
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

"This little fox is so cute!

The snow-white fox under Conis' feet successfully attracted the attention of the youngest Marianu.

"Can I hold it? 35

Marianu looked at Conis with hopeful eyes, the first time she had asked since she was on the Merry.

"Of course, Si Si is still very gentle."

Conis bent down and picked up the little fox, then handed it to Marianu.

Marianu carefully hugged the little fox, and then happily rubbed the little fox on his face.

The little fox didn't struggle either, but rubbed Marianu back with his head affectionately.

"Giggle, it's so itchy, haha…"

Marianu obviously likes the little fox's behavior very much, and has no plans to let it go.

"It seems that Si Si likes you very much too! 35

Seeing that the little fox didn't plan to run away, but just fell asleep in each other's arms, Conis also said with a smile.

These people seem to get along very well!

These Qinghai people who I have never seen before are not as vicious as the Qinghai people who came to Sky Island as my father said.

Not bothering with the question of God just mentioned, the group chatted with Conis while waiting for her father to return.

From Conis's mouth, 593 everyone knew the general situation of this Sky Island.

The place where everyone is now is an island called Angel Island, and here is Angel Beach.

On this island, there is a prosperous neighborhood named Lovely Street.

There is a cloud mining field nearby, and it is said that these reclining chairs are processed through the island clouds mined in the cloud mining field.

Although Conis doesn't know the specifics, it is known that Sky Island's clouds are divided into sea clouds and island clouds.

To the northeast of Angel Island is a place called the Altar of Living Offerings.

In addition, it is the island of the gods that is the restricted area of ​​Sky Island, that is, an island that is the residence of the gods.

As for the Sandians, Conis doesn't seem to know the existence of each other, so naturally he doesn't know where they live.

"Island of God, I really want to go up and see!"

Although Luffy told everyone not to talk too much, he still couldn't hold back everyone's curiosity.

"Ah, please don't go to the island of God, there is a forbidden area, except for the priests of God and the army of God, others will be punished by God.

However, when Conis heard Zoro's words, he immediately waved his hands in horror. These people don't know how horrible God's sanctions are to say this?

Obviously the one wearing the straw hat told them not to talk too much or do unnecessary things.

"Sanctions? 35

Conis' words did not dispel Zoro's thoughts, but aroused Zoro's interest even more.

"Huh? Something seems to be coming over there, 35

Just when Conis was still trying to persuade Zoro, Usopp, who had been looking around, noticed someone was speeding over from the sea of ​​clouds.

"Huh? With horns on the head, and the speed so fast, is it the same group of people who attacked us before?

Everyone looked in the direction Usopp pointed, and sure enough, there was a figure rushing over at extreme speed.

Zoro and Sanji immediately took a fighting stance, ready to start as soon as the other came over.

"Ah! That's my father, please don't do it!"

Conis also saw the figure who was rushing over, and quickly stopped Zoro and Sanji who wanted to do it.

Conis naturally saw that the person who was coming was his father, and he was also practicing piano here and waiting for his father's return.

My own father wouldn't attack people.

"Huh? It doesn't seem like the guy who attacked us really was a companion, he wasn't wearing a mask, and that horn was very similar to Conis's!""

When the figure approached, everyone realized that it was indeed different from the people who attacked themselves and others before.

"Not really! My father was just a Viking repairman."

Seeing that Zoro and Sanji had no plans to shoot, Conis breathed a sigh of relief, and then said helplessly.

But these Qinghai people were actually attacked by the people on the empty (beae) island? What's going on?

Conis didn't know about the Shandians, and naturally he didn't know that Sky Island had another group of people who weren't aboriginal.

"Belly button, Miss Conis!"

The bald middle-aged man with something resembling tentacles on his head greeted Conis with narrowed eyes as he approached the coast.

"Belly button, my father.

Conis responded, and everyone looked at what the middle-aged man was riding curiously.

That thing that looks like a motorcycle and a boat, what is it? It can travel on the sea.

The middle-aged man stopped the means of transportation under his feet, walked to Conis' side, and looked at Luffy and the others curiously.

"Conis, who are these?

"Ah, they are travelers from Qinghai, and I just invited them to our house."

Conis roughly explained it, and by the way, Luffy and others also introduced themselves.

"Hey, uncle, what was that thing you were riding just now?

Nami is most interested in the thing that can travel on the sea.

Because looking at the speed he had just now, it was completely unachievable by ordinary wind.

If it weren't for the wind, it would be amazing that something like a boat could sail on the sea.

Although there are other powered ships in this world, such a small ship obviously cannot fit those huge power plants.

"Oh, you said this, this is a Weiba, a small boat that can travel on the sea, but if it is the first contact, it is difficult to control.

Since her daughter invited the other party to be a guest at her home, she was naturally her own guest.

For Nami's curiosity, Paigea explained a little.

"Is it really hard? Can you let me try it?"

Nami is a little eager to try it, and if it really works, this one can also be purchased before leaving Sky Island.

"Of course, but pay attention to safety. After all, you Qinghai people don't have this kind of thing, and it will be difficult to control the first contact. 99

Paigeya did not refuse, although the other party was from Qinghai, it might not be easy to control Weiba.

But if you turn down the wind a little bit, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Paigeya briefly explained the operation method to Nami, and then adjusted the wind shell on his Weiba a little.

Nami took the Viba from Paigeya and rode on it excitedly.

Then, under the amazed eyes of Paige and the envy of Usopp and others, he drove the Weiba steadily.

"This young lady is really amazing. It's the first time to ride a Weimaraner, yet she can control it so well!"

Paigeya has naturally seen other Qinghai people want to ride the Weiba, but without exception, there is no way to drive it perfectly on the first ride like Nami.