
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 179

Chapter 179 The Seven Star Sword Appears

"Hey, Luffy, what do you want that woman to do?"

On the way to the Marine Dojo, Nami finally asked the question he wanted to ask before.

Nami has been very curious since talking to that Elena at that time.

At the same time, there is still a little taste. How can Luffy get involved with a woman when he goes to one place?

Thinking, Nami glanced blankly at Conis.

But Nami has no other ideas. After all, there is already one more Vivi, and it seems that it will be the same after a few more.

Luffy seemed to hear the resentment in Nami's tone and explained:

"It is rumored that the Seven-Star Sword has absorbed the resentment and blood of countless people, so I am wondering whether the power that exists in the Seven-Star Sword can be used by us.

"So Captain Luffy said he wanted that woman's help because of her shrine skills?"

"Six Twenty"

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, Robin had already thought of the reason why Luffy said it.

According to the legend I just heard from Elesa, since the witch has the ability to seal the Seven-Star Sword, she might be able to mobilize the power in it.

"However, if witches really have this ability, why haven't witches done it after so many years?"

While what Robin said makes sense, there are still a lot of questions.

"That's why I also said that I might need the help of the other party."

As for the power of the Seven Star Sword, Luffy holds the idea that it can be used the best for me, and can't be destroyed directly.

Even if this visit to Aska Island is just a waste of time, it doesn't matter.

"Hey, green algae head."

Sanji didn't care much about the Seven Star Sword or something, but Zoro, who seemed to be a little off from the beginning.

So, in the middle of going to Marine Dojo, Sanji asked.

"The Saka they mentioned just now, if nothing else, is a friend who used to learn swords with me.

Seemingly influenced by Luffy, Zoro didn't hide this sort of thing like the original or chose to go it alone.

"Looking at you, your relationship must be very good, right?"

Sanji smoked a cigarette and continued to ask.

"He once saved my life. 99


Zoro's voice was not loud, but everyone was just walking and didn't speak, so they could clearly hear what Zoro said.

Zoro like this was actually rescued in the first place?

To know that in East Blue, with Zoro's strength, no one should be able to beat him.

Regarding this point, Zoro seems to be reluctant to say more, and everyone did not force it.

At that time, when I heard Maya talk about the name of Saka, when the other party appeared on Aska Island, he had already broken an arm.

Now I heard Zoro say that the other party saved him, then this arm may have been broken to save Zoro.

"The Seven-Star Sword has the power to control people's hearts, the one called Saka may not be the Saka you know.

Although as long as the Seven Star Sword is destroyed, the opponent should be able to recover.

But Luffy didn't want Zoro to fight against himself and the others because of the agreement at that time.


Hearing Luffy's words, Zoro's pupils shrank suddenly, but then calmed down again and nodded towards Luffy.

At the beginning, I couldn't save him, I thought it was impossible to meet again.

But now that he is about to meet Saka, is he not the original Saka?

Zoro's hand on the handle of the knife at the corner of his eye tightened slightly.

"Is there a way to recover?"

While the two have always looked down on each other, that's what it is, and no one knows Zoro better than Sanji.

"It's enough to destroy the Seven Star Sword.

When Luffy finished saying this, everyone had come to a dojo-like house.

Marine's seagull and wrench logo on the walls of the house.

"Is it here?"

Since there is a Marine logo, it should be correct. The Marine Dojo that Saka set up privately is here.

"Outlanders? Are you here to join our Marine Dojo?"

A soft voice came from the room, and then, a young man with a sword hanging around his waist walked out from behind the door.

Judging from the appearance of the other party, the age should not be too old.

However, Luffy felt the same breath in him as those in the Marine uniform before.

However, the young man in front of him seems to have a lot less breath.

After the boy came out, his eyes were fixed on Luffy's straw hat, as if he had seen Luffy…

"Luffy, the pirate straw hat with a bounty of 290 million Bailey, it seems that you didn't join the Marine."

For the Straw Hat Crew in front of him, Duma naturally recognized it at a glance. After all, in the Marine Dojo, there was still a bounty for him and the pirate hunter Zoro.

"Indeed, the purpose of our coming here is only the Seven Star Sword.

"Is this kid also Marine from Marine Dojo?"

Judging from the appearance of the other party, it seems that he is about the same age as Marianu.

"Seven Star Sword?

Hearing Luffy's answer, a strange red light flashed in Duma's eyes.

"Long time no see, Zoro.""

At the same time, behind Duma, a tall white-haired man appeared.

The man was carrying a sword of astonishing length behind his back, and there seemed to be a faint green light flowing on the tip of the sword that was exposed in front of everyone.

"It's really you, Saka!"

Even though Luffy had told Zoro that the other party was now controlled by the Seven Star Sword, Zoro couldn't help but feel excited when he saw that Saka was still alive.

But then thinking of what Luffy said, Zoro glanced at the exaggerated length of the green sword, and the green light flowing on it made Zoro feel very uncomfortable.

Zoro's eyes became solemn, it seemed that Luffy was right, the Saka in front of him might really no longer be the person he knew.

"Since the master has come out, then there is no need to waste time. 0.4"

Now is not the time to reminisce about Zoro and the other party, let's let the other party escape from the control of the mysterious Seven Star Sword.

"Oh? It's you, Straw Hat Luffy, I didn't expect Zoro to go from a pirate hunter to a pirate. It's disappointing."5

Becoming a pirate himself is indeed the opposite of Zoro's dream of remembering Risaka.

"Speaking of disappointment, let's wait until you wake up from the Seven Star Sword's control, now you are not qualified to say such words.

Although the other party was not voluntarily controlled by the Seven Star Sword, Luffy would not let him mock his crew unscrupulously because of this.

Moreover, since the appearance of Saka, the green light on the seven-star sword seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

It doesn't look like Saka is using it, it looks like the Seven Star Sword itself is conveying some kind of information.
