
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Franky'S Hands

"There are still people who are so happy to be called pervert?"

Nami couldn't help but complain, this Grand Line really has what kind of people!

"Oh, is the little sister praising me for pervert too? This is really super~

The ears moved, Franky got excited again, and then, two sturdy arms raised to touch each other, twisted in one direction.

On the two arms that were attached together, they just fit together to form a five-pointed star.

I have to say, the floral shirt on the upper body and the briefs on the lower body are really pervert in such a pose.

Why is he so happy to be called pervert!

Both Nami and Usopp were shocked and didn't know how to complain.

"No more nonsense, I came to you to ask you to help us build a new boat, and at the same time, I wanted to invite you to be a boatman on my boat "Six Twenty"

Straight to the point, with the current situation, Luffy is pretty sure Robin doesn't want to die alone anymore.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to get Franky on board according to the plot of the original book.


Even Franky was silenced by Luffy's straightforward words.

"Hey, boy, although it makes me feel good when you praise me for pervert, did you make a mistake."

Franky, who was no longer posing, pointed to the logo on the broken door behind him, then to the hull parts scattered all around, and continued:

"I am here for a dismantling business, not a shipyard. You should go to the Carrera Company in the town to find a man-made ship, not me, okay?

"Besides, why should I get on the boat of you brats?

Although the man in front of him looked a little familiar, but he asked himself to build a boat again, and he wanted to be his boatman again.

Wait, this man looks so familiar, have I seen it somewhere?

As if thinking of something, Franky's thick palm stroked his chin, which was slightly smaller than his hand.

"My boat needs to be made from the Treasure Tree Adam.

"Hey, kid, do you know how expensive the treasure tree Adam is?

Franky, who was still wondering where he had seen this man, immediately looked at Luffy suspiciously.

"I have brought the money, there are 500 million Baileys here, which should be enough to buy a batch of treasure tree Adam.

Luffy lifted the suitcase full of Bailey in his hand, indicating that he was not short of money.

"Hey, Luffy, is the treasure tree Adam so expensive? Want us 500 million baileys?"

Hearing Luffy saying that he was going to use all the money to buy the treasure tree Adam, Nami only felt a pain in the flesh.

"Huh, but even if you are rich, there is not necessarily a treasure tree Adam in the market!

"Is the Pluton blueprint in your hands?

Luffy's abrupt words caused Franky's pupils to shrink sharply, his right hand was quickly raised, his palm turned up like a robot, revealing the dark muzzle underneath.


The unexpected turn of events left Nami and Usopp with only time to call out Luffy's name.

Then, there was a series of shooting sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang".

The bullets just came at Luffy, not Nami and Usopp.

"Although I don't know where you heard the news, I can only ask you to die."

Watching all the bullets he fired hit the man in the straw hat in front of him, Franky was about to turn his gun on Nami and Usopp.

Since they heard it, they naturally couldn't let it go.

"If you shoot at them, I guarantee this place will be razed to the ground.

Luffy's voice reached Franky's ears, making Franky's eyes widen when he thought Luffy had been killed by himself.

"There's no need to be so nervous, I'm not here for the Pluton blueprints.

Knowing that Luffy wouldn't be shot by bullets, Franky's sudden attack surprised Nami and Usopp.

Now that I heard Luffy's voice, I regained my senses, and then I seemed to remember Luffy's strength and let out a sigh of relief.

"Straw Hat Luffy, what's your purpose here?"

They are all smart people, and it is useless to pretend to be stupid now. Since the other party can say such a thing, it is obviously well prepared.

Moreover, Franky glanced at the bullet that was slowly being squeezed out of Luffy, and finally remembered where he had seen this man.

There is clearly a bounty of 290 million Baileys, but the rookie pirates who go to sea are only a month old.

"Didn't you say the purpose before? You don't think I'm lying to you!"

Franky is a little confused about Luffy's purpose, and his intuition tells him that Luffy is not lying…

But reason told Franky that this person knew about Pluton's blueprint and couldn't believe it easily.

"I just think, as the apprentice of the master shipbuilder Tom, it's really not a pity to have been dismantling old ships here all the time?

Luffy throws a message again.

"You guy, what do you really know?"

Franky became more and more vigilant. No one knew about this kind of thing except the people from the World government.

But the man in front of him was obviously a pirate, so why would he know these things.

"Boss, what happened?"

The sound of Franky shooting just now clearly alerted his younger brothers, and some men and women dressed in non-mainstream clothes ran out from behind the small door.

"Who are you, have you come to find fault?"

Franky's younger brothers, who belonged to the small gangsters in the town, naturally regarded Luffy and others as people who came to provoke them.

"You guys go in first, I will handle the matter here myself. 95

Although Franky himself perverted a bit, it was really good for the younger brothers.

The man in front of him offered such a high bounty, and his little brothers could not be the opponents of the opponent.

"Boss, what are you talking about, when are we Franky's afraid of others?"

The two women with similar looks and strange square hair wanted to step forward anxiously.

"We are not here to find fault, we are just here to discuss a business with your boss.

0.4 Luffy doesn't want to waste time watching them look like brothers, but it's not easy to do it, after all, he still wants to get Franky on board!


He glanced at Franky with some hesitation. They did hear the sound of shooting just now. If they were just talking about business, why would they exchange fire.

"He's right, you guys go in first, and when the business negotiation is over, we may have the money to have a big meal!"

Franky followed Luffy's words, since the other party didn't do anything directly, it was exactly as he said, he just came to find him to build a boat.

As for the Pluton design, Franky wasn't afraid to be taken away by the other side.

If Luffy really wants to do it, he will burn the Pluton design as soon as possible.

After all, it is placed in the body that he has transformed, and it is very easy to deal with it.

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