
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Leaving Sky Island

"How is it, Merry, has Conqueror's Haki influenced you a lot?"

Watching Merry stabilize his body again, Luffy asked.

"The impact is a little bit, but it shouldn't be as unbearable as those who are stunned by you.

Although Luffy's release of Conqueror's Haki was limited, compared to those who had been stunned by Luffy before, Merry felt that it was not unbearable.

This is enough, after all, there are not many people who can know Conqueror's Haki, and there are very few people who can entangle Conqueror's Haki.

"So, when are you going to come out and see everyone?"

If it wasn't for Luffy's sudden awakening of the ability to listen to all things today, he might not even know that the Merry really produced a ship spirit.

And that's why Luffy asked for a vigil.

Luffy wants to confirm the existence of Merry, the ship spirit, and also to know whether Merry can eat Devil Fruit.

After all, if it is the ship spirit of the Merry, naturally there is no need to worry about whether it will betray.

"Ah? This…that…I'm not ready to meet you all…

Merry was clearly at a loss for Luffy's sudden offer to meet.

If Luffy hadn't heard his voice 607, Merry didn't plan to come out to see everyone before he reached the finish line.

"Since this is the case, then I will not force you, but you must prepare as soon as possible, and don't make everyone wait too long."

Luffy also had no plans to ask Merry to appear in front of everyone right away.

"Well, I'll try my best!"

The illusory ship spirit seemed very nervous, and didn't know how to answer Luffy at all, so he could only respond with words that would work hard.

"After all, you are also our companion, so there is nothing to be nervous about.

Luffy's words made Merry startled, but he seemed a little shy, and disappeared behind Luffy without saying hello to Luffy.

Luffy chuckled and shook his head, not intending to continue calling Merry out.

Turning his head to look at the very close moon in the sky, he once again thought about the next plot.

We are about to leave Sky Island. If Luffy remembers correctly, the Straw Hat Pirates seem to have met Aokiji on the first stop after getting off Sky Island.

Admiral of Headquarters- Aokiji, as he is now, may still be a little far from Admiral, but definitely not too far.

However, with Aokiji's ability, if the other party is really determined to arrest him and others, it will be very troublesome.

At least in the sea, it is completely impossible to escape, the ability of Frozen Fruit is indeed a bug-like ability in this sea.

However, with the character of the original Aokiji, there should be no need to worry too much that he will do his best.

But still be careful, after all, this is a real world, will there really be Marines who will let the pirates in front of them?

"Conqueror's entanglement, where is the opportunity to want to master it?"

Luffy stretched out his right hand, and an invisible aura began to wrap around it.

However, just when the momentum was about to materialize, it suddenly dissipated.

At this time, even if you want to find someone who can experience Conqueror's Haki, it is almost impossible to encounter it.

Still not enough time!

Luffy shook his head, lowered his arms again, and stared calmly at the extra bright moon in the sky.

The night passed quickly, and for Luffy now, the vigil was not a hard thing to do.

With the continuous improvement of strength, even if it is a week without food or drink, there will be no problem at all.

But that is based on eating and drinking and storing enough energy in the body.

"Hey, Luffy, did you talk to anyone yesterday?"

Nami, who came out of the room, looked at Luffy suspiciously.

Yesterday, Nami drank a lot at the banquet to welcome Conis.

Although I have a good alcohol intake, after returning to the room, I quickly fell asleep because I didn't have to worry about safety.

But in a daze, I still heard the sound of beae chatting outside.

Could it be that Uncle Gaoya was worried that Conis left, and came to Luffy last night to explain it?

"Ah! Luffy, are we going?

Before Luffy could answer, Usopp and the others also came out of the cabin.

Nami didn't continue to struggle, maybe someone on the boys side couldn't sleep and came out to watch the night with Luffy.

"Since everyone is up, let's go. This trip to Sky Island is a full reward!"

Gold, Thunder Fruit, these two alone are worth the trip.

What's more, I also bought some Sky Island specialties, Sky Island shells, cloud-made furniture and Weiba, etc.


Everyone who was already up heard what Luffy said, and they all responded.

Not to mention the invisible ones, the gold cut from the Lord of the Sky has already blinded everyone.

Now, after returning to the Grand Line, it's time to build a bigger boat.

Although the Merry is also very comfortable to live in, the space is too small.

In the future, Luffy will definitely have to recruit people, and then the Merry will not be able to accommodate so many people.

"But how are we going to get down?"

Although I was very excited, but when I came up, I was riding up the sky and the ocean current. What should I do when I go down?

There is no second possibility other than the death of the ship by falling directly.

"Don't worry, my father has prepared a way for us to go to Qinghai."

At this point Conis came out of Nami's room with what looked like a piccolo.

"In that case, let's go."

Naturally Luffy knew what it was, but he still felt a little vague.

Even if the strength has reached the current level, after all, it fell from the sky 10,000 meters high.

Although he can use the fruit ability to achieve the effect of short-term flight, but if there are so many people, if there is an accident, he will not be able to save them all.

Even if it is Mikita, if the place where it falls is the ocean, it will be a dead end.

However, this was all based on unexpected circumstances, and Luffy believed that the luck of himself and others would not be too bad.

So the Merry went straight into a narrow channel.

Then, after gliding for a certain distance at extreme speed, the Merry, which had left the river channel, lost the support of the river channel and began to descend at extreme speed.

"Ah ah ah…"

Although they knew there was a solution, but at this time, everyone couldn't help screaming.

Even Luffy noticed that the Merry's lovely smiling sheep's head seemed to be overly frightened.


However, the shock of everyone did not last long, as Conis blew hard on the wooden flute she took out.

An octopus-shaped hot air balloon flew into the sky, and the octopus tentacles firmly grasped the entire Merry.