
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Embarrassing Gal-Tino

"Huh… I finally solved him!"

Seeing Mori no Satoru who finally collapsed, Gal-Tino let out a long sigh of relief.

Although Gal-Tino didn't suffer any damage compared to Zoro and Sanji, the consumption of physical strength was the biggest among the three.

If he can't solve Mori's Great Go, then Gal-Tino will probably have to wait for Luffy to save him.

However, despite being so exhausted, Gal-Tino did not gain much.

Luffy's intention was to awaken Observation Haki in dangerous situations.

But Gal-Tino's ability seemed unexpectedly useful in this situation, making him give up the idea of ​​evasion completely.

In the face of the whole person ball cloud covered with the forest, directly relying on the ability of Wax-Wax Fruit, he defended the whole person ball cloud around him.

Therefore, there is absolutely no appearance of awakening Observation Haki.

On the contrary, Zoro and Sanji Observation Haki has awakened.

Looking at the battle between the two just now, it was obvious that Zoro's slash, and Shan Shiji's final dodging, both predicted Mori's Dawu's actions in advance.

And once Observation Haki is awakened, the next thing is relatively simple, just need to keep using it and increase the proficiency.

But even so, the two are expected to go through a period of time when Observation Haki is on and off.

"Hey, are you all right?"

Nami, who had been on the boat with Luffy, asked Zoro and the three of them after seeing Daigo Morino collapse.

The non-stop explosion just now made Nami's heart skip a beat.

Moreover, these things called the whole person ball cloud are actually clouds, and the clouds of this Sky Island are really versatile!

"I'm fine, Miss Nami~"

Hearing Nami's caring question, Sanji, who was still pretending to be smoking a cigarette, immediately changed his image and twisted his body towards Luffy's position.


Nami looked at Sanji speechlessly, really wondered how this person could be so crazy.

"Since Mr. Chef is fine, then Mr. Swordsman and Mr. Candle should be fine too!

Looking at Sanji like this, Robin looked at the other two with a dark belly and chuckled lightly.

"Now that it's settled, let's move on.

After the three of Zoro returned to the boat, Luffy took a look at the situation of the three of them, and there was nothing serious.

Although Sanji looked a little embarrassed, it was all skin injuries, so he would be fine after bandaging a little and resting for a while.

These injuries, for the physique of people in the pirate world, even the most ordinary Marine soldiers can quickly recover.

The boat continued to move forward, and as for Mori Zhidawu, who passed out, no one paid attention to it, and no one went to make up for it.

As for whether it will be killed by these whole people ball clouds, no one will care.

If you are lucky, if you don't touch him before waking up, you will be fine.

"Zoro and Sanji should both have something to gain, right?"

Luffy asked Zoro and Sanji about Gal-Tino.

As far as his fruit ability protects him well, Luffy doesn't need to ask to know that he can't awaken Observation Haki.

If this kind of situation can be awakened, then Luffy thinks that if he has this kind of aptitude, he should have already mastered two-color Haki.

"Well, it feels weird, like a flash of what's going to happen in the next instant in my head. 39

"It's clearer than the intuition I used to have when faced with mortal danger.

The two thought about how they felt in the battle just now, and then said with understanding.

"Huh? Both of you guys have awakened Observation Haki?"

Gal-Tino, who was still thankful that he wasn't injured.

Hearing that Zoro and Sanji actually awakened Observation Haki, it was a little hard to accept for a while.

These two guys actually awakened Observation Haki just because of this battle? This is too enviable!

"Huh? Zoro and Sanji awakened Observation Haki?"

I didn't understand what Luffy meant by suddenly asking Zoro and Sanji.

Now that Gal-Tino said that, he immediately looked at the two of them curiously.

At the same time, he also understood why Luffy wanted the three of them to deal with the round priest in this environment.

Was it to stimulate their awakening Observation Haki?

Thinking of this, Nami looked at Gal-Tino with some sympathy, the so-called no comparison means no harm.

They went down together as well. The other two were awakened, but I was the only one who didn't. This feeling must be very embarrassing, right?

Gal-Tino, whose scalp was a little numb from Nami's stare, and at the same time his face was a little uneasy, turned his head sharply to the other side.

Out of sight is pure, this is the navigator on the ship, and at first glance, it is Luffy's woman, and he can't afford it.

"The hardest step has been passed, and after that, it's just a matter of skillful use.

After confirming that the two had indeed awakened Observation Haki, Luffy nodded, said a simple sentence, and did not speak again.

Zoro and Sanji nodded, but they were still a little confused.

His own Observation Haki doesn't seem to be able to confirm who is around, but can only sense that someone is there.

That's according to Luffy's previous Observation Haki, Zoro and Sanji can be sure that Luffy can confirm his perceived existence.

What's going on here?

Is it because of seeing and hearing about 600-color Haki's cultivation to a more advanced level?

Although Observation Haki has practiced enough to foresee the future, he can actually see the picture.

But Luffy's Observation Haki isn't quite there yet, just because Luffy's Observation Haki is different.

However, despite their doubts, Zoro and Sanji didn't ask much. The most important thing now is to quickly use this ability.

In the battle just now, although Observation Haki was awakened, it seemed to be ineffective from time to time, and the two of them could not feel every time they were attacked by the whole person ball cloud.

Just like when Zoro was blown up at the beginning, although he sensed the hand that suddenly appeared, he failed to sense the shock wave he sent.

And in the subsequent dodging, except for the sudden slash, Zoro was not able to perceive anything else all the time.

The same is true for Sanji. When he was chased by Qiulong, he could not sense whether the surrounding Qiuyun was in danger.

It was only when he was close to Mori Zhidawu and was suddenly attacked by him that he sensed it and skillfully avoided the last attack.

That is to say, it is not so easy to master the power of Observation Haki, Master.

It seems that like Armament Haki, it also requires a skilled process.

Zoro remembered that when he awakened Armament Haki before, it was only after the battle with Smoker that he became a complete master.