
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Long Chain Island

"Wow, the Merry's descent has slowed down!"

After being caught by the tentacles of the giant octopus, the speed of Merry's descent was instantaneously slow, like a balloon floating in the sky.

"But what a big octopus, actually caught the Merry!"

"This is an octopus hot air balloon, a specialty of Sora Island."

To everyone's surprise, Conis explained what caught the Merry.

"Huh? Why do I look like it's alive?"

This is too strange, isn't it? Hot air balloons can still be alive?

Also, why is there such a creature?

"It is indeed alive, don't look at how huge it is after blowing, but in fact it is very easy to feed."

"What an amazing thing!"

But even with the deceleration of the octopus hot air balloon, it doesn't take long to fall from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Soon, as the octopus balloon was deflated, the Merry's descent speeded up again.

However, it is not far from the sea, and falling from the current height will not be dangerous except for a little bump.


As the Merry plunged into the ocean, the splashes drenched everyone on the deck.

Luffy reached out and grabbed the octopus hot air balloon that was flying around because of the air leak. At this time, the octopus hot air balloon was only the size of a slap.

"Huh… finally stop!

Although the rare flying experience is really exciting, it really makes people feel more secure to stay in a familiar place.

"Is this Qinghai?"

Pushing the hair that was stuck in the corners of his eyes after being soaked in water behind his ears, Conis looked at Qinghai, which was completely different from the sea of ​​clouds, and was a little fascinated for a while.

Just like when everyone just arrived at Sky Island, they were shocked by the completely different scenery.

"Yeah, but now it's just on the sea, and when it's on land, the verse that you Sky Island people believe in will be everywhere!

Since there is no land on Sky Island, the first time since part of Gaya Island was washed up on Sky Island, soil was brought to the people of Sky Island.

Therefore, the people of Sky Island, who have never seen mud, regard the mud on Gaya Island as a kind of belief.

"Really? Then I've been looking forward to it!

Conis smiled and replied with a little anticipation, a little nervousness.

"It seems that we are lucky, you see, there are islands there!"

Everyone followed the sound, and sure enough, not far away, the outline of an island had already appeared.

The Merry didn't hit the island directly, it can only be said that it was really lucky.

After all, if you fall from a height of 10,000, as long as it is a little cheaper, then the position of the Grand Line will change greatly.

So at this distance, it is entirely possible for the Merry to hit it directly.

"Then let's go straight over there! I don't know where this is on the Grand Line, hopefully it won't fall into any dangerous place.

Nami instructed everyone to control the direction of the Merry, heading towards the island not far away.

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart not to appear in too dangerous places.

There is now a large amount of gold on the Merry.

If it arouses the covetousness of others, it is also a very unpleasant thing for Nami.

Soon, the Merry arrived on this island with everyone.

What appeared in front of everyone was an open grassland, and there were several tall trees far apart on the island from time to time.

"Hey? It's so empty here, at first glance, it seems that there are no humans.

This is the first time everyone has seen a place where the entire island can be seen at a glance.

Also, there are no buildings here, which means no one lives there.

"Such a big island doesn't look like a dangerous uninhabited island."

Although there are not many uninhabited islands in the four seas or the Grand Line.

But the reason why there are no people on those islands is because either there are ferocious beasts on the islands, or the environment of the islands is really uninhabitable.

But looking at the situation here, it doesn't seem like it can't live in people.

"Could it be that there are powerful beasts on this island?"

Zoro took a look at his surroundings and found nothing strange.

Are the beasts hiding in some burrows?

"Uh… when you speak of a powerful beast, do you mean this?"

Usopp silently pointed at a white-haired dog passing by.


Everyone's eyes followed the body of the dog that was constantly passing by.

Then, it seemed that after quite a while, the dog finally completely left the place where everyone was.

・・・・ Flowers 0・・

"Huh? Is this a creature from Qinghai? There is such a long dog?


Just like Conis, it was her pet, Sisi Cloud Fox, who was on the Merry with Conis at that time.

Seeing this kind of unseen long dog now, Si Si was a little curious, and hid behind Conis's feet with a little fear.

"No no no, Conis, that's only unique to this island, dogs are normal elsewhere.

In order to avoid Conis' misunderstanding, although he was surprised that the dog was so long, Usopp immediately waved his hand to explain.

Anyway, except for certain places, it's too strange to have such a long dog!

"Ah? There's a hippo here, and it's so long?"


As the long white-haired dog passed by, another long hippo appeared in front of everyone.

The head is also normal, but the body part is also super long.

"This is a long chain island. The animals on this island, including plants, are very long in size. 995

If it goes on like this, it will never end, and Luffy has to explain.

Otherwise, everyone can only watch these strange animals here.

"But, what is that? It wasn't very long this time, eh?

Luffy turned around and saw an animal that didn't have a very long body.

Well, Luffy doesn't want to explain it. Although he has read the original book and has some impressions of this leopard, Luffy still feels that he has learned a lot.

As long as your island grows, it all grows in the length direction. What's the matter with the sudden appearance of an animal that grows in the width direction?

"This… it should be a leopard, right?"

Luffy is also not sure, this face is drawn so long, who knows if it is a leopard.

"Okay, don't ask more, I sense that there is still someone on this island, let's go to that person and ask about the situation!

Although the opponent seems to be in some trouble now, Luffy can easily save him.

It's just that according to the original book, he has been standing on the long bamboo pole for 10 years, doesn't he need to eat and drink?

Well, he's got fruit to eat, but what about La and Sa? Luffy always finds it a little scary.