
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 156

Chapter 156 Ship Spirit Merry

"Then let's take a final night's rest here today, and we'll set off early tomorrow morning!"

On the Merry, Luffy said to everyone who had just finished dinner.

Because they were going to leave tomorrow, everyone didn't stay at Conis's house any longer.

After helping Conis pack up, everyone took Conis aboard the Merry.

Then, there was a sumptuous dinner, which was undoubtedly very effective for Conis, who was about to leave Sky Island for the first time.

At least the lively banquet softened the girl's parting emotions.

"You all have a good rest today, the task of vigil is handed over to me.

Luffy explained, and left the kitchen first, and came to the sheep's head on the bow of the Merry, where he usually stayed.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I don't understand why Luffy suddenly asked for a vigil.

After all, this was the first time Luffy had said that he was going to keep a vigil, and, as the captain, he didn't need him for the task of keeping a vigil.

But everyone didn't think too much, after all, Luffy had his own ideas.

Also, someone was always going to sleep on the deck, so since Luffy was keeping watch, everyone else could sleep in the cabin.

As for the girls, Nami had both the cloud bed and cloud chair that Usopp and Sanji bought into her room.

Although the room was a little smaller, and it was squeezed a little after it was all stuffed in, it was barely able to put it down, and these were enough for them to sleep.

"The trip to Sky Island is over. Next, it's time to change to another boat. What do you think, Merry?"

The bright moonlight scatters on the deck of the Merry, and the calm sea of ​​clouds glows in the moonlight.

Suddenly, behind Luffy, an illusory shadow stood there.

"Sorry, Luffy, I can't carry more people."

A childish voice came from the shadow behind Luffy, with a hint of frustration and some reluctance in her tone.

"Wait until the new ship is built, can you let me say goodbye to my friends `~?"

"What are you talking about, Merry? While we do need to get another boat, no one says we don't need you anymore!"5

Luffy turned his head slightly, with a slight smile, glanced at the illusory figure behind him who could not see the specific appearance.

"However, it's not just about the number of people, I don't have enough ability to carry you to sail farther."

Navigation on the Grand Line was indeed quite grueling for the Merry's material.

Maybe there will be a few more times like the sky-high current, and the Merry will shatter like the original.

At that time, if Luffy and others are in danger due to sudden damage, even if he disappears in the end, Merry will never forgive himself.

"Then, it depends on whether our boatmen can fully utilize the capabilities of that Munch-Munch Fruit.

In Luffy's mind, if Franky can give full play to the ability of Munch-Munch Fruit, it is not difficult to keep the Merry.

"By the way, Merry, can you eat Devil Fruit?"

This is the question that Luffy has been thinking about. Spirits like ship spirits exist, can they eat Devil Fruit?

"Uh… It should be edible, after all, I can repair real ships, and naturally I can eat real Devil Fruit. 99

Not following Luffy's escaping thoughts, Merry paused slightly, but continued to answer.

"However, I just don't know if the ship Merry will be cursed by the sea and unable to sail after eating Devil Fruit.

This really needs to be considered, but since it can be eaten, Thunder Fruit does not have to worry about who to eat it.

When the new ship is built, let Merry eat Thunder Fruit directly.

Luffy wasn't afraid that Merry's eating Thunder Fruit would have no effect.

Although Thunder Fruit is indeed a powerful ability, in this world, there is no invincible ability.

It all depends on the development and exercise of the person who eats Devil Fruit.

However, until the new ship is built, it is better not to risk Merry eating this Thunder Fruit.

In case of the province, after Merry ate Thunder Fruit, Merry could not continue sailing, resulting in himself and others not even having a boat to go to the Seven Waters.

"It's good to be able to eat Devil Fruit. With one more combat power, our navigation will be safer in the future."

If Merry can eat Logia's Thunder Fruit, will Merry still be afraid of Haki's existence as an incorporeal ship spirit?

"Hey, Merry, can we touch you?

The ship's spirit, Merry, was right in front of him. Naturally, Luffy wouldn't take his own imagination, just ask and test it.

"Human words can't touch me, but I don't know if there will be any change after eating Devil Fruit.""

Although Merry appeared in front of Luffy for the first time, Merry, the ship's spirit, was also full of trust in Luffy.

For Luffy's inquiry, of course, he will say what he knows.

~So, can Haki touch you?

"It's my physical body as it is now, if Luffy can use Haki to see if he can touch me.

Merry wasn't quite sure if Haki could touch him either.

After all, the power of Haki is so omnipotent, maybe he can even touch things like spirit bodies?

After listening to Merry's words, Luffy didn't hesitate, and first stretched out his right hand, not wrapping Haki around, but simply reaching out to Merry.

The hand passed through Meli's chest without any hindrance, and passed directly from the back of Meli's illusory figure.

Withdrawing his right hand, Luffy re-wrapped a thin layer of Armament Haki on his right hand, and then extended his right hand again.

The right hand wrapped around Armament Haki passed through Meli's body again, without touching the entity.

"Even if you are wrapped around Armament Haki, you still can't touch your body. It seems that there is nothing that can hurt you except the specific (King's Zhao) Devil Fruit ability.

From this point of view, as long as he doesn't encounter Devil Fruit, which is a kind of existence that restrains spirits, Merry seems to be an invincible existence.



The invisible Conqueror's Haki rushed towards Merry, and Luffy only released a trace, after all, I don't know if it would affect Merry or not.

But even a trace was enough, Luffy just wanted to know if Conqueror's Haki had any effect on Merry.

Luffy kept his eyes on Merry after releasing Conqueror's Haki.

After Merry released Conqueror's Haki in Luffy, the illusory figure was a little erratic and seemed to be disillusioned at any time.

"Looks like Conqueror's Haki still has an impact on you. 35

If Conqueror's Haki's stun is effective, then Conqueror's Haki's entanglement can also attack Merry.