
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 185

Chapter 185 Seeing The Iceberg

"Why don't you take a look at our original ship first?"

Although the younger brothers who saw Franky hesitated, they returned to the room obediently, and Luffy continued to look at Franky.

"Oh? Is your ship not broken yet?

Hearing Luffy talking about the problem with the boat, Franky didn't look too guarded.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about whether the other party will lead him to his companion to solve himself.

Based on the ability the other party has just shown, and the reward amount set by the World government.

Even here, Franky didn't think that these people could stop the other party, so why should the other party do this.

And is there any point in going to see the ship the other party is about to replace? Or is there something different about that ship?

"However, before that, I have to go to see the iceberg. If you are alone, if you want to build a new ship, I don't know how long it will take.

Although it is true that Luffy intends to hand over the design to Frank 14 Qi, if it is to be manufactured by hand, it is not enough to rely on Franky alone.

Although Franky's ability can finally be made, but it will take a long time, Luffy can't wait here forever.

"Hey, you guy, I haven't promised to help you build a boat!

Luffy's words were immediately met with Franky's rebuttal. Although Luffy agreed to talk to him, he did not promise that the other party would definitely help him build a ship.

"You will agree."

Luffy just glanced at Franky lightly, then turned to Nami.

"Nami, let's go to the Carrera Company."

Nami and Usopp, who had been watching the conversation between the two, also came to their senses.

Although I don't understand why Luffy is so sure to get the other party to agree, since Luffy said so, just believe him.

"Hey, I really don't know where your confidence comes from. I will definitely promise to help you build a boat."

Franky is still skeptical about Luffy's determination, at least so far, he has not seen the possibility of agreeing to the other party.

Or, is there something peculiar about their original ship?

"It's almost evening when I go to the Carrera Company and then go back to the Merry, and then I'll introduce you to an old friend.

This was what Luffy said to Nami and Usopp. For everyone on the Merry, the Merry was indeed an old friend.

"Old friend, Luffy, do you have any friends here?"

Usopp first thought that Luffy knew someone here, but he had never heard of it. Besides, isn't Luffy from East Blue?

Nami gave Luffy a thoughtful look. The last night Luffy was vigil, he did hear Luffy talking to someone.

I originally thought that someone couldn't sleep that night and came out to chat with Luffy, but now that I think about it, I don't seem to have heard that voice.

Could it be that voice? But, if that's the case, isn't the other party always on the Merry? Why don't you come out to see everyone?

The trio of Luffy and Franky soon arrived at Carrera's shipyard.

Nami was supposed to lead the way, but Franky wanted to see how sure Luffy was that he could promise to build a boat for him.

So in the end, he led the way. After all, he was someone he knew, and it did save Luffy and the others a little time.

"This is the No. 1 dock, and if the iceberg is free, he will be here.

Franky led the three of Luffy to the door, then looked inside.

"Hey, Franky, what are you doing here?"

Apparently, Franky has a bad reputation in the Seven Waters.

As soon as the people in the shipyard saw him, they immediately inquired vigilantly.

"Hmph, I'm not here to find fault today, whether the iceberg is here or not, it's him that I'm looking for."

Well, there is also a reason for his bad reputation. Looking at his appearance, it is not easy to have a good reputation.

"Unreasonable man, you want to call Iceberg Mr. Mayor, do you know?

Before the person who asked just now answered, a woman's voice came from behind Luffy.

The corners of Luffy's mouth twitched, and it seemed that he was lucky. He encountered an iceberg as soon as he arrived.

Not a few people turned around, and they saw a man with a short head, followed by a tall woman with glasses and dressed as a secretary.

But looking at her dress, it's no wonder that men like the temptation of uniforms.

Seeing that Luffy seemed to look at the woman more than once, Nami instantly felt a sense of crisis.

Does Luffy like this? Should I buy some of this type of clothes myself?

"Oh? It's you, the woman. There are so many words. I'm here to find Bingshan, and it has nothing to do with you."

However, although Kalifa's own appearance is really good with this dress, for Franky, it is not attractive at all.

"Hmph, what good can someone like you do to Mr. Mayor?

Kalifa reached out and pushed the glasses, looking at Franky with disdain.


The iceberg, who had no sense of existence, coughed, and the noise would be endless.

"Anything with me? Franky.

Although Franky and Franky are strangers in front of outsiders, and Franky has no reputation, he is still a citizen of the Seven Waters.

As the mayor, it is still necessary to listen to what he wants to say.

"It's not me who is looking for you, it's these three people.

Seeing that Bingshan finally spoke, Franky didn't want to talk nonsense, the relationship between himself and Bingshan should not be exposed.

Although I don't know how the straw hat boy knew about it, no one should know it yet.


Hearing Franky's words, Kalifa, who was arguing with Franky just now, also noticed the three of Luffy.

However, when he saw Luffy's appearance, Kalifa's pupils shrank slightly, but he quickly pushed up his glasses as if nothing had happened.

Monkey-D- Luffy, does this guy have something to do with the iceberg? Hope it doesn't affect our actions.

However, although he was vigilant in his heart, his face remained calm as usual, and instead of Bingshan he said:

"Do you have anything to do with Mr. Mayor?"

It has to be said that Kalifa, as an agent of CP9, is indeed impeccable in terms of disguise.

Now that I am a secretary, I just do the secretary's job, and I don't feel unfamiliar at all.

"It's not a big deal, I just want to ask Mr. Iceberg to help build a boat.

"If it's shipbuilding, you don't need to ask the mayor, you can just talk to the boatmen here, Mr. Mayor no longer builds ships by himself.

It didn't look like he was here to cause trouble, and Kalifa breathed a sigh of relief.

If at this juncture, someone with a bounty of 290,000,000 Bailey came to trouble, the tasks of these people might change.