
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 176

Chapter 176 Askar Island

"Huh, those Marines shouldn't be able to get in for the time being, right?

The Merry sailed on the calm lake and entered the island between two rocky reefs, and the shores of the inner bay were full of lush trees.

Seeing that there was no shadow of the warship behind the Merry, Nami took a deep breath.

Although they really want to fight, they don't have to be afraid of the mere few warships.

But as a pirate, I still instinctively don't want to fight with Marine.

Of course, if the other party is really chasing after them, or they are directly caught up, they will naturally not be cowardly.

"The gap between the rocky reef just now, with the size of a Marine warship, is impossible to enter from there."9

Walking in the dark all year round, Robin can be said to be quite sensitive to the surrounding environment.

"Even if they want to land on the island, they can only go ashore from elsewhere.

But in this way, oneself and others can completely return to the same path.

As for whether they will stay behind, none of the three warships have been able to keep the Merry, and only one or two are left, and the Merry can still be retained?

What's more, staying behind means that the front will be weak when the time comes, and maybe it will be able to directly break through.

As for Marine's support, when the support comes, Luffy and the others will be able to kill all of them and then run away.

Entering the island, Luffy habitually turned on Observation Haki to perceive the situation on the island.


This has just started, and it seems to see something incredible.

Not far from the Merry, a girl was swimming in the lake. At this time, the girl had only simple underwear on her body.

And Luffy's Observation Haki is the kind of Observation Haki that can fully present the picture.

Luffy thought it might be time for him to change this habit.

Otherwise, I don't know when I will see something I shouldn't see.

Although everyone is an adult, voyeurism is still immoral.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Luffy's voice, everyone on the boat immediately thought whether there was something dangerous on the island.

"This should be the Askar Island where the legendary Seven-Star Sword is located."

After ignoring the image that Observation Haki had just perceived, Luffy confirmed the situation on the island to everyone.

"Huh? Are you so lucky? The island where we are hiding is the destination of our trip?

Everyone was shocked. They were still discussing whether the Seven Star Sword existed before, but they turned their heads and came to the island where the legend spread.

"However, how can you be sure that this is where the legend of the Seven-Star Sword is spread?"

Nami was puzzled, staring at Luffy with big eyes full of confusion, but then he seemed to think of something.

"Could it be that the Seven-Star Sword really exists, and you perceive the Seven-Star Sword?"

Nami's eyes have changed, as if there are countless Baileys on this island.


Luffy doesn't know what to say anymore.

It's only been two days since he escaped from Aokiji's hands, how could he completely forget what happened two days ago when he heard about the treasure?

Maybe this is Nami!

"There is someone in front of you, let's ask for details first!

Although a little embarrassed to accidentally see someone swimming in only their underwear, Luffy didn't take back Observation Haki because of it.

Now that he sensed that the other party was already dressed, Luffy no longer concealed his perception of the person.

The Merry quickly sailed to a place that looked like an altar.

And the girl who was just praying on the shore noticed the huge skull mark on the sail of the Merry as soon as she saw it.

The girl whose face changed greatly put away the three beads in front of her and quickly ran into the surrounding woods.



This is the first time people have encountered such a situation.

"Why do you run when you see us? Are we so scary?"

Nami, who didn't react for a while, didn't understand why the other party ran away with a panicked look when he saw these people.

"Well, are we pirates after all?

Luffy pointed to the Merry's sail, and Nami realized.

Although many islands were stopped along the way, they were all parked on unmanned shores after all.

This is the first time I have met this scene of being seen and then scaring the other party away.

This is also the reason why Nami didn't react immediately.

It can only be said that the people on the Merry may not fully adapt to the identity of pirates.

"Then what now? Are you going to catch up?"

The first time this happened, everyone didn't know what to do for a while, so they could only look at Luffy.

Even the former agents of Gal-Tino looked at each other in dismay.

After all, I didn't act as a pirate before, and I have never encountered such a situation.

On the other hand, Robin watched everyone's reaction with interest, and then looked at Luffy with anticipation.

Seems to want to see what Luffy will do.

".~Why are you looking at me like this? Either you chase after it or turn back and leave, is there any other choice?

Luffy looked at these people speechlessly, how could he even ask himself this kind of thing?

Either go or stay, since staying, on such a big island, you must meet each other.

In addition to communication, is it possible to do it directly?

These people are not a criminal gang!

"Oh, let's disembark then, is it okay for the Merry to stop here?

There's nowhere else around that could be better hidden.

"Chopper is still in the infirmary, let him take a look at the Merry!39

In a place like this, no one can threaten Master Observation Haki's Chopper.

"Then I'll go talk to it.""

Usopp, who is closest to Chopper, volunteered to tell Luffy.

Then I saw him running quickly to Chopper's medical room.

By the time Usopp emerged from Chopper's infirmary, Zoro had secured the anchor.

"Then (Wang Dezhao) let's get off the boat together, the scenery on this island is still good."

As for Chopper, even if he was asked to disembark together, he probably wouldn't agree.

After all, the research on the horns of the unicorn lion has reached the final stage, and he has no interest in seeing the scenery or anything.

Everyone followed Luffy to get off the boat. Although they wanted to find the person who had just run away, they were not in a hurry at all.

With Luffy's humanoid radar, it's such a big island, and you don't have to worry about finding it.

Luffy walked ahead, slowly leading the crowd towards the village that Observation Haki sensed.

Under the perception of Observation Haki, Luffy had already sensed that the Mori in the village had picked up their weapons one after another, waiting for him and others to arrive.

In this world, there are not many civilians who can summon the courage to fight against the pirates.

But he didn't expect that on such a small island, the villagers here have the courage to take up arms, which really surprised Luffy.