
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Getting Ready For A Night Off

"As for Wax-Wax Fruit's fear of high temperature, it should improve after you learn Armament Haki.""

So in the final analysis, it is still a matter of Haki and physical fitness.

It can only be said that the power of Haki is too important in the pirate world.

Most of the battles between the strong are Haki's competition.

Of course, it does not rule out that the powerful Logia Demon fruit power is completely dependent on the power of Devil Fruit.

But you say they can't Haki?

Obviously impossible, as Luffy said to Gal-Tino just now.

After Master Observation Haki, Logia Demon fruit power can change the body shape in advance by elementalization, so as to avoid attacks with Armament Haki.

Moreover, encounter opponents who are also Logia Demon fruit power.

Unless the fruit overcomes each other or finds the opponent's weakness, is it necessary to exhaust the opponent's physical strength every time they fight?


Luffy had mentioned the power of Haki to them more than once.

But at present, except for Zoro and Master Armament Haki, there is still no awakening trend for the others.

Even Sanji has not touched the threshold of Haki now.

Everyone fell silent when they heard Luffy mention Haki again.

But this kind of thing really can't be rushed. If Armament Haki is concerned, it depends on the progress of Chopper, otherwise, he can only exercise honestly.

As for Observation Haki, it's either a matter of talent or just praying for Marianu to develop her abilities as soon as possible.

"But these things can't be rushed. Armament Haki's awakening requires physical fitness. For this, the horn of the unicorn lion on your side, Chopper, needs to be studied quickly.

"As for Observation Haki, the most convenient way for now is Marion's ability.

After Luffy finished speaking, he looked at the two little ones standing in the middle of the crowd.

"I-I'll try my best.

Marianu, who was named by Luffy, said shyly.

She has always been a small transparent Marianu on the boat, and is very uncomfortable with the feeling of being stared at by everyone.

Chopper has nothing to be ashamed of, maybe that's why he stayed with Usopp all the time.

"The research on the horns of the unicorn lion went very smoothly, and it is estimated that it will be successful in a while."~

Oh? That's good news, it seems that Chopper's talent for pharmaceuticals is really strong.

Although it is in the case of the main material, it is really amazing that Chopper can research so quickly.

"Chopper, you are too good! As expected of my little brother, hahaha!"

Hearing Chopper's words, everyone was surprised, although Chopper's art has been experienced by everyone.

But he didn't expect him to be so researched in medicine, that the horn of the unicorn lion actually has eyes and eyes so quickly.

Usopp even squatted down and patted Chopper on the shoulder, as if he was the one who made progress.

"Bastard, even if you praise me like that, I won't be happy!

Chopper, who was praised by Usopp, immediately twisted up and down, his eyes narrowed into two slits.

"Why is Mr. Chopper so happy?"

Conis, who came over with tea, saw Chopper looking like this, and asked in confusion.

It is only right that they have just experienced the power of God, why are these people still able to laugh?

Is it because Mr. Luffy is back?

The solemn atmosphere just now seemed to disappear after Mr. Luffy and Miss Nami returned.

"It should be praised. 39

"Okay, now that Luffy and Miss Nami are back, let's eat first. 99

Sanji had already prepared the food, but now that Luffy and Nami are back, it's time to eat together.

"Wow, is it Sky Island's specialty fish?"

Although I don't know what kind it is, the fish in Sky Island are collectively called empty fish.

As soon as he heard that it was time to eat, Usopp was the first to react, and then he couldn't wait to run to the table and sit down.

Chopper followed, and a group of people took their seats one after another, and Sanji returned to the kitchen and brought out the empty fish that had already been cooked.

"Have a night's rest today, and tomorrow we'll go see that god."

At the dinner table, Luffy said to the crowd while tasting the taste of empty fish.

"Huh? Mr. Luffy, you…"

Hearing Luffy's words, Conis and Paigea, who sat down with Luffy and the others, were a little surprised.

"Oh? Can I finally meet that god?"

The corner of Zoro's mouth twitched when he heard that, obviously very interested in that god.

"I…are we really going?

Usopp and Chopper were still a little scared after seeing the thunder pillar attack before.

After hearing Luffy's words, his hands shook, and the fish that had just been caught on the chopsticks fell onto the table.

".~ But, if you want to see Lord God, you have to pass the trials of the four priests under his command."5

It is said that those who went to accept the trial did not come out alive.

Conis wanted to stop Luffy and others from telling what he had heard about those who had participated in the priest's trial.

"Apart from God, are there any priests?"

Although Sanji doesn't have much interest in the existence that claims to be a god, but since there is a priest, he needs to appear on his own, right?

After all, Luffy can't do everything alone.

"It seems that we also need to appear! 35

Gal-Tino took a sip of tea, then took up what Sanji said.

I am already a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, so I still have to do my best.


Conis is even more incomprehensible, these people who were clearly shocked and scared before, why are they like this now?

Do you think the divine punishment just now was just bluffing?

"Don't worry (Li Nuo Zhao), Conis, Luffy they have their own way.

Seeing Conis' eager look, Nami said comfortably.

Although I don't know why she cares so much about myself and others who are meeting for the first time, maybe it's just because of her kindness!

"Don't worry, we are tourists who enter Sky Island normally, and we went to see him in accordance with the rules of that god, so we won't embarrass you.

"Ah? That is to say, if we don't pay the entry fee, will the Sky Island residents who come in contact with us still be affected?

Luffy's words surprised Nami, thinking of the 1 million Baileys he had paid before.

If he didn't take out the money at that time, wouldn't the thunder pillar just come to him and others?

And the Paigea Conis father and daughter, who were in contact with themselves and others, might suffer along with themselves and others.

In this way, the god of Sky Island does not seem to be a kind god!
