
Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

One Piece Sailing Starts from Becoming Luffy

God_Of_All_Chaos · Tranh châm biếm
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447 Chs

Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Leisure Time

"Wow…is this the Sky Island? It feels incredible!"

The people who came out of the cave were immediately speechless by the sight they saw.

"This kind of scene is not even a dream! 39

The sea is full of clouds, but there are islands around it.

Even not far away, there is a beach-like place with a few plants similar to coconut trees.

"It won't fall down here, will it?"

Usopp looked at the magical sea of ​​clouds around him, and couldn't help it. He took off his clothes and jumped off the Merry.

"There really is a place like Sky Island…"

Gal-Tino only felt that the place he used to enjoy leisurely was completely inferior to this place.

"Marian, it's rare to come here, let's relax here!

As an old partner, "593" Gal-Tino was naturally the first to invite Marianu who had no sense of presence on the Merry.

"Ah? Ah… oh ok!"

Marianu, who was already stunned by the sight in front of her, didn't realize what Gal-Tino was saying for the first time.

"Then Zoro, let's drop the anchor and let's walk around that sandy beach."

Luffy said to the people who were still on the boat, this should be Angel Beach, but it's time to take a break.

From riding the soaring ocean current to the present, everyone has been in a state of nervousness, and now they have finally reached their destination, Sky Island.

And there is such a wonderful place, it is natural to take a good rest and relax.

"These guys really want to play whenever they get the chance!""

Seeing Usopp and Mr.3 leave one after another, Sanji muttered, then took off his coat and jumped down towards the sea of ​​clouds.

"You're not like that either…"

Zoro was holding the anchor and was about to drop into the sea of ​​clouds, when he saw Sanji's inconsistency in words and deeds, he muttered speechlessly.

"Hey, Chopper, come on, the ground here is so soft, it's like stepping on marshmallows.

Within minutes, Usopp had already swum to the beach.

However, there is no sand on the beach, but the same material composed of clouds.

"Oh~ Really?"

Hearing Usopp's shout, Chopper was instantly interested.

I was still considering whether to continue researching the horns of the unicorn lion, but this would completely leave it behind.

Sure enough, it's still a joke!

Chopper also jumped up, trying to jump off the Merry like Sanji just now, but was caught by Luffy.

"I'm here… eh?"

Chopper, who was still jumping in the air excitedly, suddenly felt that he was being held by someone, and turned his head to look innocently at the person holding him.

"Are you an idiot? Even if the sea here is a sea of ​​clouds, it is still sea water. Do you want to fall from this 10,000-meter altitude?

"Ah… can't swim in the sea here?"

After Luffy said that, Chopper instantly put away his excitement.

The limbs that were caught by Luffy and couldn't move suddenly fell down, as if they had suddenly lost hope of life.


Seeing the disappointed look on Chopper's face, who had completely forgotten that he was excited because of the beach, Luffy raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to Chopper.


Chopper, who didn't react, only felt his body being thrown out.

"Ahhh…what are you doing, Luffy!

Chopper, who sensed the situation at this time, cried out for help in horror.

"Hmph, you dare to call me a monster, don't you?"

Luffy patted Chopper's hand just now and snorted softly, finally feeling relieved.

"Are you a child? So vengeful.

Luffy's movements were completely watched by Nami who was beside him. Nami gave Luffy a speechless look at Luffy who rarely showed such an expression.

Not to mention, it seems to be quite new, just watch and maybe encourage Chopper to call the Luffy monster a few more times.

Nami thought to himself, the poor Chopper was still spinning in the air at this time, but he didn't know that he had been eyed by Nami.

Looking at the Chopper spinning in the air, Luffy didn't worry about hurting the Chopper. After all, the beach made of clouds is soft and elastic.

"Then let's go down too! Mikita, Robin, come down too!"

Nami put his arm around Luffy and called out to Mikita on the lookout and Robin on the deck of the Merry.

A rare leisure time, Nami naturally wants to spend it with Luffy, and now there are Zoro, Robin, Mikita, herself and Luffy left on the boat.

Nami called the two girls, and as for Zoro, after putting down the anchor, he came down naturally…

Luffy didn't refuse Nami's closeness either. He hugged Nami's slim waist and jumped down, jumping directly to the beach not far away.

"Huh? There are even chairs here!"

Nami, who had just stood up, was pleasantly surprised to find that there were two pure white chairs on the beach.

Decisively pulling Luffy and walking over together, Nami let go of Luffy's hand, and Mei Mei stretched her waist, revealing her bumpy figure.

Then he just lay down on the chair and twisted his body a few times after lying down, which seemed very comfortable.

"This chair seems to be made of the same material as the clouds on the beach. Could it be that Sky Island can process these clouds?"

Everything here seems to be clouds, at least the group has not seen anything like mud since they came up.

Luffy lay down on another chair, feeling really comfortable, soft and elastic, but with a hard texture.

These things processed with the cloud are really magical, maybe you can buy some and put them on the boat when you leave.

This way you can use these things instead when you want to rest in the future.

I just don't know if these things processed with clouds can be preserved for a long time under Sky Island.

"Hey, Luffy, is the Golden Land you're talking about really here?"

Finally had time to ask questions about Luffy Gold, the destination has been reached, and Nami was suddenly a little afraid that it was all a dream.

When you wake up from the dream, maybe everything will disappear, Sky Island will be gone, and gold will be gone.

"When did I lie to you in 0.4.

It's true that Luffy didn't lie to Nami, it's just that some unexplainable things didn't come out.

"Really? That's great. After we're done resting, we'll go…"

Nami's voice was getting quieter and quieter, and finally there was only a slight breathing sound.

Luffy glanced sideways and saw that Nami was asleep.

That's right, after riding the soaring ocean current, Nami has been nervous all the time, fearing that the ship Merry will be destroyed due to his own mistakes.

Now that I finally relax, I naturally fall asleep easily.

Although Luffy has never asked for anything from her, Nami didn't want to live up to the sentence that we have the best navigators here.

He may not be able to help him in combat, but at least in terms of sailing, he must have no worries.
