"That…that, I asked Luffy not to tell everyone. 35

The illusory raincoat elf spoke, and the ethereal voice entered everyone's ears again.

"Because I'm not sure whether I can follow you all the time, so I simply don't meet you, so I don't need to say goodbye!

Hearing what Merry said, Iceberg and Franky's pupils contracted at the same time.

Although I know that only the crew and the ship are very close, it is possible to give birth to the spirit of the ship.

But I didn't expect that the ship spirit in front of me would actually consider the crew's feelings so much.

"If Luffy hadn't said there was a way to solve my problem, maybe I would have come out to see you when the Merry arrived at the last minute!"


"Don't be so sentimental, I'm sure Munch-Munch Fruit does solve Merry's problem, so…"

Luffy didn't finish his sentence, just stared straight at Franky.

Merry also turned his head to Franky. Although he couldn't see his facial features, he could feel that Merry was staring at him.

"This is really…"

Iceberg looked at this scene incredulously. Does the ship spirit actually want to continue sailing with this group of people?

"Really, is it possible that the super me can't swim from now on?"

Franky scratched the back of his head, although he didn't explicitly promise to get on his own boat, but the meaning in his words was that he was willing to eat this Munch-Munch Fruit.

"Zoro, go get the Munch-Munch Fruit!"

Now that Franky has promised to eat Munch-Munch Fruit, it is not too late.

The earlier you eat Munch-Munch Fruit, the earlier you will be familiar with the power of Munch-Munch Fruit.

Also, it may be possible to use a new type of metal when building a new boat.

With Franky's knowledge base, this kind of thing is not impossible.


Zoro agreed and returned to the Merry.

When he came down again, there was already a strange fruit in his hand.

Now that he had agreed to Luffy, Franky was not polite, took the Munch-Munch Fruit from Zoro's hand, and swallowed it directly.

"Bah, bah, bah… How come this Devil Fruit is so unpalatable!" Four.