
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Progress

"Nami is so willing to buy these cloud beds and chairs, it's surprising!"

On the road of Lovely Street, Usopp was carrying a cloud chair in his hand and half a cloud bed on his shoulders, and he kept nagging.

Nami, who is usually stingy to that level, is willing to spend money on these things that have no practical use.

"But to be honest, these cloud chairs and cloud beds are really comfortable to lie on, and I really hope to be able to lie on this bed with Miss Nami!

Carrying the other half of the cloud bed and holding a cloud chair in his hand, Sanji fell into delusion again.

"But, even if Nami were to lie on this cloud bed with someone, it would only be Luffy, right?"

Usopp didn't understand Sanji's thoughts at all, and directly ignited Sanji's jealousy.

"Ahhh! Damn it's Luffy!"

Sanji, who was interrupted by Usopp's delusions, was suddenly furious, and frantically shook the cloud bed he was carrying on his shoulders.

But this made it hard for Usopp. With Usopp's power, he couldn't stand Sanji's shaking at all, and he was thrown up by Sanji even with the cloud bed.

"Bastard Sanji, are you trying to kill 14 me?"

Usopp, who was shaken non-stop, immediately turned into a sharp-toothed mouth and roared at Sanji.

"No, I have to buy another cloud bed, even if I can't be with Miss Nami, isn't there Miss Robin, Miss Mikita and the others?"

The more jealous Sanji became, the more he wanted to go back to the furniture store just now and buy another cloud bed while dragging Usopp.

"You give up, Nami only gave Bailey enough to buy these, or do you have more pocket money?"

Although he was dragged by Sanji even with the bed, Usopp had to remind him, or else it would not be a waste of time?


Usopp's words made Sanji sober, he really didn't have the money to buy a cloud bed, so he had to give up in the end.

Looking at the jealous Sanji in front of him, Usopp seriously suspected that Sanji had promised to buy these things with a happy face, just to realize the delusion in his mind.

But he didn't think about it, with Luffy around, this kind of good thing couldn't happen to him!

Huh? Why should I say good things?

Usopp was a little confused, but quickly put the question behind him.

Apart from these two cloud chairs and a cloud bed, Nami didn't ask for anything else.

But Usopp himself has bought a lot of Sky Island shells.

It was also with Luffy's consent that Nami took Bailey to Usopp.

Moreover, with the Sky Island shell cultivation technology that Paige Ya handed over to him before, there is no need to buy a lot.

And this kind of common thing in Sky Island is not too expensive.

"By the way, is the Chopper side about to succeed?"

Sanji doesn't know how well Chopper's research is going because of his previous trip with Luffy to find Enel's connection.

I just heard Chopper mention it while eating, and then Chopper hurriedly finished his meal and went on to do his research.

After listening to Luffy's words, whether it's Sanji or Zoro, now they are eager to improve their strength.

Although there was a newly reborn Thunder Fruit on board, the two didn't want to eat it.

So, the quickest way to improve your strength now is the only way from Chopper.

"When you went to find Enel before, Chopper seemed to have made progress. It seemed that because of the relationship between Sky Island shells, there was a breakthrough in research."

Sanji stopped fussing, Usopp shook his dizzy head and replied.

Why don't you want to become stronger? So Usopp chose to study these Sky Island shells when he couldn't do it overnight.

"Sky Island babe? Is there any connection between this?"

Sanji doesn't understand, is the horn of the unicorn lion still the same substance as the Sky Island shell?

"No, it's just that there were no corresponding tools on the Merry before, and these Sky Island shells are just functional enough to meet the needs of Chopper research.

In fact, the main thing is the hot shell. On the Merry, the Chopper does not have the tools to heat it to a sufficient temperature.

But after coming to Sky Island, Rebei's appearance solved Chopper's urgent needs.

"That's it, but these Sky Island shells are really amazing, and they have all kinds of functions!"

Hearing Usopp's explanation, Sanji also understood.

Then I have to sigh that this Grand Line is really magical, not only the islands that exist above the sky like Sky Island.

There are even these magical props on Sky Island, if Luffy had not been promised to get on the ship.

Maybe I will not be able to see the vastness and magic of this sea in my life.

"Indeed, and there are so many types of these Sky Island shells, I really don't know how these things came into being! 35

When it comes to Sky Island shellfish, Usopp seems to be in high spirits, after all, this kind of thing, even if he was bragging about it, he couldn't think of it.

"By the way, it seems that not only Chopper has a breakthrough, Marianu seems to have a clue, and it's not just Observation Haki."

Usopp's words made Sanji's expression lift, if Marianu's side also succeeded, then he might not be far from awakening Armament Haki.

Although this trip to Sky Island, his own Observation Haki has initially awakened.

But because of physical fitness, it is not easy to awaken Armament Haki607.

Now whether it is Chopper or Marianu, if there is progress on both sides, these people may usher in a wave of great promotion.

"I don't know how Luffy plans to arrange that Thunder Fruit, Usopp. If you want to eat it, I think Luffy won't refuse it, right?"

Not only himself, but Usopp also needs to get stronger.

In Usopp's case, the fastest way to increase his strength is undoubtedly to eat the powerful Devil Fruit.

After Luffy and the others came back, they naturally told everyone about Thunder Fruit, and Luffy also said that there was no special arrangement to give Thunder Fruit to anyone.

But Usopp always felt that that kind of ability was not suitable for him. Although it was powerful, it was not in line with his own mind.

Luffy also said that Devil Fruit's ability depends on development. If you can find a fruit that suits your heart, it will undoubtedly be more handy to develop.

"I don't think that Thunder Fruit is suitable for me, so it's better to wait and see if there is a more suitable Devil Fruit.

Usopp's words made Sanji look sideways.

Being able to resist the temptation of Thunder Fruit, this gave Sanji some understanding of the man in front of him for the first time.

Maybe this is the reason why men like Luffy can invite Usopp on board!